Plenty of science fiction stories have wondered if the 1947 crash in Roswell, New Mexico was something more than just a weather balloon. The 1999 series Roswell imagined alien-human hybrids being in the crash and emerging nearly 50 decades later. Roswell, however, focused on its relationships as much as it did its science fiction. With the CW’s Roswell, New Mexico, that series has been rebooted for a modern audience.

One of the fan-favorite relationships of the original series is that between Michael Guerin and Maria Deluca. The two were an on-again-off-again couple through the entire series run. With the reboot, the two have connected as well, but Michael also had a relationship in high school with her best friend Alex Manes that never fully ended. The series now has a complicated love triangle that includes more heart and understanding than most of the relationships that exist in young adult television. Both Alex and Maria seem like good matches for Michael.

10 Maria: She Pushes Michael

When Maria and Michael first interact in the series, Maria doesn’t put up with any of his excuses or give in to his charm. She pushes back. It’s good for Michael to have someone in his life who doesn’t just throw their hands up and walk away.

That’s not to say that Alex always walks away, but he’s gotten in the habit of giving Michael space every time Michael gets combative, which can be a good thing, but it also means things get left unsaid. Maria hasn’t gotten to that point.

9 Alex: They’re Trying To Be Friends First

Michael and Maria have never really been friends. Acquaintances through mutual friends and across the bar at the Wild Pony, yes, but never friends.

When Michael thinks he doesn’t have anywhere else to go in high school, Alex gives him a place to stay. Even though the two of them become friends in secret, they find common ground and share each other’s interests before they become romantic. They’re making an attempt at friendship again in the series.


8 Maria: They Both Have Special Abilities

In season two, Maria discovers that her psychic abilities are a little more real than anyone thought. She’s always been able to read people very well, and she’s incredibly intuitive, but in season two she actually has a premonition about Kyle Valenti that comes true.

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Michael has lived his entire life with special abilities, though he usually just blows things up or moves things with his mind. A lifetime of being different in such a unique way can allow them to bond. He might even be able to help Maria hone her abilities once they understand them more.

7 Alex: They Share An Investigative Nature

Alex and Michael are incredibly curious people. That’s led them down some very interesting paths in life. While Michael has devoted his spare time to learning about alien technology, Alex has become a codebreaker for the military.

Their curious natures have led them to teaming up to investigate their own families in the short time the series has been on so far. With Alex and Michael coming at the “alien conspiracy” from two different angles, they have a lot of information they can share, allowing them to learn to work together instead of against one another.

6 Both: Their Love For Music

One thing Maria and Alex both have in common with Michael is a love for music. For Maria, that’s mostly been shown through her love of lyrics from ‘90s songs and her great karaoke skills. Michael gets his first guitar courtesy of Alex, who plays, at the very least, the guitar and the piano.

Music, despite it not being a path pursued by any of them, allows each character a creative outlet in their very stressful lives. This isn’t a high school drama, so the audience probably won’t see the three of them form a band, but hanging out at the Wild Pony on stage isn’t out of the realm of possibility.

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5 Maria: They’re A Fresh Start

Maria and Michael don’t have the kind of baggage that comes with an old flame. With Maria, it’s like Michael gets a whole new chance at a relationship.

His interactions with Maria on a whole are lighter than his with a lot of the characters he shares a past with – even those that aren’t romantic. Maria hasn’t seen Michael at his darkest moments, even if she’s heard about them, so she has a different perception of him than those he’s been close with for years.

4 Alex: They Have A History

Yes, a fresh start can be good for someone, but there’s something to be said for shared history. Michael and Alex first got together more than 10 years ago.

Their relationship has had its ups and downs, but because of their initial spark in high school, they know each other’s tendencies when it comes to romantic entanglements better than most. They are also well aware of a lot of the traumatic events that happened in their teen years that some of their other friends weren’t there to witness.

3 Maria: Michael Admires Her Tenacity

Maria is not the kind of person who gives up when things become too difficult. As a kid, she keeps an eye on her mom, knowing that she has a rare disease that will eventually take her memories. She also works hard, saves her money, and buys the Wild Pony as soon as her mother loses her job there.

That reveal prompts Michael to give a rare, “that’s my girl,” which he, of course, quickly backpedals on. Maria not letting things go and trying to achieve her goals, no matter what is part of what attracts him to her. It’s rare for Maria to admit she needs help.

2 Alex: Alex Gets Michael To Open Up

Despite Michael and Maria becoming closer, she’s not yet one of the people he opens up to about much in his life. Instead, that tends to be Alex.

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Even when he and Alex aren’t on the best of terms, Michael is still willing to be open and honest with Alex. Sometimes, that honesty comes with a bit of hostility, but Michael doesn’t shy away from telling Alex any of his secrets, even when they’re painful. 

1 Neither: Their Connection To Caulfield

Everyone in this relationship might not have shared romantic history, but they do have shared familial history in a surprising place. Caulfield, a supposedly abandoned Air Force base that doubles as an alien prison in the first season of the show, holds a lot of meaning for them. 

Alex’s family has been part of the Air Force team keeping it a secret and leading testing there. Michael’s mother was held there as a prisoner for decades. Maria’s grandmother participated in experiments there in the ‘50s. The conflict and guilt associated with the imprisonment and experimentation could cause any of their relationships to eventually implode.

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