The show Schitt’s Creek may be over, but it leaves behind many fun episodes and lovable characters. Audiences certainly have their favorite characters, given their relatability, humor and the like. Several of the show’s characters changed and grew up over the course of the series; Alexis and David were certainly different compared to their Season 1 selves.

Moira, though she remained theatrical, certainly changed for the better, as she was given the opportunity to rebuild her relationships with her adult children. Stevie made a good life for herself by taking on more responsibilities and finding a family in the Roses. Some character arcs are more significant than others, but Schitt’s Creek had plenty of them.

10 Twyla

For the most part, Twyla remains her creative, friendly, and cheery self. She’s different from the rest of her troubled family, and genuinely loves working in the café, as she gets to create random dishes and talk to everyone. However, by the end of the series, Twyla reveals a very big secret she’s been keeping to herself: she won the lottery and is incredibly wealthy.

The fact that Twyla was happy staying in Schitt’s Creek despite having the financial means to do anything she wanted speaks for her kindness and selflessness. She is pretty much the same person throughout the series, which doesn’t say much for her character arc, but certainly makes her one of the kindest TV characters in pop culture.

9 Ted

Ted’s a good guy; he’s smart, and he genuinely cares for Alexis. However, as she was conflicted between Ted and Mutt, they eventually broke up. Later, Alexis realizes her mistake, and they get back together, though Ted is a little reluctant to trust her again after having been heartbroken before.

Ted remains his same friendly self throughout the series. While that makes him a beloved character, it doesn’t mean a lot when it comes to his character arc.


8 Jocelyn

Jocelyn is cheerful and welcomes the Roses with open arms upon their arrival in Schitt’s Creek. She’s dedicated to everything she does, whether she’s leading the Jazzagals or teaching at the high school. She has plenty of ambition, but she tends to take on too many responsibilities and become overwhelmed.

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After she has her second child, Jocelyn stands up for herself more and lessens the number of things on her plate, even standing up to Moira and the other Jazzagals on one occasion. For the most part, Jocelyn remains herself throughout the series, which makes her character arc less significant than the other characters on the series.

7 Roland

Roland is lazy and pretty much incompetent when it comes to his duties as the mayor. He can also be rude and petty when he wants to be, and he loves to mess with Johnny. However, he proves to be a real friend to the Roses, lending them his truck and offering up his cabin for Johnny and Moira.

By the end of the series, while in a meeting with investors in New York with Johnny and Stevie, Roland stood up for Johnny when the investors made fun of him. Roland has taken on a certain amount of responsibility by the series’ end, but it’s not enough to significantly impact his overall character arc.

6 Moira

Moira remains theatrical and eccentric throughout the entirety of the series. However, she does form a closer relationship with her children; especially Alexis, whom she was particularly distant from when the series began.

Moira is the only member of the Rose family that remains steadfastly adamant that Schitt’s Creek is not meant to be her permanent home, and she makes that clear; however, she acquiesces to joining the town council and doing what she can to make the town a better place while she must reside in it. Her character arc is present but isn’t as major as her children’s character arcs.

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5 Johnny

Johnny is the rock of the Rose family; he keeps everyone grounded, picks them up when they’re down, and is determined to reinvent himself. After losing everything he worked so hard to achieve, Johnny must once again start from scratch, and he navigates his way back into the business world, eventually becoming Stevie’s business partner at the motel.

Johnny’s pursuit to reinventing himself, as well as his improved relationships with his children by the series’ ending are noteworthy aspects that showcase his character’s overall arc.

4 Patrick

Though he wasn’t on the show for its entire run, Patrick certainly made a big impact in the time he was onscreen. He became David’s business partner, and later his husband, by the end of the series. Patrick helped keep David grounded, and he was David’s most meaningful relationship.

He and David do experience a few setbacks in their relationship, but they work together to get through them and to become stronger together. Patrick’s journey between his relationship with David and becoming his business partner are a big part of his overall character arc.

3 Stevie

Stevie has come a long way from the sarcastic motel clerk that audiences were first introduced to. She still retains her sarcasm, but she goes on to become a successful businesswoman once she inherits the Rosebud Motel from her great-aunt. Not wanting to end up like her aunt, Stevie dedicates herself to learning more about the business world, with Johnny’s help.

Plus, she becomes a part of the Rose family, viewing Johnny and Moira as parental figures, and she even takes steps outside of her comfort zone when she takes part in CabaretHer character has significantly grown since the series’ beginning, both personally and professionally.

2 David

David has no patience for people, which is one of the reasons why he and Stevie get along so well. However, despite learning that his parents were basically responsible for the success of his career prior to their move to Schitt’s Creek, David goes on to work in the Blouse Barn, and later, creates his own successful business.

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David truly grows up over the course of the series, creating his own success, and finding love with Patrick along the way. David’s determination to create something of his own showcases the meaningfulness of his character arc; plus, even though he once ran away from Schitt’s Creek, he ended up staying there when the rest of his family moved on in the series finale.

1 Alexis

When audiences first met her, Alexis was spoiled, selfish, and certainly ready to ditch her family and Schitt’s Creek at the first opportunity. However, as the series progresses, Alexis finds her direction in life.

She completes her high school education, and even attends college, leading to the creation of her own business. She has become closer to her family and more responsible than she once was, which shows her growth and overall character arc; compared to Season 1 Alexis, the Alexis of Season 6 is far more mature and grown-up.

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