Actor Ryan Reynolds has recently given a hilarious response to Betty White’s claim that Reynolds has always had a crush on her. Reynolds and White have known each other for quite some time, having previously starred together in 2009’s The Proposal, in which White plays Reynolds’ grandmother. The film also stars Sandra Bullock as Reynolds’ love interest and boss.

January 17, 2022, will mark White’s 100th birthday, and the milestone prompted both Reynolds and Bullock to give an interview about their experiences working with White. Both had nothing but high praise for White, with Reynolds, in particular, mentioning that he had been a fan of her for a very long time. White, ever the comedian, used this opportunity to poke fun at Reynolds. The actress stated that she believed Reynolds had always had a crush on her, and she wondered if he would ever get over her.


In response, Reynolds has taken to Twitter to issue a hilarious statement. Reynolds posted the aforementioned interview while stating, “I’m absolutely sick of the media exploiting past relationships just to drive clicks.”  The tweet plays on the fact that Reynolds has joked about White in past interviews as if she were a previous girlfriend of his. The tweet was met with comments from many fans who decided to play along with the joke, stating their sympathy for the actor for being exploited in such a way.

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As it turns out, it wouldn’t matter whether the joke relationship between the two actors was ever real or not. Despite Reynolds having always claimed that there was something between him and White, it turns out that White has her eye on another Hollywood star. In the interview, White claims that she hopes Reynolds can get over her, as she is much more interested in Robert Redford.

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Despite all the jokes between the two about relationships, the friendship between Reynolds and White stands as proof of the impact White has had on people over the years. Stars who have been lucky enough to work with her have nothing but praise for her, and the actress continues to gather fans today. At 100 years old, White seems to still be going strong (having never officially retired), and fans still hope to see much more of her in the future. Perhaps Ryan Reynolds will even win her back one day. Only time will tell.

Source: Ryan Reynolds (via Twitter)

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