Jerry and George may appear the best of buds, but, behind that veil of friendship, there are things people ignore from time to time. Jerry likes to act as the superior one. George, on the other hand, mooches off of Jerry, though not as much as Kramer does. He doesn’t miss any opportunity to pay less, rope Jerry into his schemes, or make a living off of him.

George and Jerry’s friendship seems symbiotic many times. Here are ten reasons why we think Jerry and George aren’t real friends.

10 Jerry Always Puts George Down

George is the underperformer with a motor mouth. The guy will move in with his parents, yet think of himself as the king. Jerry, on the other hand, may have found success early on. So, that makes him the wisecracking, insensitive friend of the group. Jerry never misses an opportunity to put George down.

In “The Stake Out,” George pretends to be an architect at the offices of Sagman, Bennett, Robbins, Oppenheim, and Taff. Jerry immediately makes fun of him. Come on Jerry, let the man live his fantasy. Jerry confuses him by saying, “I don’t see architecture coming from you.” In “The Fix-Up,” George is all huffy about how he’s never going to meet anybody. Jerry consoles him by saying maybe he won’t.

9 George’s Ulterior Motives

Between Jerry and George, it looks like the latter seeks more of the former’s favors. It’s evident in “The Baby Shower.” Elaine is showering George’s worst date, Leslie, at Jerry’s apartment. George thinks he has a bit of history with Leslie. George withheld anger inside years after his date with Leslie. To be fair, the woman did shoot George on the chest with chocolate sauce. George wants to get square with her for destroying his red shirt and his ego.

When Jerry’s trip is canceled due to a flying mishap, George rushes to pick up Jerry from the airport. On their way back, George goes on and on about how he appreciates having a real friend like Jerry. It doesn’t take time before Jerry spots George wearing the same red shirt. Nice try, George, but you gotta get up pretty early in the morning.


8 George Always Pays Less, Gets Jerry To Cover For Him

George is a miser. He will always look for ways to pay less, lesser than the rest of the gang. The question arises, who covers for George when he’s trying to be a little saver? It’s Jerry, of course. Sometimes Jerry will cover for George, and, other times, he won’t.

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In “The Chinese Restaurant,” George offers to pay lesser than Jerry and Elaine. Jerry immediately shuts him up by saying, “I’m counting your shrimp.”

7 Jerry Was Psychosexually Smitten With George’s Ex

Jerry practically broke the bro-code by going out with Marlene. In “The Ex-Girlfriend,” George breaks things off with Marlene, after which he introduces her to Jerry. Although Jerry is reluctant to be seeing this woman at first, he ends up getting psychosexually possessed by her. It’s maddening!

Jerry can’t shut out Marlene’s voice. What’s disturbing is George’s behavior. He doesn’t mind the two of them going out. His best friend and his ex-girlfriend! What kind of a boyfriend, erm… “best friend” was George? Or Jerry, for that matter.

6 Jerry Smothered George With A Pillow

To Seinfeld physical comedy means smothering your best friend with a pillow on a hospital bed. In “The Heart Attack,” George faces a medical emergency while having lunch with Jerry and Elaine. He panics at first, followed by loud cries when the stroke affects his left arm. George thinks he’s having a heart attack. Jerry, meanwhile, appears unfazed by the whole thing. At the hospital, Jerry does something disturbing. He smothers George with a giant pillow. Careful now, Jerry, the guy has tubes going into his body.

5 They Have No Boundaries

Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine are into a codependent dynamic. This was established early on in the show. In “The Fix-Up,” we get a close glimpse of it. Jerry’s been on a date with Cynthia, and they spend the night together. At the end of the whole saga, Cynthia has chosen not to call George. He feels used and violated.

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Jerry takes it upon himself to call Cynthia to find out why she left George like some kind of a roach trap, which would have been fantastic had George had permitted Jerry. Poor George stops Jerry respectfully at first, but the latter is adamant. A minor melee breaks between the two. Takes Kramer to break the two of them apart. Jerry had no right!

4 Jerry’s Mother Refused To Save George

When you are great friends with someone, your families are respectful of your friendship. This is especially true of adult friendships where families invite each other to lunch. Such as with George and Jerry. The Costanzas invited the Seinfelds for Paella.

Morty and Helen seem like the kind of parents who wouldn’t give two hoots about their best friend’s son. George is blackmailed by the Van Buren boys to mug people on the street. Coincidentally, Helen and Morty are the passersby. In an ordinary world, they should have come as a relief to George. George whispers to the couple, but Helen ends up fighting him. How big of a task was it to realize George was being held on gunpoint? There had to be something wrong with George saying, “I’m an animal!” They knew him for years, yet chose to walk away.

3 Wouldn’t Miss A Chance To Out-Disgust Each Other

It begins with Jerry not offering George some of his crab bisque. It’s what comes from living under a Nazi regime! But it boils into a full-blown conflict once Jerry breaks up with Sheila. The thing is, George was sick of the whole Shmoopie business, so he’s relieved Sheila and Jerry are over. You’d think George would feel sad for his dear friend. Instead, he mirrors the same behavior with Susan to disgust Jerry.

Jerry, too, is back with Sheila solely to get back at George. Both men bring their girlfriends to Monk’s to out-disgust each other with public displays of affection, though Susan doesn’t know. She is delighted and reciprocates the same behavior with George. Sensing George’s discomfort with Susan, Jerry gladly tells him he’s broken up with Sheila. It leaves George dumbfounded.

2 Squabbled Over Keys

“The Keys” is the biggest test of the cast’s friendship on Seinfeld. Jerry took his spare keys from Kramer. Frankly, Kramer drove him to it. Kramer asked back for his. Kramer made key brothers with George, so he wanted to return the favor. George went to Elaine asking for his keys. It’s a big deal, apparently. Long story short, George has Elaine’s keys, and Jerry doesn’t feel good about that. Jerry has nothing, so he decides to heckle George for one.

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It’s alarming to see two grown men fight each other for keys. They are seated across at Monk’s. The whole restaurant is watching them fight over keys. “You wanna fight? I’ll fight you! All right, let’s get going.”

1 George Killed Independent Jerry

George’s parents live in Queens, and he isn’t thrilled about that. He knows the benefits that come with parents living in a buffer zone. Meanwhile, Jerry’s parents are moving from Uncle Leo’s (NYC apartment) to Del Boca Vista. George takes notice and tries to get rid of his parents in the same way.

The Seinfelds are horrified to discover that the Costanzas are about to move to their locality, and they are not silent about it, either. They try their best to keep Costanzas out of the Del Boca Vista. George’s parents decide to move anyway. Jerry’s parents are forced to stay back, as a result. Jerry rightly calls it a “Psychopath convention.” But it isn’t one when he fights George over the ‘buffer zone.’ George defends himself by saying Jerry has had his buffer zone for many years. It’s his time to live. Independent Jerry is dead, there and then.

NextEuphoria: 10 Things That Need To Happen In Season 3

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