Warning! Spoilers for The Darkhold Omega #1

The Scarlet Witch has assembled a Darkhold Defenders team, but the heroes she’s brought together might be too corrupted to help her. In a brand new preview for The Darkhold Omega #1 by Marvel Comics, Scarlet Witch’s effort to stop the Elder God Chthon has seemingly backfired, as her Darkhold Defenders have become the Darkhold Defiled after reading the Darkhold to temper their madness.

In the current Darkhold crossover event at Marvel Comics, Scarlet Witch was forced into action after discovering someone was trying to acquire the Darkhold. Readers learned that Doctor Doom went after the book of dark magic, only to awaken the Elder God Chthon in the process. To stop the god from breaking free, Scarlet Witch called on a new group of Darkhold Defenders – as the original team stopped Chthon and imprisoned the monster. Ultimately, she cast a spell summoning five heroes who fit the original Darkhold Defenders mold, Iron Man (The Dreamer), Blade (The Hunter), Wasp (The Artist), Black Bolt (The Stoic), and Spider-Man (The Fool). However, after getting each hero to read the Darkhold to temper their madness for the mission ahead, the group became corrupted and turned into twisted versions of themselves known as the Darkhold Defiled.


In a new preview for The Darkhold Omega #1 (H/T GamesRadar) by Steve Orlando, Cian Tormey, Jesus Aburtov, Mark Deering, Roberto Poggi, Walden Wong, and VC’s Clayton Cowles, Scarlet Witch realizes the heroes have read too much of the Darkhold. She tries to convince the Darkhold Defiled that they’re her friends and have an important mission to defeat Chthon. Spider-Man calls out Scarlet Witch for having “buyer’s remorse” over letting the team read the Darkhold, while Blade tells her the book poured “acid on our memories.” Scarlet Witch tries to reason with them, telling the team it was the only way to safely enter the Other-Realm and stop Chthon.


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Scarlet Witch ties the Darkhold Defiled up in the Bands of Belasco as they threaten to serve her directly to Chthon.

Scarlet Witch’s plan to stop Chthon using the Darkhold might have blown up in her face. If the Marvel heroes she summoned to help can’t have their madness tempered and return to their normal forms, the chances Wanda will be able to stop the Elder God from being freed from the Other-Realm just took a big hit. So Scarlet Witch will need to find a way to cure her allies and stop Chthon before it’s too late. The Darkhold Omega #1 is in comic book stores on Wednesday.

Source: GamesRadar

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