From Olivia Pope and Associates to the White House, Olivia Pope went on quite a journey. Taking the ride with her were the rest of the central characters, whether they wanted to or not. From believing they were not involved, wishing for answers, or simply blindly following, everyone played a role in helping Olivia handle whatever scandal was causing chaos.

Throughout it all, everyone was going on their journey, trying to determine their best place in the world, no matter it is the Oval Office, Olivia Pope and Associates, or something else entirely. By the end of the series, everyone had completed a significant character arc, but not everyone received a fitting ending. Some characters, while the narrative may have made sense, deserved more than what they got.

10 Fitting: Fitz

Fitz spent much of his presidency talking about what his life could have been if he was not President of the United States. In his mind, Fitz had divorced Mellie and married Olivia, moving to Vermont. Fitz envisioned a life for them that they could never have and wished to pursue it, even when Olivia decided against it. When Fitz was finally no longer Commander-in-Chief, he found that normal life was not what he wanted, and returned to Washington D.C. at Eli Pope’s request. Although Fitz did not have a central storyline in the final season, his ending came with the work Fitz was doing with Marcus and the open possibilities for what happened after revealing the truth about B613.

9 Deserved More: Marcus

Coming in late to the series, Marcus did not get the same amount of time to develop as a character, as many others did. In this way, Marcus deserved more time devoted to developing his character and seeing what would be appropriate for him in the future. The conclusion of the series found Marcus by Mellie’s side at the White House.

Marcus and Mellie’s relationship had been growing since they spent time together during the campaign trail, and they were eventually able to work out their issues after Marcus decided to take a job at the White House.


8 Fitting: Mellie

From First Lady to Commander-in-Chief, Mellie Grant took a journey that no other had accomplished. From behind the scenes to center stage, Mellie Grant got to end the series as the most important and influential person in the world. After working tirelessly to be the first female President, Mellie got to be truthful and keep her position. With both Cyrus and Olivia stepping out of the way, Mellie got even more control as two of the strongest puppeteers had removed themselves from the White House. While the audience never gets to see how Mellie’s full presidency goes, it looks to be working in her favor.

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7 Deserved More: David

In Shondaland, no character is safe, and David Rosen was no exception. In the end, David’s biggest mistake was to trust an alcoholic beverage given to him by Cyrus. David deserved to live out the rest of his life, fighting for justice. Instead, David knew far too much and had too much control for Cyrus to handle. David did not deserve to die for Cyrus’ benefit, and in his death, he did not get to see the results of B613 coming to light. Instead, David died as the last White Hat of the series.

6 Fitting: Cyrus

Cyrus was greedy and determined to hold as much power as he could. Yet, ironically, it is Cyrus’ actions and choices that destroy it for him. From treating his friends and husband awfully to killing David Rosen, and much more, Cyrus’ conclusion was made out of the problems he created for himself. Cyrus could never be happy being second-best, and in the end, that need and thirst for power lead him down a rabbit hole Cyrus could never climb out of.

Cyrus’ destruction was of his own making, and after everything terrible he had done to everyone else, it fitted that Cyrus would bring himself down too.

5 Deserved More: Abby

Abby deserved to shine. Spending nearly the entire series in Olivia’s shadow, Abby earned the chance to step out from that and rise for herself. Instead, Abby is an Olivia-substitute for when Olivia Pope was unavailable. When Abby returned to OPA, Quinn took over the firm as QPA, and Abby was once again under someone else’s command. On top of her work struggles, Abby did not get a happy ending to her love life either. Her final boyfriend of the series, David Rosen, died in the series finale, leaving Abby to mourn him. Although it seems that Huck would be there for Abby, she deserved more than she got.

4 Fitting: Quinn

Out of everyone, Quinn may have gotten the most traditional ending compared to everyone else. Between having a baby, marrying Charlie, and being in charge of QPA, Quinn had a lot going on by the end of the series. Although Quinn did not get revenge on Olivia like she had been hoping to, the return of old Olivia allowed them to band together. Quinn had gone on a massive journey of self-discovery throughout the seven seasons, and to end the series in a happy place may have been one of the best endings on the show.

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3 Deserved More: James

If anyone deserved more to their end, it was James Novac. James’ death occurs due to running away from Jake Ballard and knowing more than he should. James had a husband and child when he died, a child that, by the end of the series, did not seem to have a relationship with Cyrus either. As a journalist, it was James’ job to look into things and get the truth.

Unfortunately, that is one of the reasons he ended up dead. James’ death did not do much to change Cyrus either as if anything Cyrus became a worse person after James died.

2 Fitting: Olivia

In the aftermath of desiring power, Olivia’s fitting ending comes from knowing to step away from the White House. Olivia had stepped too deep into the Oval, allowing it to overtake her so much that anything that would prevent herself and Mellie from doing an efficient job was considered collateral. Olivia lost herself in the corrupted politics, and only after stepping away from the White House for a few months could Olivia be reminded of what mattered, in part thanks to a Supreme Court case and Annalise Keating. Of all things, it is telling the truth and an uncertain conclusion that made the most sense for Olivia Pope.

1 Deserved More: Huck

Few characters suffered as much as Huck, and in the end, it still looks like there is nothing to show for it. From the struggles at B613 to drowning in the trunk of a car and much more, Huck’s life had taken several dangerous turns. Huck did not get to reconcile with his family or start a new relationship. Instead, Huck’s storyline ends similarly to how it began. Huck had grown to prevent his violent urges from escaping, but he still has relatively the same people to rely on as he did in the series premiere. That is not a bad thing at all, but Huck deserved to have more at the end of the series.

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