She-Ra and The Princesses of Power season 5 has been heralded as an amazing finale to an already-revered Netflix show. While fans and critics alike adored it, the season didn’t wrap up all the burning questions in Etheria. And not just nit-picky little curiosities, like how Catra will react to living in Brightmoon. No, there are big, concerning questions still left out in the open (that fans can only hope might be answered in spin-offs or movies). After all, the best friend squad still has to bring magic back to the galaxy, right?

While fans can live without some of these answers, other ones are just too crazy to leave open-ended.

10 Catra’s Origins

With so much action, plot, and best friend missions happening, backstories could be a little bare at times. The same goes for some world-building, as no one has any clue where Catra came from and how she ended up a Horde child recruit. Were her people decimated? Did they already live in the fright zone? Why is Catra one of the only cat-people fans see?

This could have been handled in some stray dialogue, but instead her origins are left a complete mystery. Perhaps that’s just part of being in the Horde, not knowing those kinds of things, but that doesn’t make fans any less curious about Adora’s girlfriend.

9 Core of She-Ra’s Powers

While fans know that She-Ra’s powers are from the First Ones and based in magic, that’s about it. She’s classified as a princess, even an elemental one, but it’s not quite clear how that works. Is her “stone” the Heart of Etheria? Or is it the fact the sword imprinted on her? And is her element “light”?

Even more, no one really clears it up if She-Ra was a given title in the past or the sword found people like it did for Adora.

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Basically, She-Ra’s purpose and past are still shrouded in quite a bit of mystery.


8 Missing Princesses

While fans adore the princesses that they’ve met, there are still quite a few missing. The rebels have only met a shapeshifting copy of the reclusive Peekablue, and no one has officially met Sweet Bee or several unnamed princesses.

Why weren’t they included? Did they want to keep to themselves? What are their powers? It’s been revealed that Peekablue has precognition powers, but Sweet Bee and any of the others are a complete mystery.

If there are any spin-offs, these princesses totally need to be explored.

7 The Future of Magic

Throughout the final season, it was mentioned that Etheria was a very magical planet but was being drained by First One influence. But if they freed the planet of the Heart, it would blossom with magic again.

The best friend squad also talked about bringing magic back to the universe as a whole.

While that sounds awesome, how will they even do that? And what will the planet look like with magic literally exploding out of every pore? If the universe was so empty of magic, it could be a harder task than just taking She-Ra on a galactic tour.

6 Hordak Prime’s Origins

Hordak’s galactic conquest was pretty well-implied, that he was leaving a trail of destruction across space. And it’s clear he’d been doing it for a while, considering all the discarded bodies he has collected and memories he has to work with.

However, his origins are absolutely mysterious. Where did he come from? How did he get his technology? Why is he compelled to purify the galaxy like this?

he was definitely an evil jerk that couldn’t live too long on screen, but there are still a lot of holes there that could be filled with some of Entrapta’s Hordak’s back-story.

5 The First Ones

Adora and friends know what The First Ones did to Etheria and how their influence affected the planet. However, the true history of the invasive race is still an unknown. After all, it’s clear they come from somewhere else far away, if Light Hope had to use magic to pull Adora from another planet.

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She-Ra and He-Man fans can assume that The First Ones are the subjects of Castle Greyskull and Eternia, but where is that? How are they doing? Were they attacked by Hordak’s onslaught?

While a lot of First Ones mysteries on Etheria are solved, there are even more unanswered questions about the First Ones beyond the planet. Especially since Adora is one of them.

4 Etheria’s True Capabilities

Shadowweaver made it clear that Etheria had untapped potential, being siphoned and drained by the Heart. That potential isn’t known, though. She-Ra and co. know that magic will explode on Etheria once it isn’t being drained to feed First Ones tech, but how much magic will be expounded? And will it end up being too much for the people of the planet to handle?

After all, Shadowweaver and Micah are great proof of the dangers of high magic. It could put Etheria in new danger.

While fans can hope it’ll work out great, there are too many unanswered questions to feel sure about that.

3 State of The Universe

Tracing some of Hordak Prime’s steps, Adora and friends learned that quite a bit of the universe was destroyed by his insurrections. To give the universe credit, though, Darla could only get so far and they turned right back after saving Glimmer and Catra. They don’t know how things are doing beyond. There could be worlds, even entire sectors, untouched by Hordak’s influence.

That, or all of it has been completely decimated.

The real problem is that these fan-favorite Etherian heroes simply don’t know and, without a spin-off or something, they may never know.

2 The Star Siblings

For a hot moment of an episode, Adora, Glimmer, Entrapta, and Bow meet the Star Siblings, refugees from a planet destroyed by Hordak Prime’s forces. They have a fun dynamic as three siblings who’ve had to learn to rely on each other for everything, especially survival. After their fueling adventure, the trio even joins their fight against Hordak.

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However, other than that, fans know little to nothing about them. Where did they come from? What was their planet like? Was it nearby and influenced by the First Ones, too?

The Best Friend Squad is awesome for being so trusting, but there are a lot of questions in the air.

1 Adora’s Origins

The biggest unanswered question of She-Ra, easily, is Adora’s origins. All fans know is that she is a First One, Light Hope stole her through a portal, and Hordak was the one who found her.

But the questions of where she came from, who she came from, still have no answers.

Any old school He-Man/She-Ra fans know the answer to that: she’s a princess of Eternia, kidnapped as an infant. Will her path ever cross with Adam and her bio parents in this universe, though, or will she just be She-Ra of Etheria?

Sure, this sounds like a spin-off film kind of question, but it still deserves answers!

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