RuPaul’s Drag Race would not be the major success it is today without its dramatic moments. The show is full of memorable beefs between queens, but even RuPaul himself gets involved in the drama sometimes.

While RuPaul has been unimpressed with many performances on Drag Race since its debut, in some cases he goes a bit further than usual and gets quite irate with the contestants. Ranging from arguments to outbursts to quiet seething, these angry RuPaul moments make for some of the most memorable and intense incidents in Drag Race history.

10 During The Double Eliminations

Only twice ever in the history of Drag Race have both participating queens been eliminated after lip-syncing for their life: first on season 5 (Honey Mahogany and Vivienne Pinay) , and again on season 8 (Dax ExclamationPoint and Layla McQueen). These queens all failed to prove themselves worthy of staying in the competition during their lackluster performances.

While RuPaul didn’t outwardly express his anger toward the contestants in these cases, his frustration was evident. Not once did he seem impressed in the slightest throughout the lip-syncs, and he showed no remorse when it came time to send the queens home.

9 During The Madonna Runway (Kimonogate)

The infamous Madonna runway challenge of season 8, in which half of the queens reproduced Madonna’s iconic kimono look on the runway, has been appropriately dubbed “kimonogate” by the Drag Race community. Because so many contestants were clad in essentially the same outfit, RuPaul and the other judges were all understandably frustrated with the lack of originality.

Despite the extreme negative feedback from the judges, none of the contestants who wore kimonos were eliminated from the competiton in that episode. However, RuPaul was so disappointed by the runway category’s results that he brought the challenge back the following season, this time banning contestants from wearing kimonos on the runway at all.


8 When Mimi Imfurst Picked Up India Ferrah

During a lip-sync contest between Mimi Imfurst and India Ferreh in season 3, Mimi at one point grabbed India and lifted her up without the latter’s consent. India was understandably angry about this unexpected and alarming physical interference with her performance, screaming “Get her off of me!” until Mimi finally unhanded her. Once the lip-sync was over, RuPaul appeared to be at least as put off by Mimi’s antics as India was.

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RuPaul expressed his disdain for Mimi’s performance by stating bluntly, before eliminating her from the competition, “Drag is not a contact sport.” Mimi lost the lip-sync decisively and was sent sashaying away, bringing her time on the season to an ignoble end.

7 When Willam Broke The Rules

On RuPaul’s Drag Race, there are strict rules in place for the competing queens to follow. They include having to participate in controlled isolation, which means being allowed only a limited amount of contact with fellow contestants as well as with the outside world while the cameras aren’t rolling.

While the exact reasons why were not discussed explicitly at the time, RuPaul eliminated Willam early from season 4 upon discovering that she had broken the rules in some way. Willam has never denied that she broke production’s rules, although the exact nature of what she did has changed depending with differen tellings over the years.

6 During The Season 1 Reunion 

During the season 1 reunion episode, Tammie Brown argued that RuPaul and the judges should be more uplifting than discouraging in their critiques. She and RuPaul got into a heated argument, which led RuPaul to snap and raise his voice at every queen in an incredibly heated moment.

While the incident was tense, RuPaul calmed down again as he continued to talk and offered the contestants noteworthy advice about self-confidence. Still, by the looks on the other queen’s faces, it was clearly not the most comfortable conversation to hear.

5 During The Season 10 Reunion

After The Vixen chose to leave during the middle of filming the season 10 reunion, RuPaul began to rant to the other queens about The Vixen’s exit. Fellow contestant Asia O’Hara attempted to defend The Vixen, but this served only to make RuPaul even angrier.

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RuPaul continued ranting even more angrily than before with some strong, explicit lanague. He was so upset that he would barely let Asia get another word in. He claimed that he felt very disrespected by The Vixen, who was notably involved in her fair share of beefs on RuPaul’s Drag Race during her season, and that he himself would never walk out on a situation such as the reunion episode.

4 When Pearl Asked, “Do I Have Something On My Face?”

Drag Race fans will surely never forget when RuPaul was visiting the Werk Room during season 7 and delivered a backhanded comment about Pearl’s personality directly to her face. Pearl clapped back, annoyed, which led to an agitated conversation that ended in an intense staredown between the veteran drag queen and the young constestant.

As the starting contestant stretched into agonizingly long seconds, Pearl let out one of her most memorable Drag Race quotes, snarkily asking RuPaul, “Do I have something on my face?” Though he decided to end the interaction after that, RuPaul was clearly fuming. Pearl’s fellow constestant Max muttered, “I feel very uncomfortable right now,” speaking for everyone in the Werk Room as well as the viewers at home.

3 When Joe Black Wore H&M 

One of the more recent angry RuPaul moments came in the form of an outburst during season 2 of RuPaul’s Drag Race U.K. While the judges were criticising contestant Joe Black for his poor fashion choices, the drag queen admitted to buying part of her outfit at H&M.

This admission enraged and insulted RuPaul. He went on a short but fiery rant about the lack of quality that store-bought items bring to the runway unless they are done up extravagantly in some way. RuPaul was quite aggressive about his opinions on the matter and ensured the rest of the queens being critiqued understood his disappointment.

2 After The Shakesqueer Challenge

After the season 7 challenge in which the queens had to perform their own spin on classic Shakespeare plays, the judges gave some highly critical feedback about the results. Jasmine Masters spoke up and claimed that more time was needed for the challenge. RuPaul shouted in reply, “F—ing make it happen! I don’t want to hear any goddamned excuses anymore!”

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The eruption surprised everyone from the queens on stage, who were visibly taken aback, to RuPaul’s fellow judges, to audiences watching at home. At the time, this was one of the few instances when RuPaul snapped at the contestants so angrily during a regular season episode.

1 When Valentina Wore A Mask During A Lip-Sync

Perhaps Valentina was just a bit ahead of her time in season 9 when she notoriously wore a face mask during a lip-sync. It’s impossible to forget the incredibly tense moment when RuPaul stopped the lip-sync (something that had never been done before) to insist that Valentina remove her mask. With a stern edge in her voice, RuPaul told her, “This is a lip-sync for your life; we need to see your lips. Take that thing off of your mouth.”

When Valentina responded nervously, “I’d like to keep it on please,” RuPaul remained adament. “It’s a lip-sync,” he said. “What part of that do you not understand?” As Valentina removed the mask and the lip-sync resumed, it became apparent she hadn’t learned the words to the song. For Valentina, there was no coming back from her lack of preparation and attempt to flout the conventions of lip-syncing, making it one of the most one-sided RuPaul’s Drag Race lip-syncs ever before Valentina sashayed away.

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