Rogue Legacy 2 is all about the loot, and the tools. There are a ton of special items that allow players to experiment with different strategies when in battle. These battles rack up points which lead to more loot for the player to use. Players will be collecting a large amount of money during their missions. Holding onto all of that cash can be a challenge.

True to Rogue-Like form, Rogue Legacy 2 continues the trend of requiring the player to start from scratch after every failure. Keeping large amounts of cash is necessary for the extended success of players. Not every mission is going to net a player with enough cash to buy something major from the store. Players need someplace to put that gold and save it for later. Here’s how to unlock the Living Safe in Rogue Legacy 2.


The Living Safe in Rogue Legacy 2

The Living Safe is a method of saving the player’s cash to use after future missions. In the original Rogue Legacy, there was no way to save one’s money after a run. Players would journey into a dungeon, either survive or be destroyed, and would then be expected to spend all of their available cash on upgrades right away. There would be times when a poor run would only net a few coins. Worse yet, some runs would net just a few coins short of what was needed for an upgrade. Before moving forward, players would be forced to give up their money. The Living Safe allows players to bank even the smallest amount of money instead of giving it up before every run. This will allow even the shortest attempt at the gold to be beneficial for the player over time.

Unlocking the Living Safe in Rogue Legacy 2

In order to unlock the Living Safe, players will need to get a few things unlocked first. The first thing that needs to be unlocked is the Ranger class. This will simply require players to work their way through the available skill tree until Rangers and an option as an heir. The next thing players will need is the ability to upgrade their own health at the Mess Hall. This is also connected to the skill tree, but is further along and will cost the player considerably more coins.

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Following that, the player will be given the option to activate the Living Safe. This upgrade will prove to be deeply beneficial for players who may be struggling to get enough coins to move up the ranks.

Rogue Legacy 2 is available on PC.

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