While Jerry is definitely the main character on popular sitcom Seinfeld, his other friends have always make a huge impression on fans. Neurotic George, oddball Kramer, and quirky Elaine are some of the most famous and beloved characters on any TV series. Nothing would be as funny or as interesting without them.

But even though Jerry spends time with his pals on a regular basis and they often hang out in a group, it’s fair to say that Elaine and George aren’t quite that close. Read on to find out 10 reasons why these two aren’t real friends.

10 They Only Know Each Other Because Of Jerry

When fans really think about it, it seems like Elaine and George only know each other because of Jerry. It doesn’t seem like they would hang out otherwise, which is a pretty big indicator that they aren’t actually real friends.

Sometimes people go out for meals together or to the movies because of a mutual friend, and that’s definitely what happens on Seinfeld. This can work, but that’s only if both people like each other, and that doesn’t seem to be the case here. Elaine and George just seem to tolerate each other.

9 They Have Nothing In Common

Elaine and George really have nothing in common. She works in publishing and seems like one of the smartest characters on the show — although they’re each pretty intelligent in their own ways (and also kind of silly in their own ways).

George and Jerry bond because they’ve both got similar senses of humor, they enjoy sports, they like walking around New York together, and they can also just hang out in Jerry’s apartment and talk for hours. Elaine’s not really into sports, and she and George don’t share any hobbies.


8 It’s Awkward When They Spend Time Together Without Jerry

In the season 3 episode “The Dog,” George and Elaine go to the movies to see something called Prognosis Negative. They were supposed to go with Jerry but he bows out. It’s super awkward when they spend time together on their own and proves, that they don’t enjoy each other’s company without their mutual friend.

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Sure, they start laughing at Jerry and they can get along in that sense, but is that really the basis for a real friendship? Definitely not. That’s way too mean-spirited.

7 They’re Both Too Self-Centered

Part of the fun and entertainment of watching Seinfeld is realizing that the main characters are more selfish than most people on television — or in real life. They don’t think about other people, they complain a lot, and they seem unwilling to make compromises or do something nice for a stranger.

That being said, George and Elaine are still way too self-centered to treat each other the way that real friends do. They would never do a favor or think of the other person before themselves.

6 They Don’t Support Each Other

There is definitely no Seinfeld scene when Elaine and George say something really nice about the other person. These two characters don’t seem to support each other, which is another reason that they aren’t real friends.

In order for two people to have a friendship that is built on compassion and positive emotions, they have to show each other support. When Elaine or George gets a new job or starts dating someone new, fans don’t see them cheering each other on.

5 They Seem To Get On Each Other’s Nerves

Sometimes when the friend group on Seinfeld is hanging out, Elaine and George seem more neurotic and annoyed than usual. This suggests that these two characters get on each other’s nerves.

In the second season episode “The Deal,” George doesn’t think it’s a good idea for Elaine and Jerry to have a friends with benefits situation. While friends have a right to their own opinion and don’t have to agree with everything that their pals do, it seems like George is pretty frustrated with Elaine all the time. It’s not like he tells Jerry that they should date because they seem good together.

4 Elaine Seems To Always Poke Fun At George

Whenever the gang is hanging out, it seems like Elaine is always poking fun at George. Fans get the sense that she thinks he’s pretty silly and that she doesn’t really like him all that much (at least not as much as she likes Jerry).

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Because of this, Elaine and George aren’t real friends. She would be much nicer and more compassionate toward him if they were.

3 Proximity Isn’t Necessarily Close Friendship

Proximity might mean that people hang out together because they keep finding themselves in the same physical places, but that doesn’t equal close friendship. This is another reason why no fans of Seinfeld are going to consider George and Elaine actual friends.

They happen to be around each other quite a lot because they love Jerry and they also enjoy spending the majority of their days at Jerry’s apartment or the restaurant. But this doesn’t make them the best of friends.

2 They Fight When George Goes Out With A Bald Woman And Freaks Out

In the season 6 episode “The Beard,” George goes out with a woman named Denise who doesn’t have any hair. When he freaks out that she’s bald, Elaine gets really mad and says that doesn’t make any sense because he’s bald too.

Elaine and George fight when she throws his toupee out the window because it makes her angry. When Kramer tells Elaine that she shouldn’t have done that, she replies, “He looked like an idiot. He did, and it made him act like a jerk.”

1 Their Personalities Are Totally Opposite

While Elaine has an awesome work ethic and doesn’t mind pulling her sleeves up to get the job done, George definitely has an opposite approach to his work life. Elaine has ambition and George is a schemer who wants to get by and do as little as possible.

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Because their personalities are the complete opposite of each other, they don’t get along, and that makes it hard to imagine them ever being best friends.

NextThe Boys: The 10 Bravest Characters, Ranked

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