Defeating Cleopatra is one of the ultimate challenges that players can face in Shin Megami Tensei V, and she can easily overpower opponents who aren’t using the combination of demons. Compared to other SMT games, however, Cleopatra may be an easier fight than she had been in the past. Fortunately for Shin Megami Tensei V players, Cleopatra is not introduced at level 99 like she was before.

Cleopatra was featured as a demon in Shin Megami Tensei IV, and she is the center of attention in The Rage of a Queen DLC for Shin Megami Tensei V. Defeating Cleopatra will unlock her in demon fusion, but this is one of the more challenging fights players will face in Shin Megami Tensei V. Defeating Cleopatra requires time and patience, and at-level players will find it impossible to beat her with brute force alone.


In Shin Megami Tensei V, Cleopatra is found at level 61. Cleopatra’s signature skill is Frolic, a skill that afflicts all enemies with the Charm ailment and greatly reduces their attack and defense for three turns. Cleopatra’s most devastating offensive attacks have Ice affinity in Shin Megami Tensei V. Defeating Cleopatra will take time, so it’s important to bring an array of demons that compliment one another. Additionally, all demons should be at least level 60, with Nahobino surpassing them all by about 10 levels in order to defeat Cleopatra. These levels are particularly important for the hardest difficulty setting in SMT V.

Beat Cleopatra by Decreasing Her Power in Shin Megami Tensei V

Like in other Shin Megami Tensei V boss battles, when facing Cleopatra, it’s important to bring along demons that can apply attack and defense power decreases to Cleopatra and provide defensive and offensive buffs to Nahobino and an offensively strong demon. Players will want at least one offensively strong demon and a demon that can apply chip damage to Cleopatra and protect the team from her Ice attacks. A great example of a team that can pull this off is Jikokuten, Alice, and Belphegor. Even after applying multiple debuffs to Cleopatra and buffs to the team, this fight can quickly see players lose to Cleopatra if she’s allowed to attack.

Nahobino should be continuously using “Profaned Land” because, in addition to being a strong Dark attack, Profaned Land has a chance to inflict Cleopatra with poison that can chip away at her health turn after turn. Jikokuten excels in providing defense debuffs to Cleopatra and attack buffs to Nahobino. Conversely, Belphegor is able to apply defense buffs to the team, apply attack debuffs to Cleopatra, and heal the team when needed. Alice is able to use her “Die For Me!” attack to constantly apply Dark chip damage to Cleopatra. Both Belphegor and Alice can also be used to apply Ice Dampener for the team when Cleopatra is about to use one of her strongest attacks after she gathers enough Magatsuhi.

Shin Megami Tensei V is available for the Nintendo Switch.

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