Teen angst and the supernatural collide in the series Shadowhunters. Based on a series of novels, the television series came about after a planned series of films stalled. The story sees Clary Fray suddenly thrust into a world in which “all the legends are true” when she turns 18. It’s in that world that she meets Jace Wayland, and a new relationship is born.

While much of the series centers on Jace and Clary, they aren’t the only two characters in the sprawling universe. Many relationships flourish over the course of the series, but a lot also fizzle out. Not every romance can be endgame, and not every relationship is good for the characters involved.

10 Best: Alec And Lydia

This particular pick might be a controversial choice since Alec is one half of the most popular pairing of the show – and the other half isn’t Lydia. Alec and Lydia might not have any real attraction to one another, and they might not get romantic, but their communication and honesty is unparalleled in the show.

Lydia goes into their relationship with eyes wide open. She knows that Alec has feelings for someone else. Alec knows that Lydia is still grieving the loss of her husband. They don’t pull any punches with one another, admitting that arranging their relationship is purely out of duty to their families. It’s not the most romantic – and it never would have lasted – but their respect for one another, and Lydia still having that respect for Alec when he leaves her on their wedding day, makes them an incredible couple to watch.

9 Worst: Magnus And Camille

Magnus and Camille could have had an epic romance, but fans never see it. The audience is told quite a bit about how Magnus and Camille had a love that spanned decades across all of Europe and Asia. Magnus also explains repeatedly that Raphael might as well be the son he and Camille share as a result of their time together.

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The trouble is, the audience doesn’t see any of that from Camille. By the time Camille and Magnus interact, she’s manipulative and selfish, and it’s hard to see what Magnus ever saw in her.


8 Best: Jace And Clary

Other than that unfortunate arc in which the two believe they’re siblings, Jace and Clary are clearly the main relationship of the series. There’s never any point in which the audience believes they’ll end up with other people.

Jace always presents himself as tougher than anyone else, but Clary allows him to show a softer side. Likewise, when Clary’s entire world is turned upside down and she discovers she’s a born Shadowhunter, Jace is one of the few people she trusts with her life. They would do anything for each other.

7 Worst: Isabelle And Charlie

Isabelle’s love interests are usually members of the Downworld. When she meets Charlie, a regular human doctor, in the third season, however, she attempts a relationship outside of the world she’s known all her life.

While Charlie is nice enough, it’s hard for Isabelle to reconcile his life with her own. She has to keep her work as a Shadowhunter a secret, and it takes a strain on her. A relationship in which one person has to completely hide the things that make them who they are is no relationship at all.

6 Best: Isabelle And Raphael

Isabelle and Raphael have less of a romantic relationship and more of a friendship, though that’s not for Isabelle’s lack of trying. Raphael is there for her when she finds herself suffering from an addiction to vampire venom.

Raphael just wants to help Isabelle get through her addiction, and while he tries to help the two become closer. When Isabelle gets clean and voices her desire for a relationship, Raphael takes the responsible approach, deciding they should keep their distance. He worries that he might be becoming addicted to Isabelle’s blood and that being around one another would just slide them back into old habits. It’s a bit heartbreaking for the audience, but it’s great to see these two understand the reality of their situation.

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5 Worst: Maryse And Robert

Maryse and Robert Lightwood manage to raise three fantastic kids, but they can barely be in the same room together. When they’re a couple, they’re both tense and constantly worried about how the rest of the Shadowhunter world sees them.

It’s not until Robert has an affair and owns up to it that the two are able to go their separate ways and be themselves. When Robert is honest about what (and who) he wants, he’s not as tense. Without Robert to weigh her down, Maryse isn’t as focused on her appearance – or as hard on her kids.

4 Best: Jace And Maia

Young adult television shows would have their audiences believe that every relationship has to be a dramatic, world rocking, thing of legend. That’s not always the case. Sometimes, they can just be two people having fun.

Jace and Maia don’t initially get along. When they’re able to get past their differences, and while they’re both still hung up on other people, they get together for a purely physical relationship. It’s one of the few lighter aspects of the show.

3 Worst: Simon And Maia

In contrast to Jace and Maia just finding themselves having fun, everything between Simon and Maia is work. Maia is interested in Simon almost as soon as she meets him, but she continually pushes him away, which makes for a confusing start to their relationship.

Likewise, Simon spends a lot of their initial time together pining for his best friend. It takes a lot for him to even start considering the possibility of dating Maia. There comes a point in any teen series in which too many obstacles make the audience aware that two people shouldn’t be together.

2 Best: Magnus And Alec

There’s no question that when Magnus and Alec meet, even audience members who have no knowledge of the books that inspire the show know that there’s something between them.

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When Alec meets Magnus, he starts to loosen up for what seems like the first time in his life. His feelings for Magnus make him realize that he needs to not focus only on his duties to his family, but also on what he wants in life. Likewise, Magnus hasn’t allowed himself to fall in love for centuries. Being with Alec allows Magnus to let go again and open himself up to someone. They allow one another to be vulnerable and find someone they can trust completely.

1 Worst: Simon And Clary

Simon and Clary have been best friends their entire lives, which should be a great foundation for a romantic relationship. Unfortunately, that’s not how it works out.

In addition to being Clary’s best friend, Simon has also had a crush on her for most of his life. That makes him openly hostile to anyone who shows an interest in her and completely oblivious to people who are interested in him. Once they get together, Clary is also openly hostile to anyone who might have feelings for Simon. The two are very possessive of one another and don’t like to let anyone else in.

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