The story of Harry Potter features three best friends: There is The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter himself. There is the brightest witch of her age, Hermione Granger. And there is Ron Weasley. His family is looked down on by some, due to hand-me-down clothes and borrowed books. He has been known to be very nervous and scared. But as fans know, he is actually a brave, loyal, kind and funny soul. The thrilling tale would not be complete without him!

Yes, Ron is made up of great and not-so-great personality traits, such as the ones mentioned above and below. And his five best and five worst are listed out here!

10 Best: He Is Courageous

Scene after scene shows Ron’s fears, such as spiders, but when it matters most, he can actually be quite courageous. After everyone first met him, they may not have expected him to go on and be involved in battles and exciting quests.

He knew it all had to be done, though, and he was not going to let down anyone. Therefore, he has definitely proved how brave he can be.

9 Worst: And He Has Quite A Few Fears

The other side to this, yes, is that the list of things that Ron is afraid of is pretty long. In general, he is a nervous person, and even when he is not going up against Death Eaters, he can be timid.

From dealing with girls to playing quidditch, there have also been scenes that show how scared this character can be during day-to-day activities. Poor guy!


8 Best: He Is Funny

One of his top traits is his humor. Sometimes, without even trying, he gets laughs from viewers of his films, readers of his books and those around him. In fact, some of the funniest scenes from this terrific tale are fearful one-liners from him!

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Many times, though, he is a natural jokester, full of happiness and wit, and this is a cheerful characteristic that seems to run in the family.

7 Worst: But It Can Come Off As Immature

Along with this funny side, there is immaturity. Sure, the story of Harry Potter does focus on school-aged kids, and Hermione in particular can get annoyed with people quickly.

Even compared to others in his grade, though, Ron’s behavior can be childish, as well as impulsive. If he could just stop and think things through a bit before acting or speaking…

6 Best: He Is Protective

Despite any flaws, Ron knows what is important in life, and he knows when to get serious. Therefore, he has put his protective nature on display.

He became a leader after teaming up with Harry, so he was sort of in charge, at times, of guiding and fighting for his classmates, family members and, most importantly, best friends.

5 Worst: Though He Can Be Insensitive

Overall, this character is a sweetheart, but he can be insensitive, too. That immaturity has come out as harsh words and dumb statements, as he speaks without thinking.

And while some may agree with him during these times, that is not the best way to go about life.

4 Best: He Has A Strength

When comparing the characters in the first book/movie to those in the last, there are some definite changes that took place. And Ron, specifically, has gotten braver, more confident and stronger over the years.

Being friends with Harry Potter has put him in some stressful situations, and he has been forced to suck it up and face his fears. As mentioned, he knows this is vital, though, and he has gained a real strength.

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3 Worst: Yet Has Insecurities

There is still room for improvement, as Ron is insecure, as well. This goes along with his awkwardness and nervousness, and it doesn’t help that he is BFFs with The Boy Who Lived and the brightest witch of her age.

In the novels and films, Ron was shown getting mad, acting out and being jealous, as he is not always 100 percent accepting of himself.

2 Best: He Is A Great Friend

Finally, it should be noted that Ron is a great friend. Is he perfect? No. Does he mess up? Of course.

But when it comes to pals, it does not get much better than this guy. He knows how to cheer people up, he would do anything for his loved ones, and he is a wonderful blend of sensitive and strong.

1 Worst: And Can Be Very Lazy

If one more not-so-great trait had to be listed, it would be that Ron can also be very lazy.

He seemed to enjoy school, overall… but he was definitely more interested in hanging out, taking trips and playing sports than studying, taking tests or doing homework.

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