A new video posted by Sam Raimi shows off the concept for a battle with Vulture from Spider-Man 4. With all the hype surrounding Spidey films of late, fans might be interested to see what might have been if Raimi’s sequel had not been scrapped. Fortunately, fans did eventually get to see a Spidey-Vulture showdown in Spider-Man: Homecoming, though it is unlikely Raimi’s ideas for the conflict were used.

Raimi’s first Spider-Man film was released in 2002 to commercial and critical acclaim. He followed it with Spider-Man 2,  pitting the titular hero against Doctor Octopus, a fan-favorite arch-nemesis from the comics. Spider-Man 2 was another success for Raimi, and he went on to Spider-Man 3, which proved a more difficult film. Not only did he have to live up to the hype from his first two successful films, but continued studio interference with the story and choice of the villains resulted in a film that was not up to Raimi’s previous standards. Following that, Raimi and the studio reconsidered his planned Spider-Man 4, and it was decided to go in a new direction for future Spider-Man films.


Recently, art director and illustrator David E. Duncan posted a concept video showing a battle between Vulture and Spidey from Raimi’s planned Spider-Man 4. The animatics are enhanced by pieces of the score from Raimi’s previous Spider-Man films, as well as sound effects for the more dramatic moments of the battle. The scene is very intense and seems to be of the climactic end fight between the villain and Spider-Man.

The video makes it clear that Raimi’s Vulture is more than a match for Spidey, as the battle leaves Peter bloodied and broken atop a skyscraper, pulling daggers out of his body as the Vulture flees. Of note is the moment when the Vulture pulls off Spidey’s mask, (itself a hallmark of the Raimi films), and recognizes Peter, thus informing his decision to flee instead of dealing a killing blow. Also interesting are the point-of-view shots of what looks like Mary Jane watching the battle, yelling in terror as Peter is pummeled, but also when the Vulture appears to fall off the building.

What relationships would have existed between Peter Parker, Mary Jane, and the Vulture in Raimi’s Spider-Man 4? In Homecoming, the Vulture was the father of his love interest, making for some interesting dynamics during their fights. The Vulture could have played a similar role in Raimi’s film, as an uncle of Mary Jane or another mentor to Peter similar to Doctor Octavius. Raimi’s films always went out of their way to humanize the villains, so it would make sense for them to have some kind of connection. Sadly, with Raimi done with Spidey films, fans may never know the answers to those questions.

SOURCE: David E. Duncan

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