Warning! Spoilers for Robin #7 ahead!

While it may seem that the mask Robin wears that only covers his eyes would do little to hide his identity, Damian Wayne has revealed why it is the best option for a crime-fighter. What these masks – otherwise known as domino masks – lack in disguising ability they more than make up for in tactical advantage.

Domino masks first became popular in the 18th century when they were worn for the annual Carnival of Venice. They have been associated with masked vigilantes since the inception of pulp heroes like Zorro, the Lone Ranger and the Shadow in the early 20th century. Robin has been wearing one since his very first appearance in Detective Comics #38 in 1940, and other heroes like Green Arrow, Bucky Barnes and Green Lantern are also famous for wearing them. Much like Clark Kent’s glasses, the domino mask has often been mocked in pop culture by some who say that they cover so little of the face that one would have to be a fool not to recognize the person wearing it.


In Robin #7 by Joshua Williamson, Gleb Melnikov, Max Dunbar, Luis Guerrero and Troy Peteri, the Boy Wonder shows why a domino mask is the superior choice over a mask that covers one’s whole face. While taking part in the deadly Lazarus Tournament, Damian is battling against Respawn at the edge of a cliff when the issue opens. Robin yells to his opponent, “I don’t even know you, fool. But let’s correct that!” He then begins to life Respawn’s mask off his face, causing his foe to desperately scramble to pull his mask back down so that nobody can see his face. While Respawn is distracted with this, Robin kicks him off the edge of the cliff and proclaims, “You should have worn a domino mask, rookie.”

Robin’s actions make a strong point about the downsides of mask that covers someone’s whole face. While it would seem ideal for concealing one’s identity, it is also much easier to grab and mess up, obscuring one’s vision or distracting them, as is the case with Respawn. There’s also a comfort factor. Spider-Man has complained many times in the past that he gets sweaty under his mask. Combine that with the lower level of ventilation in a full face mask, and one can imagine that it probably doesn’t smell too great under there.

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Beyond being more practical in a fight, domino masks can be more effective in disguising one’s face than they might appear. Being able to see someone’s eyes is a big factor in recognizing them. That’s why when people try to conceal their identity in the real world, they will often wear glasses or sunglasses, to varying degrees of success. From a storytelling standpoint, domino masks are much better as they allow artists to give characters more expressive faces and convey emotion while not leaving their entire face exposed. And while the domino mask that Robin dons may not seem like the most convincing disguise, at least wearing it will not backfire on him in such a spectacular way.

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