When CBS offered up their idea for a show centered around a group of nerds, people’s first reaction was that they’d pass. And this was before they even thought of doing research on Walter O’Brien and putting the pieces together that it was based on some real events. We can admit, as we grew to love Scorpion, the show was not for everyone.

However, the cast of characters was great. We’ve never had the pleasure to come across people with such a high intellect as Sylvester, Walter, Toby or Happy. Once Scorpion was canceled, a mental rundown of who the best characters were was needed. They all served a great purpose on the show. Here are the top 10 characters of Scorpion, ranked.

11 Tim Armstrong

Tim was the outsider who never fit in. Paired with the group later as Cabe’s second in command, Tim was the reason it took so long for Paige and Walter to express their feelings. Tim was the eye-candy the ladies swooned over but he tried too hard to fit in with Team Scorpion. And to make matters worse, he started dating Paige which led to tension in the group, especially with Walter O’Brien.

Tim wouldn’t last long as he took a job overseas. He asked Paige and Ralph to go along but Paige knew that would be a bad idea. With him out the way, Walter was able to make his move on Paige.

10 Ray Spiewack

Ray came into the picture and the first thoughts of him were nothing but trouble. Ray was and remained a loose cannon but in a cool and fun way. He and Walter became friends during community service and while Walter neglected Ray at first, he eventually came around to accepting him.

We would learn that Ray was once a fireman but after losing his partner, Ray sort of went off the deep end. It wasn’t until meeting Walter and the rest of Team Scorpion that he began to feel more connected to the outside world even though he moved into the garage in isolation.


9 Patty Logan

It was sad that Scorpion was canceled before we had a chance to see Patty blossom into a great character. Something tells me, she was on her way to becoming a member of the team. Her back and forth with everyone was a breath of fresh air despite the constant nerd humor and sarcasm that usually took place.

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With Ralph having a crush on Patty, seeing their budding romance and eventually, a battle of wits grow would have added a great element to the show and growth for both characters.

8 Florence

Florence was late to the party and served one person. She was brought in by the writers to cause trouble. It wasn’t as if she was one of the bad guys they had to stop but her presence was to bring a rift in Walter and Paige’s relationship that really began at the end of Season 3. Viewers could tell from the moment she walked into the garage, that sparks would fly between her and Walter. The downside of that was, the show was canceled before anything really could happen.

Florence could have easily fit in with the team as she did help out a few times. She was just as nerdy, sarcastic, and a bit on the goofy side as every other ember and that’s something that Paige lacked. While viewers loved the Paige and Walter connection, they ever thought about another situation until Florence came along.

7 Cabe Gallo

The brawn of Team Scorpion. Although he came in as their handler for government assignments, Cabe was officially one of the team. His past with Walter is what paired Team Scorpion with the government. While it was a rocky start, he would become a father figure, not only to Walter but everyone on the team.

Despite his age and rugged persona, Gabe was quick with the comedy relief. But when pushed, he was also quick to take someone down with force. Being single, Cabe would suffer through bouts of loneliness until he found Allie.

6 Paige Dineen

Without her presence, Team Scorpion would have either been jail, dead or disbanded. Paige is what the show called the “nerd whisperer “. Her son is a prodigy and she also provided a human side each member was missing to survive in the outside world.

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Paige and Walter had chemistry from the beginning but it took a while for either to commit to their feelings. As a single mother, Paige provided that maternal and nurturing presence the team needed when situations were tough. She was tough and not afraid to get in anyone’s face when she felt there were getting out of hand, especially Walter.

5 Sylvester Dodd

The computer guru and math wizard of Team Scorpion may have saved more lives than any member actually out in the field. Sylvester has a fear of almost everything and loved to no be involved with the day-to-day actions of the missions. That approach worked well for the team 90% of the time.

Slyvester was no different than the rest of the team but he was the first to decide to want to take a shot at love. He did end up marrying Walters’ sister Megan who passes away and Sly never removed his man-made wedding ring in honor of their union. He was a solid guy all the way through and had the biggest heart out of the team. I can’t recall one time when Syverster came across as snobby like some of the other members.

4 Ralph Dineen

What made Ralph so special and just a genius move by the writers to add him in as a main character was that at his age he added the aspect of family. While no member of Team Scorpion had any kids before meeting Paige, Ralph took on the role of little brother and a son figure for Walter.

It’s not hard to believe that child geniuses exists so his character wasn’t too much of a grab for attention by the writers. Ralph played his position well. Although a prodigy, he still attended school, dealt with crushes,  and occasionally disobeyed his mom. Classic kid stuff.

3 Walter O’Brien

The leader of the crew. Walter, supposedly the one with the highest IQ is all brains and with that, he often overthinks situations that most normal people would just react to. He does have a heart of gold but he can also be a bit selfish and childish.

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Despite his flaws, he’s a clear choice that I would have leading my team. As the show moved forward, Walter begins to soften his intellectual side thanks to his love for Paige and Ralph. Walter tried to act more on emotion than brains which turned out to be a success before Scorpion was canceled.

2 Happy Quinn

I often wondered if anything made Happy, well, happy.  For the first two seasons, she was just grumpy. Even when she and Toby began their relationship, Happy was still in her own world. According to her, it was the absence of her father but just as fast as he came back into her life, he was gone again. Then Gabe stepped up as a father figure.

Happy, while grumpy was still one of the best engineers around. She played a vital part on the team as Happy was the one not afraid to stand up to Walter and call him out when he was acting like a spoiled brat.

1 Toby Curtis

My favorite character of Scorpion. Toby provided viewers with everything. His character was a bit of everyone rolled into one. As smart as Walter and Sylvester were, Toby was equally intelligent. He wasn’t as crafty as Happy on the mechanical side but he was no slouch either.

Think about what Toby has gone through and his growth. A gambler who changed his ways. He also learned to trust those around him and learned to believe in himself along the way. Then he found love which changed how some viewers looked at him. And how can we forget the sarcasm that he provided for the show?

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