One of the best things about She-Ra and The Princesses Of Power is its extremely well-rounded characters. It also humanizes the villains to a point where the audience can understand that they actually might not be all that bad. Two of the best anti-heroes of sorts are Horde Force Captains Catra and Scorpia.

They’re also both very different from each other, despite being villains. Scorpia is caring and Catra had a lot of anger, but they both have good things and bad things about them. Here are 10 reasons why Catra is the best character, and 5 it’s Scorpia.

10 Catra: She Saves Glimmer From Horde Prime

Catra is loyal to the Horde, and pretty much loyal to herself for most of the show. However, things start to change in season 5, and when she and Glimmer are trapped on Horde Prime’s ship, she uses her advantage as a villain who has Horde Prime’s trust to help Glimmer escape. After this, Catra gets chipped and the others return the favor by saving her.

9 Scorpia: She Cares About Catra

Despite the fact that Catra is a terrible friend to Scorpia every time they are together, she continues to be nice to her and offer her support. She doesn’t stop caring for her even when Catra is being the worst, and she is definitely the most caring force captain in the Horde.


8 Catra: She Doesn’t Give Up On Adora

Catra naturally feels unhealthy amounts of resentment towards Adora, who left her and the Fright Zone in order to join the rebellion. Catra has fair abandonment issues, but through all of that, she still does care about Adora and is reluctant to hurt her even if she refuses to say that she still sees Adora as her best friend.

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7 Scorpia: She’s a Princess

Even though Scorpia was a Force Captain for The Horde, she was a princess first. Her family gave up their territory for the Horde to set up the Fright Zone, and even though she is pretty different from the others, she is definitely a princess.

One of the best moments of the show is when she finally connects to the Black Garnet, and even though it’s a part of unleashing the Heart of Etheria, she does end up being extremely powerful.

6 Catra: She Loves Adora

One of Catra’s biggest weaknesses is probably Adora, and this comes into fruition in the last season of the show. Catra confesses that she loves Adora and they kiss, officially making their relationship canon. Almost everything she does comes from the anger that she feels for Adora leaving her to join the rebellion, and once she joins them, her motivation to be good partly comes from her love for Adora.

5 Scorpia: She Leaves To Rescue Entrapta

Scorpia is a very caring character, and she values the friendship that she has with Entrapta and Catra, even though it didn’t really seem like a friendship. When she finally decides that she doesn’t deserve how Catra has been treating her, she leaves with Entrapta’s bot Emily and goes to Bright Moon in order to attempt to rescue Entrapta from Beast Island.

4 Catra: She Stays With Adora

Catra changes in season 5, and while she struggles with the fact that Adora is the strongest of all of them and the only one who could save Etheria by potentially sacrificing herself and leaves because she can’t handle it, she comes back to help Adora defeat Horde Prime.

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Catra claims that she has to at least do one thing right in her life, and that was saving Glimmer, but she has a change of heart when she stays with Adora when it looks like they might lose the rebellion.

3 Scorpia: Her Relationship With Perfuma

One of the beautiful things to come out of season 5 is the relationship that blooms between Perfuma and Scorpia. Once Scorpia leaves the Horde and seeks help from the princesses, most of them aren’t eager to help her out. Perfuma is the only princess who believes that Scorpia’s intentions are good and that she really doesn’t want to hurt anybody.

2 Catra: She Joins The Rebellion

Once Adora, Glimmer, and Bow save Catra, it takes some convincing but she eventually joins the rebellion, even if it is more for the fact that she’ll now be working with Adora instead of fighting against her, which is a nice change. She eventually blends in with the other princesses and even makes up with Scorpia, who she was horrible to in the Fright Zone.

1 Scorpia: She Sees The Best In People

Scorpia is one of the best characters on She-Ra and The Princesses of Power because she sees the best in everybody even though she’s a villain. She doesn’t take long at all to warm up to Entrapta when she joins the Horde, and she even has an on and off friendship with Sea Hawk, which was both wholesome and hilarious.

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