Actress Rosamund Pike has opened up about the blame she feels for the failure of 2005’s DoomDoom was adapted from the hit video game franchise of the same name. Aside from Pike, Doom starred Karl Urban and Dwayne Johnson, who was fresh off the success of films like The Rundown while still early in his acting career. The movie was directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak, who had previously helmed Romeo Must Die and Exit Wounds. The plot saw a team of Space Marines called to investigate strange occurrences at a research facility on Mars, only to find themselves under attack from horrifying creatures.


Doom was a failure with critics who pointed out the film’s lack of originality and thin plot. The reviews didn’t do the movie any favors on its way to $58 million at the worldwide box office, falling just shy of its $60 million budget. Pike played the role of Samantha Grimm, the sister of the film’s protagonist, John Grimm (Urban). Unfortunately, most audiences also felt duped by the marketing, which painted Johnson as the star, only to learn that he becomes the film’s villain. However, Pike seems willing to take some of the blame for Doom‘s poor performance.

While promoting her upcoming Amazon series Wheel of Time on Collider Ladies Night (via Collider), Pike was asked about Doom‘s failure. She openly took part of the blame, saying, “I think I failed just through ignorance and innocence.” According to Pike, she wasn’t a gamer, which made her unaware of how popular Doom was with the passionate fans in the gaming community, going as far as to say, “I feel embarrassed.” Check out Pike’s comments below:

“I feel partly to blame in that respect because I think I failed just through ignorance and innocence to understand, to fully get a picture of what Doom meant to fans at that point. I wasn’t a gamer. I didn’t understand. If I knew what I knew now, I would have dived right into all of that and got fully immersed in it like I do now. And I just didn’t understand. I feel embarrassed, really. I feel embarrassed that I was sort of ignorant of what it meant and I didn’t know how to go about finding out because the internet wasn’t the place it is now for the fans to speak up. I wouldn’t have known where to find them. I do now! In fact, I now have many friends who were massive fans of the game and I just wish I had known them then.”

Doom was already fighting an uphill battle with the stigma of quality associated with video game films. Still, the right ingredients seemed to be in place, and the video game franchise was riding high with the recent release of Doom 3. The film sought to impress gamers, even having a lengthy sequence filmed in a first-person POV shot to look and feel like the games. However, like many other video game adaptations before and since, Doom couldn’t capture the immersive feel of the games for the audience.

At the time of Doom‘s release, Pike was still an up-and-coming actress. Her most notable role was Miranda Frost in the 2002 James Bond outing, Die Another Day. Still, despite her stating that she feels partially responsible, Doom failed on numerous levels, with Pike’s performance not being one of them. Luckily, Doom hasn’t hindered Pike’s career, as she’s gone on to star in successful films like Gone Girl and I Care a Lot, with Gone Girl even earning her an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Pike can next be seen in The Wheel of Time, which debuts on Amazon Prime Video Friday, November 19th.

Source: Collider Ladies Night (via Collider)

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