Released in 2015, Seraph of the End was a post-apocalyptic anime adapted from its manga series of the same name by Wit Studio, which is most notably known as the studio behind producing Attack on Titan. The story takes place in an alternate reality where a man-made virus has wiped out the majority of humanity, excluding children under the age of 13 who are not affected by the virus. Supernatural creatures referred to as vampires have risen amidst this apocalypse and have taken over what little remains of the world.

The first and the second season aired back-to-back in 2015, but ever since then, no indications of the third season have been given. The chances of a sequel slim down further with every passing year, but when or if the third season does air, here are 5 characters we want to see more of, and 5 we can do without.

10 Want More Of: Mitsuba Sangu

Like nearly every character in the anime, Mitsuba Sangu is haunted and defined by her tragic, disastrous past. Due to her direct actions and insubordination, the previous squad she was a part of was massacred by the monsters known as Four Horsemen of John.

The repercussions of that event can be seen in her personality as she argues with Yu frequently for his rash behaviors. But underneath it all, she is always standing guard over the well being of her teammates.

9 Want Less Of: Krul Tepes

The queen of the vampires, Krul Tepes is one of the strongest and highest-ranking Progenitors, which might be difficult to believe from her childish appearance. She was responsible for saving Mika’s life, but in the process, she turned him into a vampire against his will.

Although it is shown that she apparently cares about Mika, even going as far as feeding him her own blood on a regular basis, in reality, she only sees him as a pet of sort, and her true objective is and always will be the extermination of humans.


8 Want More Of: Yuichirou Hyakuya

The protagonist of the show, Yu’s past is an extremely tragic one and it is what motivates him in his quest to exterminate all vampires from the world. Although he shows signs of arrogance and introversion in the beginning, he eventually warms up to his other teammates and learns to value friendship and teamwork.

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The fact that he interacts with his new friends and at the same time balances the emotional trauma of the death of his “family” represents exactly the type of character development that fans like.

7 Want Less Of: Ferid Bathory

Seventh Progenitor Ferid Bathory is one of the evilest and first antagonists introduced in the anime, the vampire who tricked Mika at the beginning of the story and single-handedly slaughtered the Hyakuya family of orphans.

He likes to talk with people in a gentlemanly way, even with his victims before murdering them which is clear proof of his sadistic and psychopathic nature. Although he works alongside Mika in the present time, he has never been anything other than trouble for the main protagonists.

6 Want More Of: Mikaela Hyakuy

Out of all his friends that died at the hands of the vampires, Yu was the closest to Mikaela. The two were practically like brothers.

The fact that Mikaela actually survived was unknown to Yu for many years and a big part of the drama in the plot revolves around the two of them getting reacquainted with each other, who proves to be easier said than done as Mikaela had turned into a vampire and Yu was a vampire hunter by profession.

5 Want Less Of: Crowley Eusford

Crowley Eusford is technically a lower rank Progenitor than Ferid Bathory, but even taking that into account he is an immensely powerful vampire, and his courage (or over-confidence) is a big part of his strength. He is almost always seen together with fellow noble vampires Horn Skuld and Chess Belle and the three form a fearsome trio.

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He was able to hold his own against Yu’s demon form, which is supposed to be humanity’s trump card against vampires, which shows exactly how dangerous he is.

4 Want More Of: Shinoa Hiragi

The main female protagonist of the series, Shinoa is relatively stronger and more experienced than the protagonist Yu (and nearly all the other characters of her age) and she has wielded a Cursed Gear for a much longer length of time.

The importance of her character shows through her sarcastic and comedic personality which lightens the serious tone of the anime at times, and she likes to tease her teammates on a regular basis, especially Yu.

3 Want Less Of: Asuramaru

The older brother of the aforementioned vampire queen Krul Tepes, Ashera Tepes is better known by his demon name “Asuramaru”. His existence is something of a double-edged sword in the show. As a demon and cursed gear, he is bound by contract to Yu and provides him with great power which is necessary for the fight against vampires.

But his one and only purpose has always been to take over Yu’s body and has tried to do it many times by emotionally manipulating him.

2 Want More Of: Yoichi Saotome

Time and time again Yoichi Saotome has been shown to be the meekest and most gentle out of everyone else in the group, and although this might give off the impression that he is weak the reality is different.

He proved his strength well when he failed in his first attempt to obtain a cursed gear and got possessed by a demon but ultimately managed to regain back control of his body, an act that was considered nigh impossible.

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1 Want Less Of: Guren Ichinose

Since his first on-screen appearance, Guren has been a mentor to Yuu and a father figure. The commander of the Vampire Extermination Unit’s Moon Demon Company, he is an indispensable part of humanity’s fight against the vampires and other monsters as a lieutenant colonel of the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.

But at the same time, his act of using Yu as an experiment cannot be ignored, and his resolve to do anything necessary for the survival of humanity might not always be a good thing.

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