The Canadian sitcom Schitt’s Creek has become a favorite among US audiences thanks to its availability on Netflix. It’s sixth and final season began airing on CBC Television in January 2020, and fans are devastated the trials and tribulations of the Rose family will be coming to an end. Catherine O’Hara plays Moira Rose, the matriarch and former soap opera star who has the worst time adjusting to life in Schitt’s Creek. A cross between Siouxsie Sue and Kris Jenner, Moira is melodramatic and entertaining.

Moira is an eccentric, glamorous woman with a large wig collection and an even larger ego. While she’s quite judgmental of everyone around her, she usually comes around and proves she’s not as stone-cold as her appearance indicates. In honor of one of the few television mothers who can rock 4-inch black stilettos, here are 10 hilarious Moira Rose memes.

10 Our Lord And Savior

This common meme uplifts the status of iconic movie or television characters to that of a savior or god-like person. Moira’s personality fits the description, for sure, and she never holds back from acknowledging her supreme talent, ability, and intelligence.

However true this may be, it’s hilarious to watch Moira flaunt her ego on the screen, especially when it comes back to smack her in the face. Ultimately, she is a refined and smart woman with an impeccably gothic style that is way ahead of the curve when it comes to the typical look in Schitt’s Creek.

9 Let’s Go

Moira is often exacerbated by life in Schitt’s Creek, especially because it represents the upending of her classy and elegant lifestyle, one you can assume was filled with spa days and expensive shopping trips. She has a hard time handling the day-to-day reality of life for commoners, and she has mini-meltdowns throughout the show that testify to this.

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As an actor, Moira is well-trained in theatrics and hamming it up. And, boy, does she ever ham it up on Schitt’s Creek. As she declares in one episode, “THE WORLD IS FALLING APART AROUND US, AND I’M DYING INSIDE.” It sounds like someone needs a nap.


8 Get You Somebody

Johnny and Moira have an atypical relationship for wealthy Hollywood types in that they genuinely love each other and are devoted to making each other happy. While Moira is a bit more needy than Johnny, to say the least, she still gives indications throughout the series that she strives to be a good partner.

Meanwhile, Johnny is head-over-heels in love with Moira and has been from day one. He’s the kind of reliable and logical partner she needs to keep herself from going too far overboard.

7 Disgruntled Pelican

The relationship between Moira and her overly dramatic son, David, is one of the most endearing and humorous mother-son bonds on television. David is Moira’s son through and through, from the sarcasm to the superficial judgements to the affinity for black clothing.

Sometimes, David and Moira get under each other’s skin, while other times, they keep each other in check. Their similarities work both for and against them. Even though Moira calls David a disgruntled pelican, she’s just as guilty as he is of being outlandish.

6 How To Say “Baby”

Catherine O’Hara is a seasoned comedian and actor, and the vocal inflections and idiosyncratic tendencies of Moira are the product of O’Hara’s genius. Everything about Moira seems somehow related to her background as a soap opera star, and most of her habits are imbued with stagecraft glitz and histrionics.

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One of Moira’s most memorable habits is her choice to pronounce the word baby as “bee-bee.” She loves to change vowel sounds or add strange emphases to words. She does whatever she can to separate herself from the rest of Schitt’s Creek.

5 All This Chaos

Moira doesn’t always fare well in the real world. She’s usually overwhelmed by chores or responsibilities normal people deal with every day of their lives. Still, she manages to pull her act together enough to become a member of Schitt’s Creek City Council.

This new title doesn’t keep her from being hyperbolic about her duties. In fact, she loves the drama and revels in it, often playing up the damsel in distress trope.

4 Ewwww!

While the rest of her family tries to acclimate to life in Schitt’s Creek, Moira is the last to come around. The homely and routine lives of the city’s inhabitants disgust her, and it’s an incredibly depressing prospect to consider herself among their ranks.

When she catches her husband, Johnny, drinking a milkshake just to drink a milkshake, she can’t believe it. In her mind, it’s a novelty treat that should be full of booze.

3 I’m Positively Bedevilled

In Schitt’s Creek, David Rose opens his own apothecary shop, and when he asks his mother to help out one day, she comes up with a silly, transparent excuse to get out of it. Of all people, he settles on his unreliable sister Alexis to keep the shop running while he’s away.

Moira is the queen of dodging responsibility, often convincing others to do her dirty work for her. This harkens back to her life as a rich actor who could pay someone to do the hard jobs. Not anymore, though.

2 Disney Mashup

Moira has dozens and dozens of designer wigs, each one reflecting a facet of her personality or past. It’s hilarious that of all the kings she could take with her when she was forced to vacate her home, she chooses her wig collection.

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This meme matches Moira’s various wigs with their corresponding Disney characters from The Little Mermaid, including Ursula, Ariel, Eric, and Sebastian. It looks like Moira could have a successful side career as a Disney character impersonator.

1 Baby Yoda

When Baby Yoda was introduced to the world via The Mandalorian, the Internet went bonkers. It turns out, though, the look had already been perfected by Moira Rose, or so this meme demonstrates.

Moira manages to be both a loveable and detestable character, equal parts empowering and pathetic. Catherine O’Hara does an amazing job of toeing the line between these extremes while retaining Moira’s humanity and bold jewelry collection.

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