Do you like drama? If so, then Scandal was just the Primetime TV show that kept you glued to the TV for seven seasons. The White House and Washington DC was just a hotbed for horror stories. Men and women abusing their power for personal growth or to keep a secret hidden.

With a diverse cast, Scandal let the world into the politics and backdoor negotiations that often goes unnoticed by the public. In this article, we’ll take a look at the 10 best episodes of ABC’s drama hit, according to  IMDb’s ranking.

10 Standing In The Sun (Season 7, Episode 5) Rating 8.5

This is one of those episodes where the chips fell and no one was prepared for the outcome. For the majority of Season 7, Olivia Pope was lost. She was wandering around with no clear direction but then she changed. She went back to that awesome Gladiator and took on the Nation. While Mellie was being questioned regarding past dealings, it was really Olivia the committee wanted.

No longer willing to hide in the dark, Olivia spilled the beans regarding the secrecy of B6-13. And boom, now she just became Jake Ballard’s prime target.

9 Grant: For The People (Season 1, Episode 3) Rating 8.6

Just another day in the powerful White House for everyone. Olivia is blamed for President Grant’s bad deeds because she’s no longer in the White House. Was it her fault that he slept with a young lady who happened to get pregnant and then kill herself? If so, then yeah, Pope is to blame.

Now we meet the real Quinn Perkins. The one Oliva saved and the team had to make sure no one knew who she really was. “Grant: For the People” is one of those episodes that made “Scandal” so good. There are bad deeds done and yet, OPA does a job that makes the villains look like heroes in the end.


8 Nobody Likes Babies (Season 2, Episode 13) Rating 8.6

Fitz wants a divorce and Mellie is not having it. The problem here is that Mellie knows about the affair with Liv and then to top it off, Fitz and Mellie just had a newborn baby. However, Mellie has no connection to the child and will do whatever she can to make sure Fitz does not go public with his divorce plans.

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On the other side of the storyline, David Rosen is digging deeper into the Defiance story and has subpoenaed Cyrus’s husband James to testify. Now, Cyrus is trying to devise a plan to force James not to take the stand. Olivia breaks things off with Edison.

7 Seven Fifty-Two (Season 4, Episode 6) Rating 8.6

What’s wrong with our guy Huck? From a distance, Huck is the Incredible Hulk of Scandal. Nothing seems to bother him and there isn’t anything he can’t do. But still, from the start, fans were wondering out of of the people Liv deals with daily, why is the killer Huck so loyal to a lady with a killer walk?

In “Seven Fifty-Two” we would take a trip down memory lane as to how the two friends met. While the rest of the team is trying to break Huck out of his trance, it’s Liv who comes to the rescue. We would later find out that when Huck was homeless, he once saw his son in the train station and the time on the clock said 7:52.

6 Any Questions (Season 2, Episode 21) Rating 8.6

Mellie has had enough. In an attempt to make Fitz look bad to the public, she goes on live TV and says that the President of The United States is having an affair. Fitz is ready to give it all up and be with Olivia. He wants to do a press conference and tell the world that he will not be seeking a second term.

The team is trying to find out who the mole is and keep coming up short. Liz still has the Cytron card but then later on when Harrison goes to drop off the folders, the card is gone. Who stole it from Liv?

5 Baby Made A Mess (Season 4, Episode 5) Rating 8.6

The most powerful man in the world has a serious weak spot for Olivia. This we knew from the very first episode. However, Liv never knew how deep his love ran for her. While visiting Tom in prison, she learns that the President did indeed try to kill himself after he and Liz broke up. This was news to Liv but it was reassurance as to the kind of power she had over him.

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What Liv really wanted to know was, who had the President’s son killed? Tom, ready to spill all the secrets lets Liv know that it was Jake who gave the order. Talk about a serious love triangle.

4 Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself (Season 4, Episode 21) Rating 8.6

The episode ABC fans have been waiting for. What happens when you get the best “closer” and best “fixer” on the same team? Annalise Keating from How to Get Away With Murder makes an appearance and asks Olivia for help. How can she not do this? TV dubbed it “Black Girl Magic” and indeed it was.

Annalise wants to fast-track a case through the Supreme Court and that means going over the White House. Oliva has pull but she needs help and that means involving Fitz and his gang. Mellie is against it saying Olivia will make more enemies than she already has. Well, this is Olivia Pope and she takes on the case with Keating.

3 The Price of Free and Fair Elections (Season 4, Episode 4) Rating 8.7

Politics is way too personal at times and for the people involved, the best they can do is turn their head in the other direction until it’s all over. For Fitz, all was lost until his son collapsed. At that moment, a defeated Olivia knew that her candidate just won his second term. But it wasn’t due to her efforts. We would later find out that it was Jake who actually won the election by murdering the President’s son.

It’s just a deadly game everywhere as Harrison tried to get his friend away from Maya but then Eli shows him her dead body with hopes that he would help take down Liv’s mother. Huck finds out he has a family and just like that, all their lives are changed forever.

2 Happy Birthday, Mr. President (Season 2, Episode 8 ) Rating 8.8

Someone shot the President. Fitz is shot at his own Birthday Gala and it’s not looking too good. In the wake of the shooting, Vice President Sally Langston is ready to take over as the new President. Oh, wait, our first female President, this could get interesting. We get a special flashback of Liz and Fitz the day of his inauguration. It was agreed that the affair would stop when he was sworn in.

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With so much going on, Oliva stops in to take command of the Press and many are wondering why she left the job in the first place. Please remember, that no one but a few has knowledge of the affair between her and the President. One of the people not in the know was Mellie. But she does inform Liv that the cat is out the bag now. Then the big reveal of who shot the President. It was Huck.

1 White Hat’s Back On (Season 2, Episode 22) Rating 8.8

IMDb has this ranked as the best episode in the history of Scandal. Fitz wants to run again with Liv by his side as the First Lady but Liv feels that Mellie should be the one standing next to him. One day, these two will get it right. As Fitz is getting ready to run, the issue of what happened in Defiance in his first campaign is still haunting him. But this time, he’s not trusting his committee. Now he wants in and makes his way to the table.

Murder has always been a way to make things go away in DC. With Huck and Charlie, anything is possible. If you cross one, best believe your name will come up for termination. Senator Reston is blackmailing Fitz to be on the card with him. If he refuses, he will turn in the Cytron card to the public.

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