With Kramer easily being the fan favorite of Seinfeld, so much so that live audiences even started applauding whenever he skidded in to Jerry’s apartment, he could very well be the real main character of the show. Whether he’s up to some dodgy schemes that are borderline scamming people or using his creativity to get rich, such as making a coffee table book about coffee tables, fans love how crafty he is.

However, putting those aside, and forgetting about how much of a freeloader he is, Kramer has actually tried on countless occasions to become a hardworking citizen and get a career going, but some of those career choices are outright bizarre.

10 Pretend Patient

Being a pretend patient, Kramer is hired to act out sick conditions for medical students, and this is where Kramer’s acting past comes in handy, seeing as he absolutely makes a meal out of it. He doesn’t only describe the symptoms for the med students to guess what he’s suffering from, but he creates grand, poetic stories around the illnesses he’s told to act out. Kramer mentions he’s in pain from the “haunting memories of lost love,” which hilariously turns out to be the symptoms of gonorrhea.

9 Hansom Cab Driver

Though Kramer is on record to having been on a work strike since 1985, he’s had a ton of jobs, and not only that, but he actually begs and pleads to become a hansom cab driver for a week.

Not only is it a strange job, but Kramer makes it even stranger, as instead of feeding the horse oats and hay, he feeds the horse Beef-A-Reno, a fictional mix of beef and pasta, while singing to it. What makes it worse is the horse becomes so flatulent because of the food, nobody can bear it.


8 Rickshaw Worker

Upon finding out they can get rickshaws from Hong Kong, Newman and Kramer go in to business together and run a rickshaw business, which is already a recipe for disaster. Not only is pulling a rickshaw through the streets of New York totally unsafe, it’s completely out of the ordinary and unorthodox. But it gets worse when Kramer is forced to pull Newman in the rickshaw, and as Kramer gets tired, he drops the wooden poles, leading Newman to fall backwards all the way down the street.

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7 Police Line Up Stand-In

Most people probably never knew people are paid to stand in police line-ups, but that’s exactly what happens. Generally, people are pulled off the street and offered around $20 for standing against the white wall. It’s one of the oddest jobs but probably one of the most fun at the same time, and of course, it could only happen to Kramer. But the job again ended up going terribly wrong, as a homeless man points Kramer out for holding up a jewelry store.

6 Model

Kramer put it best himself when he said, “everything I have I owe to this face,” as he hasn’t had just one modelling job, but a couple of them, and though they’ve been pretty lucrative for him, they are totally bizarre. First of all, he slid his way in to becoming an underwear model for Ralph Lauren just as easily as he slides in to Jerry’s apartment. And then he’s paid to be a portrait model, as he posed for a painting that sold for $5000. Being a model isn’t necessarily strange, but being this type of model is Kramer-level strange.

5 Fireman

God bless anyone who is trapped inside a building on fire when Kramer’s on shift. Though it’s a pretty normal job in general, the fact that Kramer of all people became a fireman is wholly strange. As firemen are often put in situations where they have to be level-headed and supremely clear minded, there’s no way Kramer could ever act that way, as he’s usually so hotheaded and way too instinctual.

And that’s exactly what happened after he rocked up to the Fire Station telling the chief that he knows faster routes. Kramer flies off the handle when in control of a fire engine and he turns up to the scene too late.

4 Tennis Ball Boy

Fans loved the fact that Kramer beat out all the teenagers in the tryouts for the job because nobody believed in him. Jerry thought it was strange, and all of the teenagers tried laughing him out of the court, but Kramer had too much pride. However, it’s such a weird thing for a not-all-there middle aged man to apply for. And though he did an incredible job at the tryouts, when it came to being the ball boy for the actual game, in true Kramer fashion, he got completely entangled with the Tennis player when trying to catch the ball.

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3 Lifeguard

In one of the few episodes that features non-diegetic music, Beach Boys’ “Wouldn’t It Be Nice” plays over the top of Kramer having a grand day out at the beach. A montage of him using a metal detector and climbing rocks plays, but he also sits in a Lifeguard’s chair whilst teaching girls how to dive. He is quickly ushered out by security, but in another episode, it’s revealed that Kramer actually used to be a professional lifeguard. Fans found this out because Kramer said it was the only time he ever shaved his chest hair.

2 Actor

Being one of the things that season one’s Kramer would be proud of, Kramer became somewhat of a pro when it comes to acting. Just like with his modelling career, his face continues to be his biggest money maker, and just like his modelling career, he has acted on several occasions, and it’s probably the closest thing Kramer has ever come to having a proper career.

Kramer first got a role in a Woody Allen movie in which he had the one line, “these pretzels are making me thirsty,” one of the most iconic quotes of the entire series. He then earned an appearance on Murphy Brown, and he was of course a soap opera stand-in on the set of All My Children.

1 Mall Santa

Considering how Mall Santas are usually represented in movies and TV as depressed and pretty strange people, whether it’s in Bad Santa or Friends, it’s actually a pretty fitting job for an oddball like Kramer. However, he again screws up his chances at getting hired the next holiday season, as he hilariously reveals his stance on capitalism to a child sitting on his lap requesting toy cars.

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The irony of Kramer being a mall Santa while at the same time becoming a communist after reading the Communist Manifesto is so on point and perfect, but it would have otherwise been a pretty normal job by Kramer’s standards.

NextThe Vampire Diaries: Klaus’ 10 Funniest Quotes