Warning: this post contains spoilers for Sex Education season 3.

Sex Education season 3 ending explained — do Otis Milburn and Maeve Wiley get back together? A new term awaited the students of Moordale Secondary, but the time jump between seasons 2 and 3 saw a lot of changes for every character. The series, which first premiered on Netflix in 2019, has been successful in subverting expectations and showcasing the plethora of sexual experiences among teenagers and adults. Sex Education season 3 was no different, but it ended in a way that left certain storylines up in the air.  

Season 3 of Sex Education saw Maeve and Otis stop being friends, the sex clinic shut down, Eric and Adam in an official relationship, Jean and Jakob working out their issues, and so much more. It was also packed with several new characters — Cal, a non-binary student who protested the new policies put in place by Hope Haddon, Moordale’s new headteacher who replaced Michael Groff following his exit. 


The season 3 finale left it open for more stories to be told in a potential Sex Education season 4, and with Maeve headed off to New York to participate in a writing program and the series teasing Jakob is not actually the father of Jean’s baby, there are plenty more avenues for the show to take. Sex Education’s season 3 finale saw a lot of character and story developments unfold, and here they are explained in detail. 

Why Maeve Chooses America Over Otis

Maeve spent the majority of Sex Education season 3 dealing with the fallout of calling the police on her mother, Erin, who ignored her for the majority of the season, her growing affection for Isaac, and the feelings she still had for Otis. While all of this was happening, Maeve was still drawn to writing and her work paid off when she was accepted into a writing program in New York City. Maeve was ready to drop the opportunity because she didn’t want to ruin her newly reinstated relationship with Otis, especially when it had finally blossomed romantically. However, allowing her relationship to squander a great opportunity, one that could lead to a bright future, would have been pretty devastating. It would have also created some resentment down the line. With the encouragement of Aimee, Maeve decides to take a chance and leave her comfort zone (and Otis) behind to pursue writing in America for a few months. It was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up, even if it put yet another roadblock in the way of her and Otis being together.  

Will Otis & Maeve Get Back Together When She Returns?

Maeve and Otis have been a will-they/won’t-they couple since the start of Sex Education season 1. As they continued working together to give sex advice to their school classmates, the closer they grew as friends. But the romantic spark (and tension) remained between them as well. After the deleted voicemail was finally addressed, Maeve and Otis finally got together — only to be separated once more after Maeve decided to go to New York for a few months to pursue writing. Considering she and Otis were finally on the same page after so long, it’s likely they will get back together when Maeve returns from the U.S. There is currently no reason to think otherwise unless the writers of Sex Education plan on putting another obstacle in their way in a potential season 4. To that end, maintaining a long-distance relationship and the months of being away from each other could take a toll, which could lead to Maeve and Otis having to sort things out when she gets back. However, it took them three full seasons to finally get it together, so being separated for a couple of months doesn’t seem like it will permanently derail their relationship. 

Why Eric & Adam Break-up (& Adam’s Poem Meaning)

One of the most refreshing aspects of Sex Education was watching Adam evolve from a bully into someone who can embrace who he is as a person. Even though it was a process, Adam’s relationship with Eric helped to break him out of his shell. Eric loved Adam and was patient with him, but there was still a sense of frustration there because Eric was more confident in who he was and had no issues expressing himself — be it through words, clothing, or general personality. During his family’s trip to Nigeria, Eric kissed someone else and told Adam as much when he got back to England. While it seemed like it was something he and Adam could work through and potentially get past, the kiss only made Eric realize that he was being held back in his relationship with Adam. Eric loved Adam, but the latter was still in the early stages of coming into his own and figuring out who he was; Eric was already there, and it was becoming hard for him to grow because it often felt like he was holding Adam’s hand through everything. 

Adam’s poem was a full-circle moment for him, especially, because it was an outlet for him to express his emotions and confirming to himself that yes, he indeed had a heart and he could feel and allow himself to have the space to do so, even if it felt stupid to him. The fact that he took advice from Rahim suggests he’s open to exploring that part of him instead of reaching immediately for his feelings of anger and resentment. It was meaningful in a way that was poignant and lovely despite his hurt feelings over Eric kissing someone else. Eric was essentially Adam’s gateway to exploring his complex emotions and the poem was Adam taking those steps to embrace them. As painful as the break-up was on the both of them, Eric and Adam parting ways at the end of Sex Education season 3 makes sense and could allow both of them to grow as individuals without Adam having to depend on Eric to do it. 

Who Is The Father Of Jean’s Baby (& Can She And Jakob Make It Work?)

Jakob and Jean came a long way in Sex Education season 3. They attempted to confront their issues by going to couples therapy following the decision to move their families in together. And while it seems like they were finally in a good place by the season 3 finale — especially as Jakob had confronted the root of his mistrust — Jean received the results of the paternity test and it hints that Jakob is not the father, which could cause further problems for the couple in the future. It’s possible they could make it work despite everything. Jean and Jakob’s families finally feel better about the entire situation as well and, now that Joy is actually in the picture, the pair might try to work things out and raise her together regardless of the paternity test’s outcome — that is, if someone else is actually the father at all. All that said, Jean and Jakob have come too far throughout Sex Education season 3 in their relationship development to not try and make it work for each other, their teenage kids, and baby Joy.

