Warning! Spoilers ahead for Sabretooth #1

In Marvel Comics’ new Sabretooth series, Victor Creed’s imagined massacre of the Marvel Universe was so much worse than when Deadpool did it. This is because something very real and very dark has come out of it which will have real-world consequences for mutantkind going forward. While Wade Wilson’s slaughter might have featured more deaths depicted on the page, all of it was within a non-canonical story with no impact on the actual Marvel continuity.

In Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, an attempt to cure Wade Wilson on the part of the X-Men makes him worse where he becomes completely homicidal, seeking to kill all of Marvel’s superheroes. While he certainly succeeds in his brutal endeavor in the comic from writer Cullen Bunn and artist Dalibor Talajić the story is non-canon, an imagined scenario that leaves next to no mark on the official Marvel-616. In contrast, Victor Creed’s own imagined massacre is creating actual problems in Sabretooth #1 from Victor LaVella and Leonard Kirk.


In Sabretooth #1, Victor Creed’s fate as a prisoner of Krakoa is revealed, having broken the nation’s laws and receiving the punishment: being imprisoned in the bowels of the island itself. However, his mind is allowed to roam free in a telekinetic space while his body remains captive. As such, Creed envisioned a reality where he could finally kill all of his enemies such as the X-Men, Iron Fist, Charles Xavier himself, and many more which are implied. However, after doing all the killing all he could ever want, Victor began thinking about what more he could do and become, resulting in something very real being formed in the process.

Remarkably, the aftermath of Sabretooth’s massacre of the Marvel Universe results in him creating a very real mutant Hell where other mutants end up being sent by the issue’s end, confirming that the dark and tortured realm isn’t just in Sabretooth’s head alone. While it likely has to do with his mind being granted freedom and connecting with Krakoa itself (who’s sentient), it’s possible that the island was manipulated by Creed to form this nightmare within its own bowels. However, it could very well be a realm that’s still within Creed’s mindscape that mutants have simply given inadvertent access to, becoming accidental victims and slaves to Creed.

Whatever the case may be, Sabretooth’s Marvel massacre actually saw him creating something real in the aftermath (even if it was unintentional). Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe simply saw Wade leaving the comics and killing the story’s creators before swearing to come after the readers themselves. Deadpool’s story had no canonical impact beyond being an entertaining “What If…?” concept. In contrast, Sabretooth is now the very real King of Krakoa’s Hell in the Marvel Universe.

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