Far Cry has always been an outstanding franchise in the video game industry, but a Far Cry 7 release date is still likely years away. Throughout the years, Ubisoft has made changes to the franchise but has also kept the same basic standards. However, making a great game under the same name with the same outline can only last so long. So should Ubisoft bother with Far Cry 7? While the Far Cry franchise is excellent, it is falling into a repetitive form of open-world maps with insane leaders and a protagonist that’s always in a “fish out of water” scenario, and the repetition has grown stale with each Far Cry sequel.


In each Far Cry, the map must be completed in regions or sections. Each area has its own unique characters and stories. This formation has been overused and appears in all three Far Cry stories. Fighting against people who control a region also appears in almost every game. In Far Cry 3, Vaas is the villainous pirate known for his unstable behaviors. Pagan Min in Far Cry 4 killed his allies and ran away to a small state. In Far Cry 5, Joseph Seed is an influential and charismatic leader through faith. His path is to lead the people of Montana to join Eden’s Gate. Antón Castillo is the main antagonist and a dictator in Far Cry 6, furthering the series’ penchant for villains that are insane leaders.

As power, growth, and greed seem to fuel all four titles, other gameplay elements are repeated like “guns for hire” and “fangs for hire.” Having a companion during a mission seems to be favored in the franchise as it takes a role in the majority of the Far Cry games. Boomer, who made his first appearance in Far Cry 5, seemed to get an update in Far Cry 6 under the name Boom Boom. Far Cry 6 has cute companions and they are nice to have in combat, but it would be nice to get the player attached to one single companion and have a relationship grow throughout the game.

Far Cry 7 Should Avoid The Same Repetition Seen In Previous Games

Missions and side quests have also become repetitive in Far Cry games, like liberating outposts and burning fields in order to weaken the antagonist. In Far Cry 3 the player must burn marijuana fields, and in Far Cry 4, it’s opium fields. Far Cry 5 is known for burning flowers called Bliss that turn citizens into listening to Joeseph Seed. Far Cry 6‘s main story is built around tobacco fields that help the economy, and the protagonist burns them as well.

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Ubisoft could easily pump out Far Cry 7, and it could possibly be the next big seller for the studio, but at some point, Ubisoft will have to move away from the Far Cry franchise and the same repetitiveness that’s been carried through the years. Ubisoft is fully capable of creating a great linear story with lovable characters in an immersive world. Although Far Cry 7 is said to be a live service game in development, it would be nice to see Ubisoft move in a different direction for Far Cry at some point.

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