Samuel L. Jackson’s Star Wars character, Mace Windu, is best remembered for having a purple lightsaber, but that’s not the only movie where he has had purple props. Samuel L. Jackson has become not only one of the most respected actors in the industry but also a favorite among viewers, having starred in movies like Pulp Fiction, the Star Wars prequels, Unbreakable, and appearing in various movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Nick Fury, the man who brought the Avengers together.

Off screen, Jackson is known for his laid-back personality and for swearing a lot (which has also translated to his movies), which has entertained viewers for years, even turning him into a variety of memes. His ability to let out curse words so effortlessly whenever he wants is not the only personal aspect of his that has made it to his movies: his love for all things purple has also been incorporated to many movies he has appeared in, sometimes subtly and other times in very obvious ways.


The best-known example is that of his purple lightsaber in the Star Wars prequels, which was requested by him (and, of course, Star Wars gave an in-universe origin and meaning to that rare lightsaber color). Prior to the Star Wars prequels, Jackson managed to add some purple to his character in The Long Kiss Goodnight through a gem ring, and wore a purple hat in Changing Lanes. One of the most obvious purple details added to Jackson’s characters is the purple suit worn by Mr. Glass in Unbreakable and Glass, which also became the character’s color (just like green was Bruce Willis’ David Dunn’s color).

Other characters that Jackson got to add a touch of purple to are Lazarus, from Black Snake Moan, who played a purple guitar (though many argue that it’s actually cherry red, even though it’s listed as purple on different sites); Neville Flynn from Snakes on a Plane holds a blue and purple snake; Richmond Valentine’s company used purple on the SIM cards as well as in the interface for his mind control machine in Kingsman: The Secret Service; and even his character in Turbo, Whiplash, got his dose of purple props, with eyes and neon lights representing Jackson’s favorite color.

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It’s not uncommon for actors to have certain requests when joining a TV show or film (Jackson himself has a clause in his contracts that allows him to play golf during film shoots), but there might not be anyone else so dedicated to adding his favorite color to his characters than Samuel L. Jackson. In the end, not only do the purple props make the characters an extension of him, but they have also helped expand their stories and make them stand out, as is the case of Mace Windu and the purple lightsaber.

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