Dimitri Snowden and Ashley Kapri from Seeking Sister Wife have fallen in hot water lately as one of their former wives accused them of abuse. The couple has had a difficult time maintaining a relationship with any of the wives they have brought into their polygamous marriage. Dimitri has gone through at least five wives and several courtships in 18 years. While Ashley is the only one who has stayed with Dimitri, she was not his first wife.

None of the polygamous families featured on Seeking Sister Wife have had any better luck holding onto multiple wives. While the couples may have signed up for the show to try and normalize polygamy, their unhappiness and frequent marriages and divorces serve to demonstrate one of the many reasons why polygamy has never been widely embraced. Most recently, the Alldredge family divorced their newest wife Donna after less than six months of marriage and Jarod lost a wife when he demanded she quit working in order to take care of his house.


Dimitri was apparently married to another woman before Ashley, from 2003 until Dimitri divorced her in 2011. Also in 2011, Dimitri started dating Ashley. The couple knew they wanted to have a polygamous marriage, so they never legally married, choosing a spiritual marriage instead. After a few courtships, some shown on the first seasons of Sister Wives, Dimitri and Ashely brought on their second wife, Vanessa Cobbs. Their wedding was shown on the April 7, 2019 episode of Seeking Sister Wife. On April 15, 2019, Vanessa revealed that she had decided to leave the relationship and end her spiritual marriage.

The Snowdens said on the show that after their sudden and unexpected breakup with Vanessa, they took about 18 months to heal. However, that timeline doesn’t line up with the fact that Vanessa announced her breakup in April 2019 and the Snowdens next courtships also began in 2019. Dimitri and Ashley began courting two new women, Tayler Middleton and Christeline Petersen. Shortly before lockdown began in 2020, Tayler decided to move in with them. Then they decided to move Christeline and her children from Africa to live with them before the border closed. After not too long, Tayler moved out again, but Christeline married Dimitri in July 2020, this time in a legal marriage. Dimitri said Christeline left the family on January 21.

In April 2021, Christeline tried to get restraining orders against Dimitri and Ashley, accusing them both of abuse. Viewers already find polygamy to generally be a creepy relationship, with men treating women like a collectible commodity. With the abuse allegations, viewers will have to see if TLC includes the Snowdens in future seasons of Seeking Sister Wives or if producers will drop the Snowdens and follow another family that is only controversial for being polygamous.

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