The characters on Sex and the City are far from perfect. The central protagonist of the show, Carrie Bradshaw, is one of the most disliked leading characters in pop culture, owing to her selfish and spoiled attitude, while her friends have also been criticized for their irritating and annoying personality traits.

Even the characters who are popular among fans have flaws that make them more real and more relatable. In most cases, the characters themselves admit that they have these shortcomings, while others still lack in self-awareness. Keep reading to find out what the worst trait of every main character is, ranked.

10 Harry Goldenblatt: Inconsistent

Now, to criticize a great man like Harry Goldenblat is really to clutch at straws. But if there’s anything wrong with Charlotte’s soulmate, it’s that he’s a little inconsistent.

He can’t get serious about a woman who’s not Jewish but he also doesn’t care about following any other Jewish traditions, including being respectful during a Seder meal? Nonetheless, Harry is just perfect for Charlotte.

9 Smith Jerrod: Workaholic

Like Harry, Smith Jerrod is another ideal Sex and the City man who’s very difficult to criticize. When he becomes a successful actor, he does turn into something of a workaholic, leaving him with little time for Samantha. But at the same time, it’s understandable that he’d put so much effort into his career after aspiring toward it for so long.


8 Miranda Hobbes: Cynical

The good thing about Miranda Hobbes is that she’s aware of her own shortcomings. Her worst trait is that she’s totally cynical but she admits this herself in the series.

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She expects the worst from people and takes a long time to believe that they actually have good intentions, which is obvious when she first meets Steve. Despite his kind actions, she refuses to believe that he’s actually good for her for a long time.

7 Steve Brady: Immature

Steve Brady is one of the most adored characters on the show and the majority of fans couldn’t be happier that Miranda ended up with him. That said, his immaturity brings him down a few notches.

From wanting to have a baby before he and Miranda are ready, to being scared of the doctor, Steve is still sometimes more of a boy than a man.

6 Samantha Jones: Insensitive

Samantha Jones is confident, independent, and the least needy of all the girls. While she comes out with some hilarious one-liners, some fans would argue that her worst trait is being insensitive.

She often says things without realizing how offensive they are to others and doesn’t mind hurting people’s feelings. Some would call it honest, but she also seems to have little tact when it comes to dealing with others.

5 Aidan Shaw: Pushy

Sex and the City fans seem to be divided in their opinion of Aidan Shaw. While some view him as the perfect man, others believe that he’s got a few flaws of his own. Aidan seems to be more supportive than Mr. Big, but his worst trait is that he’s pushy.

This is made worse by the fact that Carrie doesn’t genuinely love him like she says she does, but he constantly has to nudge her, whether it’s to clear out her closet or marry him.

4 Charlotte York: Closed-Minded

In some ways, Charlotte York is the most caring and supportive of the four main women. In other ways, she’s judgmental and closed-minded.

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She has a solid concept of the way things are supposed to be in her head and doesn’t usually allow herself to be swayed from that. She unfairly slut-shames Samantha during the series finds it hard to adapt to other people’s points of view.

3 Trey MacDougal: Cowardly

Charlotte thinks she’s getting the perfect husband when she married Trey MacDougal, but he’s far from it. Although he’s kind and polite, he’s also a huge coward when it comes to standing up to his mother.

He does finally take Charlotte’s side in the end by giving her the apartment and telling his mother to stop, but by then it’s too little too late.

2 Mr. Big: Cold-Hearted

To be clear, Carrie isn’t totally innocent when it comes to her relationship with Mr. Big. For the most part, he’s clear about where he stands and their problems tend to stem from her not reading him properly or trying to change him.

But there are also times when he’s so cold-hearted toward her, like when he plans to go to Paris without considering her and, in the film, when he jilts her on the morning of their wedding

1 Carrie Bradshaw: Selfish

Even the biggest fans of Sex and the City have criticized the character of Carrie Bradshaw for being unlikeable. Among a few other flaws, her worst trait seems to be that she’s incredibly selfish. This is obvious at every brunch with her friends when she dominates the conversation with her own problem.

It’s also obvious when she has an affair with Mr. Big and then only worries about how it affects her. She just doesn’t have the capacity to think of others the way she thinks of herself.

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