Sailor Moon’s first arc saw the title character, and her Sailor Senshi defeat the evil Queen Metaria. As time went on, more characters were introduced beyond those first five heroines and their ally Tuxedo Mask. Even more, Sailor Senshi joined the fight against other villains, including Sailor Chibi Moon.

Sailor Chibi Moon, known as Chibiusa in her civilian form, entered the franchise as something of a surprise. She traveled through time and went up against Usagi, intent on finding a special crystal to help save her family in the future. After the reveal that she was actually Usagi and Mamoru’s daughter from the future, fans were curious about where her story would take the franchise. Some fans might still have questions about her since much of her story was different between the original anime and manga.

10 When Did Chibiusa Make Her First Appearance?

Chibiusa’s first official appearance in the manga is in Chapter 13 when she comes to Usagi’s present timeline from the future Moon Kingdom. She actually had a brief appearance earlier than that.

Her earlier appearance isn’t part of the story proper, but is instead in a short story that appeared over a year before Chibiusa time traveled in the fifth volume, called “Chibiusa’s Picture Diary.” In it, she was rescued by two of Sailor Moon’s Inner Senshi and dreamed of becoming a Sailor Senshi herself.

9 How Is Her First Sailor Senshi Uniform Different?

That first short story even included Sailor Chibi Moon in a uniform as she dreamt, but the uniform she dreamed up would be a little different than the one she would eventually wear when she activated her Sailor Senshi abilities.

In her dream, her uniform included a cape. Perhaps she was a little inspired by her father’s use of a cape as well as the Sailor Senshi themselves.


8 What Is Sailor Chibi Moon’s Astrological Sign?

Chibiusa has a lot in common with her mother. One of those commonalities is her birthday. With both of them born on June 30, that makes them both fall under Cancer (or The Crab) in the Western zodiac system.

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This particular star sign is very intuitive and perceptive, but also has a keen sense of self-preservation. While Chibiusa and her mother both fall in line there, the biggest reason they likely have the same sign, and the same birthday, is because Cancer’s ruling celestial body is, of course, the moon.

7 How Do Sailor Chibi Moon’s Powers Differ In The Manga And Anime?

Sailor Chibi Moon has essentially the same powers in the manga and the anime, but they are treated very differently. The 90s anime toned down how powerful they were.

In the manga, the attacks used by Sailor Chibi Moon were just as powerful as the other Sailor Senshi, capable of doing some serious damage to her enemies. In the anime, however, they were mainly used to distract and disorient the enemy, lacking the same firepower. She acted similarly to Tuxedo Mask in a fight, coming in to give Sailor Moon a breather before the leader took the finishing blow.

6 What Is Her Blood Type?

Japanese pop culture has had an interest in blood types and how they affect personality since the 1920s. Since the initial personality traits assigned to each blood type, there’s been no scientific study that replicated the theories, but it certainly provides for some interesting foundations for fictional characters. 

Chibiusa is Type O. According to the theories, this blood type would indicate the character should be ambitious, intuitive, unpredictable, and self-centered. That sounds about right for a young woman who wanted to be a warrior and was willing to travel through time to save herself and her parents. Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Neptune all are Type O as well.

5 How Is Her Time Travel Different In The Manga And Anime?

While Chibiusa uses one of Sailor Pluto’s space-time keys to travel back in time in both the manga and the anime, just how she manages to do that is slightly different.

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In the anime, Sailor Pluto trusts Chibiusa, or Small Lady as Sailor Pluto calls her, to make a wise decision. She gives her a key to travel to the past. In the manga, however, Sailor Pluto doesn’t remove the key or hand it over. Instead, Chibiusa steals the key in order to enact her plan and save her family.

4 How Old Is Chibiusa?

When Chibiusa first appears in the franchise, she seems to be about five years old. She gradually grows over the course of the franchise to appear a few years older. Some stories in the anime have even made her as “old” as 12 when she spends time in the past. All of those ages, however, are not her true age.

Instead, when she first appears in the series, Chibiusa is actually said to be 900 years old. She simply stopped developing around the age of five. It’s not until she awakens her abilities as Sailor Chibi Moon that she begins to grow.

3 Does She Have Her Own Group Of Sailor Senshi?

Because Chibiusa is written to be someone whose life is very much modeled after her mother’s, it should come as no surprise that Sailor Chibi Moon is meant to lead her own team of Sailor Senshi as well. She doesn’t inherit her mother’s team, so even though Sailor Saturn’s civilian form is her best friend, they don’t end up as future teammates.

Instead, Chibiusa’s team is actually made up of one-time enemies. The Amazoness Quartet, cursed into working for Queen Nehellenia when they are awoken from a deep sleep, are actually the Asteroid Senshi. Though the 90s anime never addressed it, the foursome became Sailor Chibi Moon’s Senshi after Nehellenia was defeated, and they again went to a magical sleep until it was “the right time” in the manga.

2 What Does Her Name Mean?

Fans are used to referencing Sailor Chibi Moon as Chibiusa (or Rini in the 90s English dubs), but she has a much longer full name. Her full name is Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity.

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Like her mother, she’s got “Usagi” and “Serenity” in her royal name. The only reason she’s called Chibiusa at all is because when she tells everyone during her time travel adventure that her name is Usagi, they need a way to differentiate her. “Chibi” means “small,” designating her as a “little Usagi,” much like her full formal name does.

“Usagi,” as many Sailor Moon fans know, is a word that means “rabbit” in Japanese, as a reference to the rabbit in the moon, like Americans reference a man in the moon. Chibiusa’s design, like her pointed odangos for her pink hair, are even meant to call to mind a rabbit.

Interestingly, her formal name doesn’t include the surname of either of her parents’ civilian forms – Tsukino and Chiba. It’s not clear if that means they’ve completely abandoned their former lives, or if they simply don’t use surnames in their new Moon Kingdom.

1 What Is One Food Chibiusa Hates?

There’s a little bit of irony in the extra information revealed about Chibiusa and Usagi in the Sailor Moon volumes. Though they both have a name to reference rabbits, both young women hate carrots, a vegetable often associated with rabbits.

Funnily enough, though that detail is listed in the manga, they’re both seen eating carrots in the 90s anime multiple times. That appears to be one detail that got overlooked by animators.

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