We wholeheartedly believe that Turk and Carla are meant to be together forever, but even with that being the case, it still feels as if they’ve both had a few less than stellar moments over the years.

Their relationship has always been pretty up and down, with both of them being responsible for that. Today, we want to try and figure out when there would’ve been an opportunity for both of them to move onto pastures new. The chemistry between them is undeniable, but does that mean we should forget everything that’s happened in the past? Not in our book.


When you’re having problems in your relationship, one thing you probably don’t want to do is go and kiss your partner’s best friend in the whole world.

Yes, Carla and JD were a little bit drunk and yes, it was only a super small kiss, but we’re not so sure that matters in the context of their relationship. Turk was hurt by this, and it isn’t exactly hard to understand why. He’s supposed to trust these two people with his life, and when push came to shove, they let him down.

9 CARLA DUMPS TURK – During His Immature Moments

While Turk may be an incredibly accomplished surgeon, that doesn’t remove the fact that he’s quite an immature guy. There isn’t necessarily all too much wrong with that depending on the nature of your relationship, but in the early days, it was obvious to see that Carla didn’t enjoy that side of him all too much.

She wanted someone who was not only going to support her but was going to give her the kind of mature partnership she’d been looking for. If she’d have pulled the trigger on it, though, it may have been the biggest mistake she ever made.


8 TURK DUMPS CARLA – Dr. Cox Connection

There is something to be said for being intimidated, and when Turk soon discovers that Dr. Cox and Carla have some kind of past together and that Perry still likes her, he’s clearly going to feel under pressure.

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Carla wasn’t particularly subtle about the whole thing, and if Turk made the decision to simply have an easier life, then perhaps he would’ve broken it off. After all, he wouldn’t have been short of offers – but then again, he would’ve missed out on the incredible life they built with one another.

7 CARLA DUMPS TURK – Turk & JD’s Ex-Girlfriend

While they play it off as a joke, the fact that Turk slept with JD’s girlfriend Stacy when he and JD were in college doesn’t feel like something one friend would do to another.

The nature of comedy shows ensures that things such as this are played off as being ‘not a big deal’, when in reality, they probably are. While Carla wasn’t directly involved in this in any way, shape or form, these are the sort of red flags that can throw some women off of a man for good.

6 TURK DUMPS CARLA – Flirting With Derek

When Derek, a handsome young surgeon, comes onto the scene at Sacred Heart, he immediately grabs the attention of pretty much everyone at the hospital – male and female.

Carla is initially pretty intrigued, and while it comes down to nothing more than a little crush or harmless flirting, Turk couldn’t have been all too pleased about it. He’s out there trying to be a good man for the sake of his relationship with Carla while she’s off flirting with the new kid in town. The pride of a man can be hurt very easily.

5 CARLA DUMPS TURK – I’m Dominican!

Turk continually thinks Carla is from Puerto Rico, even though she constantly tells him that she is, in fact, from the Dominican Republic. We’re talking about heritage, here – and that’s an important thing in that part of the world.

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The fact that Turk plays it off as being not too big of a deal, or that he’s too arrogant to not stop the joke, just doesn’t sit well with us. Carla should want to be with a man who pays attention to her as opposed to one that, well, doesn’t.

4 TURK DUMPS CARLA – Bahamas Close Call

Every relationship goes through a phase in which real-life takes over, and for Turk & Carla, it felt like that phase came in the Bahamas.

With a marriage, high-stress job and now a baby to deal with, it’s safe to say that the pressure was on the shoulders of Turk and Carla to light that fire again. For a while, it seemed as if Carla was too far gone in the ‘mom’ way of living and that she’d turned her back on her marriage. By the end of the Bahamas trip that’s proven to not be the case, thankfully.

3 CARLA DUMPS TURK – The Competitive Arm Wrestle

This is going to come across as a silly entry, and that’s probably because it is a silly entry. We’ve all seen the famous scene in which Turk arm wrestles Carla, slamming her arm to the table in victory.

It’s one of his funniest moments in the whole show, but at that moment, Carla probably has to ask herself whether or not she wants to be with a guy that comes across as more of a jock than a husband. It’s that immaturity working its way back into the equation once again, and it’s dangerous.

2 TURK DUMPS CARLA – Dedication To Work

Carla lives for being a nurse. It’s part of her identity, it’s part of her upbringing, and it’s what gets her up every single day. Finding the balance between work life and your personal life is incredibly tricky, and while Carla eventually manages to balance it quite nicely, she certainly takes her time.

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At points, Turk would’ve seriously been questioning what kind of direction he would be going in if he made the decision to commit to Carla. Relationships aren’t easy, and Christopher Turk came to learn that very quickly.


There are two big secrets that stick out like sore thumbs for us in Carla & Turk’s relationship. The first is Dr. Cox’s feelings for Carla, which Turk actually chooses to hide from her in the name of helping their own love continue to grow. On the flip side of that, you’ve got the pregnancy test, with Turk not actually revealing to Carla that it’s tested positive when she initially thought it was negative.

He may have done it for the right reasons in his own mind, but if there’s one thing a woman doesn’t appreciate, it’s when a man hides the truth from her.

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