Just the title Sex and the City brings to mind wild nights and questionable escapades. Here is a list of the popular characters’ D&D moral alignments.HBO’s classic 90’s dramedy features Sarah Jessica Parker as the passionate and perky New York sex columnist and fashionista – Carrie Bradshaw.

The show follows her writing career spent musing on the steamy (and sometimes not so steamy) love lives of herself and her best friends as they navigate busy careers, vibrant social lives, and the ever-changing dating scene of New York City. Let’s look at their moral alignments to get a clue on how these very different characters mesh as friends and lovers.

10 Carrie Bradshaw – Chaotic Good

Carrie wouldn’t be herself without her energetic, optimistic personality, but as a certain Mr. Big might say, she does tend to get “Carrie’d away”. Always led by her emotions and good intentions, Carrie is a rebel of the best kind – loyal and affectionate, with little fear in expressing herself and standing up for what she believes in right out in the open.

Her conscience and her heart guide her rather than stringent rules and regulations, which causes her to be just a bit impulsive and irresponsible at times.

9 Miranda Hobbes – Lawful Good

Lawyers have a reputation for being less than wholesome, but Miranda is nowhere near the shady stereotypes that haunt the career field. Intelligent and successful, Miranda is committed to doing the right thing at her job and in her day-to-day life. She clings to order via routines and rule books, but still makes time for her cutting, dry humor.

She has strict views on the right and wrong way of doing things and can be abrasive and stubborn when challenged, but in the end, her intentions are pure. She is a grounded, dependable friend that can be trusted to give firm but fair advice.


8 Charlotte York – Neutral Good

If Carrie is too chaotic and Miranda is too uptight, Charlotte is balanced right in the middle between the two of them. Charlotte is an art dealer with a sweet, polite demeanor and traditional values. Sometimes too focused on appearance and what other people think of her, she’s prone to giving up too much of herself in a relationship to be the perfect girlfriend, wife, or mother, until she runs out of steam.

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She is neither a spirited rebel nor a blind follower of authority. All she wants is comfort and balance in her life and a partner who will help her achieve that.

7 Samantha Jones – Chaotic Neutral

Perpetually single and loving every minute of it, Samantha Jones is a wild card among the group. Where Carrie is led by her deep belief in finding romance amidst the bustling, fast-paced city life, Samantha thrives off of the freedom of casual relationships. She boasts about her sexcapades and encourages “having sex like a man”, without attachments, a personality trait that her friends don’t always appreciate.

She’s 40-something and proud in a group of 30-something’s, and she’s not worried about the rules of how women her age are supposed to date. Simply put, she does what she wants.

6 Mr. Big – Neutral Evil

Wealthy, sexy, mysterious, evil? John James Preston, most commonly known by the nickname “Mr. Big”, is Carrie Bradshaw’s on again off again flame throughout the series and he consistently treats her terribly.

Charming but aloof, Mr. Big is more concerned with getting what he wants than compromising or giving Carrie what she needs from a relationship. A true neutral evil, selfishness is his top priority, even if it hurts everyone around him. He doesn’t like to talk about love or commitment, but will gladly hint at it and string her along if it suits his own needs.

5 Aidan Shaw – Lawful Good

Oh, Aidan, Aidan, Aidan. So handsome, so nice, and yet still so boring. A carpenter and later, a bar owner, Aidan is adorable but simple compared to many of Carrie Bradshaw’s other admirers.

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Let’s be fair. Overall, Aidan is a decent guy, but his lawful good tendencies can make him appear controlling. He has a strong moral compass and doesn’t like it when Carrie treads the line of his own preferences, which she does, a lot, from her smoking habit to serious betrayals, like cheating on him with Mr. Big. Despite his easygoing ways and feelings for her, Aidan needs more stability than her free spirit can give him.

4 Trey McDougal – True Neutral

Poor Trey. Unfortunately for him, his good looks and the fact that he’s a cardiologist can’t save him from the awful truth – he’s just boring. He’s not spontaneous or romantic, nor is he committed to some code of honor in a sexy, knight of the round table sort of way.

He’s just there. Charlotte’s first husband, Trey isn’t a bad guy exactly, but he doesn’t seem to have a whole lot of personality or backbone one way or the other. Between his clingy relationship with his mother and his performance issues in bed, it’s no wonder their marriage didn’t work out.

3 Steve Brady – Chaotic Good

Despite being lawful good, Miranda seems to surround herself with chaotic friends. Steve, her bartender one night stand, is no different. Like the other chaotic good on this list, Steve is a true romantic and he has a difficult time ignoring the persistent tug of his own heartstrings.

Kind but overeager, Steve isn’t deterred when Miranda repeatedly turns him down for a date. He just keeps asking…and asking…and asking. He is unashamed of his soft side and doesn’t hide that he wants a serious relationship, or that he thinks he’s found the perfect woman in Miranda.

2 Harry Goldenblatt – Neutral Good

One would expect a divorce attorney to be more cynical about love, but Harry falls for Charlotte practically from the moment he meets her. Despite the relationship roadblock of Charlotte not being Jewish, Harry pursues the relationship wholeheartedly.

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Harry is relaxed (sometimes too relaxed for Charlotte’s taste), emotionally supportive, and just an all-around good man who knows that he isn’t perfect, but he’s willing to put the work in for a relationship. He makes mistakes like any other character, but he cares and tries to fix them.

1 Richard Wright – Chaotic Evil

Chaos meets chaos and it is not pretty. The ever intimidating Richard Wright doesn’t have the longest-running arc out of all of the characters on the show, but he sure packs a punch in the time that he’s given.

Confident, manipulative, and powerful, Richard manages to do something that many fans didn’t think was possible. He actually causes Samantha to consider settling down with him in the horrors of monogamy. The lovey feelings don’t last long. Always out for himself, Richard cheats on her, leaving her briefly heartbroken. See? Evil.

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