When it comes to adapting manga to anime, a lot of production teams end up filling in the storyline with filler. That means some episodes in the anime have no bearing on the canon of the manga. This is especially true for popular series Naruto and Sailor Moon where the manga was still being written while the anime was in production.

The ‘90s Sailor Moon anime had 200 episodes. Of those, 99 are filler. While many of those episodes could be eliminated completely and the story wouldn’t suffer, others do a great job at fleshing out the personalities of the characters. Combing through those 99 episodes, these make up the best and the worst of Sailor Moon’s filler.

10 Best: Storm Of Love! Minako’s Grand Two-Timing Plan (Episode 141)

Any episode that spotlights Minako is usually an interesting one. As the original leader of the Sailor Senshi, and someone who wants badly to balance having a real life with her duties, she tends to get herself into sticky situations.

In this case, she attempts to date two guys at the same time, trying to determine who she likes best. As it turns out, however, they are both members of the Amazon Trio, targeting her for her “dream mirror.” This episode is so enjoyed by fans that it actually marks the highest-rated of the filler episodes on the Internet Movie Database.

9 Worst: Usagi’s Panic: Rei’s First Date (Episode 15)

Most of the episodes that focus on romance are loved, but this particular episode strays pretty far from the source material and left manga fans confused. In it, Rei gets Mamoru to go out with her.

Mamoru, for his part, isn’t completely aware that the two are out on a date. Rei is really just determined to get a date with a cute boy to a park before it’s torn down. With fans already aware that Mamoru and Usagi are destined for one another, it doesn’t sit well. It also doesn’t help that Usagi gets Umino to take her out so she can spy on him – using him because she can’t afford to go out alone.


8 Best: A Night Just For Us: Usagi’s Pinch (Episode 184)

This episode definitely falls in line with some of the most ridiculous, but it’s such a fun one that it makes the list.

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When a string of burglaries has Usagi nervous about being in her house alone, Seiya offers to come and stay with her. While he’s there, her friends stop by because they’re worried about her being alone with him. When Michiru and Haruka have car trouble in her neighborhood, they too end up at her house. When the Sailor Animamates attack, there is a house full of Sailor Senshi to combat them!

7 Worst: Umino’s Resolve: I’ll Protect Naru (Episode 32)

Though Naru doesn’t get a lot of screen time toward the anime’s end, she and Usagi begin the series as close friends. They usually have one another’s best interest at heart. This episode, however, is a little odd on Usagi’s part.

She decides to set Naru and Umino up, even though Naru seems particularly reluctant. Usagi also encourages Umino to emulate Tuxedo Mask, which puts him in danger. Not only does Umino essentially stalk Naru until their date, but Usagi then spies on them. It’s a strange episode that doesn’t add anything to the show.

6 Best: True Power Explodes: Ami’s Melody Of The Heart (Episode 151)

One of the best things the anime does is make Ami more than just the brains of the group. She gets several episodes that expand on her character. 

Ami listens to a song on the radio and feels the need to compose lyrics. When she and her friends discover a piano player nearby is likely the composer, they pay him a visit. Despite Ami being brilliant, she’s insecure about writing for fun when the man and his partner have dreams of being remembered for their art. It’s a great look into her character.

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5 Worst: The Ocean! The Island! A Vacation! A Break For The Sailor Guardians (Episode 67)

There’s no denying that the Sailor Senshi deserve a break like taking a trip to the beach. What’s unfortunate is that this episode really makes no sense.

Rei decides to take a trip alone to a deserted island to train. Chibiusa tells the other girls where she went, so they all decide to follow her and spend a day at the beach. While there, Chibiusa has a tantrum, winds up out on the water surrounded by sharks, and is saved by a dinosaur. The Sailor Senshi eventually have to save the dinosaur and its mother from an erupting volcano.

4 Best: Love And Chased: Luna’s Worst Day Ever (Episode 31)

While this episode doesn’t focus on the Sailor Senshi, it does still play into the early anime storyline of tracking down the crystals and the Seven Great Youma. Luna gets most of the spotlight, taking fans on an adventure.

For some reason, the local cats can’t stand Luna in this episode and she keeps getting attacked. The cat that saves her appears to have a bit of a crush on her. As it turns out, however, he’s one of the crystal holders and a Youma himself!

3 Worst: Usagi Will Teach You! How To Lose Weight (Episode 4)

This episode has actually been cut from the episode order for some dubs of the series because of its obsession with weight. Usagi gets a lecture from her parents and Luna about eating too much and not being active enough.

Luckily for her, one of her classmates has been stalking their newly trim teacher, and Usagi can get in at the same gym as her. Usagi spends the episode either upset and eating or trying to lose weight, losing her focus when Luna tries to explain that the gym is just a cover. It’s a really ill-advised storyline all around.

2 Best: True Love Awakens! The Makaiju’s Secret (Episode 59)

The entire Sailor Moon R arc that features the Makaiju is filler. The 13 episodes occur at a point when the animation team had to wait for the manga to catch up to what they had done.

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This final episode of the arc sees Ail and An learn that love isn’t something that can be taken as they see Sailor Moon fight for Mamoru and her friends. They leave to find a new home while Mamoru finally gets his memories back. It’s a happy ending all around instead of watching the Sailor Senshi destroy another set of enemies.

1 Worst: Artemis’ Adventure: The Invaded Animal Kingdom (Episode 79)

While Luna’s adventure is beloved by fans, Artemis’ just doesn’t land the same. He leaves the group to prove his worth because he has his feelings hurt by Luna.

On his adventure, he discovers that Esmeraude is going to target the animal kingdom. It just isn’t fun, and most fans appear to agree. This episode is actually the lowest-ranked of any filler episode on the Internet Movie Database.

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