The world of Sailor Moon is full of magical girls, sneaky villains, and happy endings. There’s a lot of tragedy to go with the triumphs of the Sailor Senshi, and the lessons learned almost always involve messages of belief and love. All of those things might actually call to mind Disney animated features as well.

If the Sailor Senshi and their allies found themselves in the wonderful world of Disney, they’d find they had a lot in common with those animated characters. The Sailor Senshi in particular would be able to draw lines between themselves and Disney princesses.

10 Sailor Venus: Mulan

Sailor Venus is the Senshi most often associated with love thanks to her planet, but she’s also an incredibly strong warrior. She has a deep sense of duty to the other Sailor Senshi, but she also tries to find her own path to fulfill it.

When Sailor Venus first awakens to her power, she becomes Sailor V first, working with Interpol to fight dark forces into the world before the rest of the Senshi awaken. It’s not unlike Mulan stepping into the soldier’s shoes to take her father’s place and growing into a capable warrior. By the time Sailor Venus finds the other Senshi, she has a lot of her memories – and skills – from her past life.

9 Sailor Mercury: Jane

Tarzan doesn’t always get a lot of love from Disney fans, and Jane isn’t even technically a Disney princess. She is, however, someone who is fascinated by the world around her and always wanting to amass more knowledge, much like Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Mercury isn’t the fiercest fighter of her team, and she spends a lot of the stories in the background, but that’s because she’s busy making sure he team has all of the knowledge they need to protect themselves. She’s the one in charge of analyzing their fights and figuring out the dynamics of the enemies, much as Jane is fascinated by the dynamics between groups she encounters in the jungles.


8 Sailor Mars: Pocahontas

Sailor Mars is incredibly in tune with the world around her. That manifests in some precognitive abilities, even in her civilian form. That also means that she walks right into supernatural or magical occurrences without thinking about the consequences first.

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Pocahontas might not have connections to the magical, but she does have a deep connection to nature. Like Sailor Mars, she’s also likely to walk right into a situation without thinking about the consequences, especially if it means helping the people she cares about. Both women aren’t afraid to stand up to those around them who think they know better as well.

7 Sailor Jupiter: Esmeralda

When she’s introduced into Sailor Moon’s story, Sailor Jupiter is a bit of an outsider. There are rumors about why she left her last school, she sticks out as a result of her different uniform, and she’s someone who sticks to the outskirts of school activities. She’s also very quickly revealed to be as tough as she is sweet, and someone who sticks up for those being bullied.

All of that makes The Hunchback of Notre Dame‘s Esmeralda Sailor Jupiter’s perfect match. Esmeralda is someone who sticks up for the social outcasts. She’s as welcoming to new friends as she is tough on those who would hurt them. Esmeralda is also fiercely independent, just as Sailor Jupiter is forced to be self sufficient living on her own.

6 Sailor Neptune: Moana

Sailor Neptune’s precognitive abilities, or more accurately, her feeling of danger, is even stronger than that of Sailor Mars. That’s not what connects her to her Disney character, however.

Instead, Sailor Neptune is someone who recovers memories of her past all on her own and sets out to find her fellow Sailor Senshi. Unlike Sailor Venus, she doesn’t have the guidance of Artemis, and she doesn’t have Luna like Sailor Moon. She sets out and finds herself another Senshi – Sailor Uranus – to aid her in her quest. That’s not unlike Moana learning the true history of her people and leaving everything she knows behind to save her corner of the world.

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5 Sailor Pluto: Rapunzel

Long hair isn’t what ties Sailor Pluto and Rapunzel together. Both young women spend their lives secluded in one space, cut off from everyone else. Rapunzel is in her tower while Sailor Pluto is in front of the space-time doorway.

They both know that there are certain rules to this confinement, and they both end up breaking them. Rapunzel does it to follow her heart while Sailor Pluto does it to help change the future. They also happen to both be incredibly creative and intelligent people. Rapunzel excels in everything she pursues, and the same can be said of Sailor Pluto when she’s reborn as a civilian.

4 Luna: Tiana

Luna is the advisor to the Moon Princess, and by extension, the Sailor Senshi, so fans might not see her as someone who walks in the shoes of a Disney princess. Luna, however, has one big thing in common with Tiana: hard work.

Tiana spends all of her formative years honing her skills and working as hard as she can to achieve her dreams. Her dream isn’t of assembling a team of reincarnated superheroes, but she would certainly understand Luna’s commitment to the cause and her no-nonsense attitude. Luna spends her days trying to find the Sailor Senshi and unite them. She works hard to get them all back together and help them unlock their potential, even if not everyone understands how important she is. Beyond that, there is the matter of them spending their days in someone else’s shoes as well: Tiana gets turned into a frog, and Luna has her own story of her turned into a human.

3 Sailor Uranus: Merida

Merida turns the idea of being a Disney princess on its head. She doesn’t wait for a prince to come to her aid. In fact, she rejects the idea of making a marriage match at all. Merida bucks tradition and saves her family herself – after she makes a mistake that puts her family in danger to begin with.

Sailor Uranus as well bucks the idea of what a Sailor Senshi should be. They’re a nonbinary character in the Sailor Moon Crystal reboot, and they’re the first one to not be concerned with team work. Sailor Uranus doesn’t think all of the Sailor Senshi need to be united, but instead, working for the fight on separate fronts. Her independent attitude, and her bucking of traditions makes Sailor Uranus the perfect counterpart to Merida.

2 Tuxedo Mask: Phillip

One of the most often remembered Disney princes as a result of his dancing skills and his instant connection to Aurora, Phillip becomes a hero when he takes on a magical dragon without magical skills of his own.

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Tuxedo Mask is sometimes seen as the weak link amongst the Sailor Senshi since his throwing of roses is a distraction tactic more so than a defensive one. He doesn’t have the same level of power as the Sailor Senshi or their enemies, but Tuxedo Mask always puts himself on the line for the woman he loves.

1 Sailor Moon: Aurora

If Tuxedo Mask is Philip, it’s only right that Sailor Moon is Aurora. Aurora, a beloved daughter of a king and queen, finds herself cursed by a fairy to sleep “forever.”

Before she’s Sailor Moon, the hero is Princess Serenity, a princess who incurs the ire of Queen Beryl. The wrath she faces is a result of her falling for the same man Beryl does, though she doesn’t realize, and travels to Earth when she’s not supposed to. Much like Aurora falls into her own curse because she’s too curious to stay away from a spinning wheel. When her kingdom falls, she “sleeps” until she’s reincarnated in a new world where she and her prince fight to save its people. She might have started her life as a naive princess, but she turns into a hero of the people.

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