In 2004, Shrek 2 was released, and the sequel followed Shrek and Fiona’s tale as newlyweds.  With Donkey by their sides, the two ventured to Fiona’s parents’ kingdom to celebrate their nuptials, but it all went downhill when the King and Queen saw their daughter and son-in-law as ogres.

Fairy Godmother was soon introduced and pegged as the antagonist. All she wanted was for her son, Prince Charming, to marry Fiona so that he could be the future King of Far Far Away and the family would prevail. Little did she know, Shrek fought for his wife with a vengeance and put Fairy Godmother in her place. But until her demise, Fairy Godmother had plenty of evil moments that viewers couldn’t get enough of.


She Tried Giving Fiona A Makeover Even Though Fiona Was Happy With Herself

Fiona is as wonderful as a Disney Princess. She’s independent, stands up for herself, and follows her gut. But in Shrek 2, Fiona was at a loss when Shrek and her parents didn’t get along.

As she went to her bedroom one night after dinner, Fairy Godmother appeared and promised to make her pain go away. She broke into song and told Fiona she could give her the makeover of a lifetime as her fairy godmother. However, Fairy Godmother never asked Fiona what she wanted. She assumed Fiona would want a makeover because she was an ogre instead of a human. As ruthless as this was, it was hard for fans not to tap their toes to the song she sang.

Fairy Godmother Knew Exactly What To Do When She Noticed What Potion Was Missing

When Shrek realized that he was making Fiona’s life harder because of his dedication to being an ogre over a royal, he wanted to make a change. He visited Fairy Godmother’s factory to see if there was anything she could do for him. When she was no help, Shrek, Donkey, and Puss stole the Happily Ever After potion.

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Fairy Godmother used her witty intelligence to use the potion against Shrek. If he were to turn into a human that was unrecognizable to Fiona, she would keep him away and tell Fiona that her son, Charming, was actually Shrek’s new human form.

Her Deal With The King & Queen Was Self-Serving

When Fiona was born, she was under a curse that turned her into an ogre at night. Fairy Godmother encouraged the king and queen to keep Fiona locked away in a tower because of her appearance and to wait there until her son Charming was old enough to rescue her.

Once Charming rescued Fiona, the two would be the future King and Queen of Far Far Away. This deal was self-serving because Fiona would have to suffer alone while Charming was the hero. And while Charming had some of the funniest quotes in the Shrek franchise, he wasn’t Fiona’s type at all. As bad as the situation was for Fiona, fans had to give Fairy Godmother props for conducting a plan that worked in her favor.

Fairy Godmother Gave Shrek Harsh Advice

The only reason why Shrek transformed himself into a human was because he thought that’s what Fiona would want. He wanted to make her happy and was willing to be unhappy because of it.

Fairy Godmother laughed at Shrek’s pain and told him that Fiona would be happier now that she was with her son Charming. “She finally found the prince of her dreams,” she told him. When Shrek told Fairy Godmother how much he loved her, she told him “If you really love her, you’ll let her go.” Those words were calculated and made Shrek feel worthless. At the same time, it was hard not to be in awe of her skills as a villain.

She Tried Tricking Fiona

After a few days of Charming impersonating Shrek, King Harold realized he made a mistake in keeping Shrek away from his daughter. As one of Shrek’s more powerful enemies, Fairy Godmother encouraged Harold to give Fiona a love potion. Poisoning another person to get what she wanted was demonic of her.

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After drinking the love potion, Fiona would fall in love with the first person that kissed her. Harold hesitantly took the potion but didn’t feel comfortable poisoning and tricking his own daughter. At the last minute, Harold gave Fiona tea without the potion so that she wouldn’t fall in love with Charming when he kissed her.

Blackmailing The King

Fairy Godmother had no shame in blackmailing Harold to make her son king. At first, it didn’t make sense that Harold was bowing down to Fairy Godmother, but all was eventually revealed. According to Fairy Godmother, she’s the one responsible for giving Harold his happily ever after with Queen Lillian. If he wasn’t able to repay her, she was going to make his life miserable.

Blackmail is a rather dark topic for an animated movie, but it proved how twisted Fairy Godmother could be.

Fairy Godmother’s Team Imprisoned The Good Guys

Once Shrek, Donkey, and Puss realized that Charming was Fairy Godmother’s son, they put all the pieces together and realized why Fairy Godmother was so invested in Fiona and Charming’s relationship.

Fairy Godmother sent her guards after the three characters and imprisoned them to save her and Charming’s big secret. Watching Shrek, Puss, and Donkey in jail made fans feel bad for them. Fairy Godmother was willing to imprison the innocent to get her way.

She Forced Shrek To Watch The Romance Between Fiona And Charming

It was hard not to feel bad for Shrek when he became a human for Fiona and his efforts failed because of Fairy Godmother’s diabolical plan.

As soon as Shrek arrived at the kingdom in human form, Fairy Godmother lured him to a separate part of the castle where Fiona wasn’t. Fairy Godmother urged Shrek to look out the window where he saw Charming steal his identity and woo Fiona right in front of him. Shrek cried out Fiona’s name but it was to no avail — she couldn’t hear him. This was torture for Shrek and gutless of Fairy Godmother, but fans had to applaud her for always getting her way.

Manipulation At Fiona & Charming’s Ball

To expedite the romance between Fiona and Charming, Fairy Godmother and the king and queen threw a ball to celebrate their union.

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Throwing a ball in front of everyone was Fairy Godmother’s form of manipulation. She knew that Fiona, Harold, and Lilian would have no choice but to play by her rules because they were in a public setting. Although Fairy Godmother is a villain, her smarts make her a devilish one.

She Tried To Kill Shrek When None Of Her Charms Worked

Once Fiona heard Shrek’s voice in his human form, she knew he was actually her husband instead of Charming. A battle broke out against Shrek’s team of fighters and Fairy Godmother for one final duel. One of Shrek’s best qualities is that he’d do anything for Fiona, even if that meant dying.

To secure her and her son’s future, Fairy Godmother attempted to kill Shrek. The bolts from her wand, however, ricochet off King Harold’s armor and bounced back to her, killing her instantly. This was one final charm that didn’t go according to plan.

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