If Marvel ever decides to greenlight a sequel to 2013’s cult classic Deadpool video game, Ryan Reynolds could appear in the project in a cameo. That would be perfect considering that the character loves breaking the fourth wall, and Wade Wilson is famously portrayed by Reynolds in the irreverent, ultraviolent Deadpool movies.

Ryan Reynolds was destined to become the Merc with a Mouth, as he was even referenced as a fit for Deadpool in the official comic book. 15 years ago, the antihero described his disturbing appearance as a cross between Ryan Reynolds and a Shar-Pei, a dog breed famous for its oddly folded skin. That’s when the actor knew he had to portray the character on screen, and reportedly became obsessed with this idea. Fast-forward a dozen years in the future, and the Merc with a Mouth was finally brought to cinematic life thanks to Reynolds’ persistence and dedication. Now, the starring voice actor from the seven-year-old Deadpool game is similarly persevering to make his own franchise dreams come true.


Per a ComicBookMovie.com interview, Ryan Reynolds could appear in the next Deadpool video game if it ever happens to come out. According to voice actor Nolan North, who portrayed the character in the original game (atop his other high-profile roles, such as Uncharted‘s Nathan Drake and The Last of Us Part II‘s Joel), he’s currently negotiating with Marvel in an attempt to convince the company to greenlight a sequel. North revealed that he’d love for Reynolds to do a cameo if the second game comes to fruition. After the shared a conversation on Twitter, North learned that his famous Hollywood counterpart was a fan of his work in the Deadpool video game, which Reynolds reportedly played and enjoyed.

The existing Deadpool video game was widely loved by players and comic book enthusiasts all over the world. It wasn’t perfect on the performance side as there were slight technical issues, but the way the character was portrayed was absolutely smashing. The signature humor was there breaking the fourth wall and making fun of literally everything. The game later saw a re-release on the current generation, and that’s when Reynolds jumped in and played the Deadpool video game together with the famous YouTuber jacksepticeye praising Nolan North for his voice acting.

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Nowadays, Ryan Reynolds is strongly associated with Deadpool as the actor is responsible for bringing the authentic representation of the antihero on screen. It’s no wonder that the creative team behind the video game dedicated to the character wants Reynolds to cameo in a possible sequel, and there’re literally zero downsides to that. Hopefully, Marvel acknowledges the high demand for a continuation, and with PS5 and Xbox Series X coming this year, now is the perfect time to consider Deadpool 2.

Source: ComicBookMovie

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