Jackson’s Storyline & His Relationship With Cal

One of the best aspects of Sex Education season 3 was Jackson’s storyline, his continued development as a character and his relationship with Cal, the new non-binary student who was mistreated by Hope, whose policies directly targeted their identity. Neither Jackson or Cal liked Hope or how she was shaping Moordale, which led to them growing closer to each other and forming a strong bond. Jackson grew to like Cal very much but, despite his feelings, he had to get out of his own head after he felt confused and hesitant about kissing Cal, who let Jackson know he would be in a queer relationship if they started to date. 

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As much as Jackson liked Cal, he realized he wasn’t queer himself, but that he was still willing to learn. However, Sex Education season 3 ended with Jackson and Cal remaining friends because Cal wasn’t ready to take on educating Jackson about being in a relationship with a non-binary person when they were still figuring things out. The way things ended for the potential couple suggests they will likely return to being only friends in a potential season 4. Whatever happens, the storyline and relationship between both characters allowed them to grow as people, with Cal able to make friends and acclimate to some extent at Moordale. Standing up to Hope also set them apart from others and got the attention of another student who was also affected by Hope’s policies, but was not confident to speak up about it yet. This new friendship for Cal could be explored in a potential Sex Education season 4.

What’s Next For Ola & Lily?

Ola and Lily were in a good place for a while, but Ola was missing her mother deeply and the situation between Jean and Jakob wasn’t helping matters, making her feel like she would only be reminding her dad of her deceased mother. Lily was finally feeling accepted for her love of aliens, with her relationship with Ola feeling less alone. But Ola started feeling neglected by Lily, who didn’t listen to her woes, and Ola telling Lily that having alien sex was weird ended up shifting their relationship entirely. Luckily, Ola and Lily were in a better place by the end of Sex Education season 3. The couple still have a lot to sort through, but apologies from the both of them certainly sets up the pair to be in a more mature and openly communicative relationship in season 4. What season 3 ultimately taught them was that they needed to have balance in their relationship and Lily’s perceived weirdness wasn’t bad. Season 4 could build off of that momentum and make them even stronger for it. Of all the couples in Sex Education, however, Ola and Lily are the most stable in terms of their relationship despite the challenges they faced in season 3 and they are likely to stay and grow together in the future. 

Hope’s Ending Explained (& What Happens Next To Moordale?)

Although Hope meticulously planned for Moordale to look good in front of developers, parents, and the entire community in an attempt to change their perceptions from the previous term, the students revolted and decided they were going to own their reputation as the sex school. Suffice it to say they took matters into their own hands and hijacked the presentation Hope wanted to use to put on a show of their own. It ultimately drove Hope out of the auditorium and out of her job as headteacher. While she has a heart-to-heart with Otis about feeling like a failure because she can’t get pregnant, the brief moment of humanity doesn’t negate her atrocious mistreatment of Moordale’s students and her firing was something the students certainly celebrated. However, their happiness was short lived because their actions, as well-intentioned as they were, resulted in developers pulling all their funding from Moordale and shutting down the school. Otis, Maeve, Eric and all their classmates will have to figure out a way to finish their term so they can graduate. It’s a pretty terrible predicament and one that gives the students another challenge to overcome. 

How Sex Education Season 3’s Ending Sets Up Season 4

After the students rallied together against Hope Haddon in season 3, their efforts, valiant as they were, backfired. Moordale’s developers backed out of funding the school and it was slated to shut down, with everyone in Otis, Eric, and Maeve’s year now forced to find a way to finish their class requirements to graduate. Moordale effectively shutting its doors to students will likely be the overarching source of conflict in Sex Education season 4. Hope being ousted as headteacher was only a small victory, though it’s doubtful she will be back in the future. It’s worth noting that Michael Groff, who was forced to go on sabbatical after Moordale was deemed a “sex school,” could return to his position in season 4. Now that he’s in a much better place and has gotten a boost of confidence, it’s possible he might help with the situation to get Moordale back on its feet and reopened in time for the next term. 

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The ending of season 3 also sets up Adam and Rahim as a potential couple for Sex Education season 4. They were growing closer in season 3 and, with Adam accomplishing something for himself, there is room for their relationship to blossom further. All of the aforementioned story developments and character dynamics have also shifted enough that how they ended — Maeve leaving Otis for America, the paternity test, and Eric breaking up with Adam — will all have repercussions in a future season. Moordale closing is just the biggest one for now as it creates a sense of urgency for the students of Moordale to combat and work together to get through it, especially as it affects all of them. Whichever direction Sex Educationgoes in season 4, there are plenty of leftover storylines from season 3 to keep it going in authentic ways.

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