Miranda Hobbes was definitely a character that revolved around the stereotype of a “strong woman” on Sex and the City. While that had its place at the time, given that the show was trying to be progressive and display what it thought was a very forward-thinking woman, now many of these ideas are incredibly dated and narrow.

Here are some things about Miranda that did not age well.

10 The Lesbian Jokes

While at the time, this kind of humor may have been more accepted, though not acceptable, now, the number of Lesbian jokes surrounding Miranda would be unacceptable. Dressing a certain way, or having a certain haircut, doesn’t make you lesbian, only being with a woman makes you a lesbian.

And honestly, Miranda may have been happier to give that another try, instead of just a half-hearted one to get ahead at her job. While the lesbian jokes were a little bit critiqued in the show, they didn’t go nearly far enough.

9 The Career Woman

Miranda is painted as the stereotypical career woman, in a way that doesn’t appeal to women of today. Similarly to the above point, any woman can rise in the ranks of their chosen profession. They can be good at their jobs, no stereotypes necessary.

Miranda’s very character was written and presented to make it clear she was the “career woman” and that just is not a look that has aged well.


8 Eventually She “Normalized”

While Miranda always claimed not to want anything but to get ahead, eventually, she sold out to her own beliefs. While it is fine for women to change their minds, it is a slippery slope. Given how against children and men Miranda was, it seems odd that she would be the one to have them first.

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That sends an unclear message about whether it is okay to want different things and stick to those guns. Samantha, who mostly wants a good time, is allowed to duck out of the norm, but Miranda, who wants success must adjust. A message that would not work today.

7 Though She Mocked Others For Wanting The Picket Fence

Before this adjustment, Miranda was highly critical of, especially Charlotte, for wanting a child. In fact, her insensitivity bordered on cruelty during the time when Charlotte struggled to conceive. Feminism, as understood today, is not about bucking all norms, but about having the freedom to choose a path.

Miranda’s character was not created with this in mind and that would definitely not fly today.

6 She Was Judgmental

Aside from her judgments about life paths, she was judgemental about pretty much everything, from how her friends handled their relationships to what her boyfriend wanted to do with his day.

This attitude, another part of her “strong female” stereotype, came across in an unflattering way, and actually hurt, not helped, her position of strength.

5 She Refused To Let People In

Miranda always had to be a lone wolf. Whether she was recovering from eye surgery and couldn’t see, or she was recovering from a broken heart, Miranda was always hard-pressed to let anyone in to help her.

This vision of friendship, especially female friendship, is one that wouldn’t stand today. The relationships between women should be about uplifting one another, not about keeping everyone at arm’s length.

4 She was not very nice

Not only was Miranda aloof, but she could be downright mean to the people around her. From her housekeeper to her boyfriend, to her best friends, to people on the street, Miranda was just plain mean. Again, this seems like its a mistaken stereotype for female strength.

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But just because women don’t want to smile all the time, doesn’t give them an excuse to attack everyone around them needlessly. This wouldn’t strike the right chord today.

3 She Didn’t Forgive

Miranda was quick to judge but slow to forgive. She would hold and hold a grudge and never admit to her part in the wrongdoing. It is a strength to know your own value and to make sure you are not being taken advantage of, but it is a weakness not to allow the heart to have some rule, in addition to the head.

In an effort to make Miranda an extreme of strength, her heart was often erased. That wouldn’t stand today.

2 She Was Too Negative

Miranda is a cynic and sometimes, rightfully so. But her inability to have any positive spins on the things happening for her, or her friends, grew quickly tiresome.

Miranda was in a pretty good position, after all, she was a high powered attorney, with people in her life who really cared about her. Her lack of appreciation isn’t a trait that aged well.

1 She Needed To Feel Right

Miranda always needed to make sure she was right. She fancied herself to be the smartest person in the room at any given moment, and always had to have the last word. Whether it came to someone else’s love life, sexual pursuits, living situations, or anything of the kind, she had something to say.

When people didn’t agree with her, she didn’t take it particularly well. It’s never fun to always have to be wrong, and for sure today, people would not stand for it.

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