With all the characters of Seinfeld being so selfish and always working for things that only benefit themselves, it comes as no surprise that very few of them have much of a work ethic. All of the main cast have tried to cut corners at some point, and it rarely ever works out for the best.

Whether it’s George procrastinating, Kramer’s Ponzi schemes, or Uncle Leo’s straight-up petty theft, most of the characters have never done a hard day’s work in their lives, and they don’t want to. However, there are a couple who do actually work hard, even though it might not seem like it on the face of it.

10 Uncle Leo

Uncle Leo is seemingly always walking the streets of New York, as Jerry has never bumped into anybody half as much as his cheap-skate uncle. Whether he’s dumpster diving for watches or stealing from a bookstore, Leo has taken retirement seriously and thinks he is above the law.

As he spends a lot of his time bragging about his son’s accomplishments, Leo is clearly living vicariously through him, as he has never had any intention to lift a finger, and he has zero work ethic.

9 George

George’s whole schtick surrounds how lazy he is and how much he procrastinates, trying to get away with doing the minimum amount of work possible, which is why he’s had so many different jobs in the past. Even when he walked into an office pretending to have a job and getting away with it, he still sat at his desk napping and reading the newspaper for full eight-hour workdays.

Not only does George not have any work ethic, but he often brings his friends down with him, as he ruined Jerry’s sitcom chances with NBC, and then embarrassed Elaine for getting him a job at Pendant Publishing when he slept with the cleaner. George puts it best when he explains that he never wanted to be an architect, but he always wanted to pretend to be an architect.


8 Frank Costanza

Frank Costanza is a wild card, not only when it comes odd jobs, but in every pillar of his life, but the ideas he comes up with to make a quick buck are almost delusional.

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After watching The Net, Frank opens a business in his garage in which he has George sell computers over the phone, but Frank doesn’t do anything in the business except shout about how bad George’s sales numbers are. And like father, like son, Frank cuts corners every way he can possibly think of.

7 Kramer

At this point, it seems like none of the characters think that working to make a living is a priority, whatsoever. Just like the aforementioned characters, Kramer bounces from job to job and idea to idea, and he was even a mall Santa at one point.

However, unlike the other characters, Kramer surprisingly finds a modicum of success in the bizarre ideas he has, and when he’s inspired, he’ll work hard at it. Kramer even appeared on television to promote his coffee table book about coffee tables, and he has been a screenwriter, a photographer, and even a Calvin Kelvin underwear model.

6 Susan

Susan lost her job at NBC through no fault of her own, and the only mistake she ever made was getting romantically involved with George, who is the complete opposite of her in terms of work ethic.

Being an executive, the character took her job at NBC seriously, but she lost it because George absentmindedly tried to kiss her at the start of a meeting. Since then, Susan was left out of work and she struggled to get back on her feet after that, but it wasn’t because of a lack of work ethic.

5 Jerry

It might not look like Jerry does much, but that’s because he’s so successful when he does work. Though the stand-up sequences were dropped later on in the series, many of the episodes began and ended with Jerry doing stand-up, with the subject matter being about the basis of the episode.

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All those clips eventually add up to hours, and in the show, viewers can often see him working on his bits. It’s clear how dedicated to comedy Jerry is when he screams at a child after he tears apart a tape of new material that he recorded, hilariously calling him a “little piece of s**t.”

4 Puddy

Being in an off-again-on-again relationship with Elaine, audiences learn a lot about Puddy in a short amount of time. He’s lazy, he’s stupid, and he loves to party, which would make most people think that he wouldn’t care less about working hard.

However, Puddy is surprisingly good at his job, as he was a great mechanic, and then he was promoted to a salesman, where he even pulled favors for his friends too. Not only that, but he clearly respects what he does, as the former mechanic gets offended by the term “grease monkey.”

3 Newman

On the surface, it seems as if Newman is totally lazy with no work ethic whatsoever, but it’s actually the total opposite. Though the character was completely unhappy at his job, he took a lot of pride in delivering mail for the postal service, often working overtime because “the mail never stops!”

On top of that, he always picks up odd jobs in return for favors, such as secretly getting a strand of Jerry’s hair in return for free haircuts for life. And in the reunion in season seven of Curb your Enthusiasm, it’s revealed that Newman made millions from creating an app that locates the closest public toilet.

2 Morty Seinfeld

Being almost the complete opposite to George’s dad, Frank, Morty is a very dedicated worker, and though he has been retired for the entirety of the show, fans have heard about his career thousands of times over by this point.

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Morty made a living by selling raincoats, something he did for almost 40 years straight. He even invented one of his own, the beltless trench coat, known as “The Executive.” Morty’s retirement was clearly well earned, and it didn’t stop him, as he tried selling the leftover raincoats with Kramer.

1 Elaine

Elaine has it together more than almost every other character in every aspect of her life, and that’s no different when it comes to her career. She is the only character who had a steady 9-to-5 job throughout the series.

She jumped through hoops at Pendant Publishing as a copy editor for a whole five years and then became the personal assistant to Mr. Pitt. After that, she even became the editor of the J. Peterman Catalog, even though how she came to be running it makes absolutely no sense.

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