Shadow & Bone is one of the most unique offerings from Netflix in the past few years, and although the series has only released one season thus far, it has established a cast of characters with unique abilities and even more unique personalities.

From Alina to the Darkling to everyone in between, each of these characters is distinct and has a strong point of view, and their arcs throughout the season either seem to change their perspectives or further solidify their personalities. But, which character would you be, based on your zodiac sign?

12 Aries – Nina Zenik

Right from the moment she’s introduced, it’s obvious that Nina Zenik is a force to be reckoned with. Even as a prisoner, she isn’t the type to give up easily, and she’s a character who sticks to her guns no matter the circumstance.

That’s exactly why she’s a perfect Aries, as the sign of the ram is never one to take any adversity lying down, but they’re also incredibly strong-willed and aren’t easily influenced or changed by others.

11 Taurus – Mal Oretsev

Tauruses are very easygoing people so long as everything is going exactly how they want it to, which is why someone as stubborn and determined as Mal is their perfect counterpart in the Shadow & Bone world.

Mal and Alina’s relationship is the most important thing in the world to both of them, and no matter what adversity he’s facing or whether or not he believes Alina has given up on him, like a true Taurus, he never gives up on her.


10 Gemini – General Kirigan

General Kirigan has had years to practice portraying himself in one way to the public while being a completely different person in reality. However, he’d have an even easier time playing to that duality if he were a Gemini.

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While Geminis can sometimes get an unfairly bad rap for being duplicitous, the reality is that, just like the Darkling, they’re simply experts at picking up on other people’s cues and showing the right sides of themselves to the right audience at the right moment.

9 Cancer – Alina Starkov

For better or worse, Alina Starkov as well as those born under the sign of the crab are entirely guided by their emotions. Their feelings can ebb and flow quickly, but when they feel strongly about something it’s the most important thing to them, and ultimately following their hearts above all else has worked out for them.

Alina’s instinct to stay with Mal likely prevented her from proper Grisha training, but it also meant that she didn’t end up as another mindless soldier in Kirigan’s army.

8 Leo – Zoya Nazyalensky

There’s a reason why the sign of Leo is represented by a lion, as Leos are some of the fiercest in all of the zodiac. Zoya is much the same.

She was obviously an antagonist towards Alina at the very start. But, while Leos can be loyal just as Zoya was to Kirigan at first, they also don’t like being controlled and always make up their own minds. It should come as no surprise that Zoya turned on the Darkling.

7 Virgo – Fedyor Kaminsky

Virgos are very hardworking and loyal individuals, and while they never need to be the star of the show, they love feeling useful and accomplished.

Although Fedyor is obviously working on the wrong team, he is clearly very committed to General Kirigan’s service and continually fights for what he believes is the Grisha cause. It should come as no surprise that he’s the Darkling’s right-hand man, as just like many Virgos, he’s reliable and trustworthy beyond reproach.

6 Libra – Genya Safin

Libras are actually appreciative of beauty and aesthetics, so it’s only right that they’re represented by someone like Genya. But on a deeper level, the complexities of Genya’s character seem like an appropriate balancing act for the sign of the scales.

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While Genya is working as a spy for the Darkling, that doesn’t negate the fact that she does develop a true friendship with Alina, and she clearly tries to do right by those she cares for in an impossible situation.

5 Scorpio – Kaz Brekker

Kaz Brekker is obviously shockingly young considering the position he’s managed to advance himself to, but once his character is explored more deeply it’s not hard to understand why.

On the surface, he’s a mystery and clearly does everything he can to hide his true feelings, but beneath that surface is a rich and complex emotional life. Putting aside his hidden depths, he has largely become what he is because of his ruthlessness and fighting spirit, all of which make him a perfect Scorpio.

4 Sagittarius – Jesper Fahey

Out of all of the Crows, Jesper is clearly the most jovial and happy-go-lucky of the bunch, immediately making him seem like a Sagittarius.

He’s actually incredibly talented but doesn’t seem to care all that much, and his primary concern is taking risks and having as much fun as possible while he does it. He’s also a deeply caring individual, and his willingness to put his life on the line for innocent Milo is peak Sag energy.

3 Capricorn – Matthias Helvar

Capricorns have a tendency towards being quite traditional, intelligent, practical, and aren’t easily swayed by others. And Matthias seems to represent all of these traits, sometimes to a fault.

His beliefs about the Grisha are obviously misguided but rooted in the cultural beliefs he was raised in, and even though his connection with Nina makes him question his own perspective, he stubbornly resists it and takes quite a while to come around.

2 Aquarius – Inej Ghafa

The hallmarks of any typical Aquarius is that they’re unique, talented, and they’re extremely independent thinkers, which all describes Inej Ghafa as well.

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Kaz attempted to free her from her indentured servitude because there is no one else with her kind of skill, but what really makes Inej stand out among her criminal comrades is her intense beliefs and her determination to stick to her own moral code at the expense of nearly anything else.

1 Pisces – Baghra

The sign of Pisces is the most mystical sign in all of astrology, so it makes sense that the Master Yoda of the series, Baghra, would be their representative.

Traits like intuition and emotional intelligence are key aspects of the Pisces sign as well as key aspects of teaching young Grisha how to harness their power, and while both Pisces and Baghra are incredibly mysterious, they’re also strong and always well-intentioned.

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