Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Spiral

While John Kramer was the first and most famous Jigsaw killer, many others have taken up his deadly mantle in further Saw movies. If John had not been terminally ill with cancer, one wonders if he would’ve ever involved anyone else in his twisted games. Of course, had he not been dying, perhaps Kramer wouldn’t have gotten so unhinged that he decided to “test” the survival instinct of people he deemed were wasting their lives to begin with.

As it is though, John’s brilliant mind and engineering skills weren’t enough to continue the work he thought to be so important after his body began to fail him. Thus, he recruited men and women he encountered that he felt could be trusted to follow his lead and carry on his crusade, even after his inevitable death. Unfortunately, in the original film franchise many of those willing to join the cause turned out to not be the most dependable when it came to respecting John’s wishes or honoring his perverse code of ethics.


Without any further ado here’s a full look at John himself, and everyone who served as a replacement Jigsaw killer, whether that be alongside an ill John or following his death. This includes the killer of Spiral, so a spoiler warning goes out to those who’ve yet to see the latest film. On a side note, John’s wife Jill Tuck, while certainly somewhat involved with his work, is only shown to have actually set one trap herself and it didn’t even kill its intended target, so she’s not counted as a Jigsaw killer.

John Kramer (Tobin Bell)

Original Jigsaw killer John Kramer was once a loving husband, an expectant father and a successful civil engineer. That was until a fateful encounter with a junkie caused his wife Jill to lose their unborn son Gideon. After that, John was drowning in depression, his marriage hit the skids, his professional life cratered and then to top it off, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer. With his son’s life lost and his own on borrowed time, John became Jigsaw, vowing to “help” those he felt were wasting their lives or didn’t value them. Blessed with the type of mind that dominates a game of mental chess, John was in some way the conduit behind every test and trap used in the first eight films, outside of a couple of times his apprentices went rogue.

Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith)

The first survivor of a Jigsaw trap – at least the first known to anyone outside John himself – Amanda Young was slowly killing herself with drugs and self-destructive behavior. A former patient at Jill Tuck’s clinic, she was kidnapped by John and placed in the infamous Reverse Bear Trap. She had to kill another person to save herself, but after that, she did indeed gain a new appreciation for life. Amanda came to see John as a savior and father figure and was happy to join his crusade. Unfortunately, Amanda lost her way in John’s eyes by crafting inescapable traps and eventually failed a second test by him, albeit due to some chicanery engineered by a fellow Jigsaw apprentice.

Mark Hoffman (Costas Mandylor)

Detective Mark Hoffman first caught John’s attention after he faked a Jigsaw murder to get away with offing his sister’s killer. John wasn’t pleased with taking the blame for something he didn’t do and offered Hoffman a choice – either become an apprentice and join his cause or be exposed as a killer publicly. Hoffman reluctantly joined the team, but before long it became clear Hoffman’s level of sadism and bloodlust made John’s original Jigsaw values look quaint. After John’s death, Hoffman turned the games into something designed mostly to benefit him, and would eventually murder John’s wife Jill. He’d finally get his comeuppance at the hands of yet another Jigsaw apprentice.

Lawrence Gordon (Cary Elwes)

Dr. Lawrence Gordon was the main test subject of the original Saw movie and was famously forced to cut his foot off to escape a disgusting bathroom trap. For years, it was believed Dr. Gordon died of blood loss, but a long-held fan theory turned out to be true, as it was revealed he had survived to become one of John’s earliest apprentices. Gordon re-emerged in Saw 7 to give Hoffman his just desserts after Hoffman murdered Jill. Gordon was unknown to all of John’s other apprentices before he chose to reveal himself to Hoffman. Gordon remains at large, so it’ll be interesting to see if he ever returns to the franchise.

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Logan Nelson (Matt Passmore)

Logan Nelson, a former Army medic, was actually Kramer’s first recruit into the Jigsaw fold canonically, although that wasn’t revealed until his first appearance in 2017’s Saw 8, AKA Jigsaw. As a medical resident, Logan made a mistake that caused John’s cancer to be diagnosed too late, as he could’ve theoretically been saved if it had been caught earlier. Logan was made a participant in one of John’s earliest games, but his trap went wrong. Feeling it wasn’t fair for Logan to die without a real chance to survive his test, John saved him and recruited him into the fold. Logan engineered the events of Jigsaw in their entirety, and was clearly unknown to every other Jigsaw apprentice, outside of perhaps Gordon.

William Schenk (Max Minghella)

William Schenk begins Spiral: From the Book of Saw as the new rookie partner to veteran detective Zeke Banks (Chris Rock), seemingly the only decent man on the city’s police force. While it appears William is killed by the new Jigsaw, it’s later revealed that was a ruse, and he’s the new killer. William Schenk isn’t his real name, but while his last name is confirmed to be Emerson, his first isn’t given. Inspired by the work of John Kramer, Emerson took up the Jigsaw mantle after witnessing the murder of his father by a crooked cop as a child, a cop later exposed for the crime by Zeke. After testing Zeke’s resolve, Emerson seeks to join forces with him, but the catch is that Zeke’s ex-cop dad is in a death trap. The alliance doesn’t happen, Zeke lives, Emerson escapes, and former corrupt chief Banks meets his end, leaving the door open for another Saw sequel.

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