Meri Brown has been involved in so much drama with her family on Sister Wives, but her most shocking storyline fans forget about is her catfish catastrophe. Meri’s relationships with her husband Kody and his three other wives have made for fascinating reality television, but Meri’s relationship with her catfish is certainly one of Sister Wives’ biggest scandals to date. Here are all of the brutal details that went into Meri’s unfortunate relationship with Sam Cooper AKA Jackie Overton.

Meri and Kody’s relationship has been criticized for the majority of their time on reality television. Although Meri was Kody’s first wife of four, fans claim that Meri is the most neglected by Kody. Indeed, there is evidence that backs up fans’ feelings of Kody’s mistreatment of his wife. From the pair divorcing so Kody could legally marry his fourth wife Robyn Brown to Kody admitting he regrets marring Meri, the “spiritual union” between Meri and her husband is devoid of any affection. This is the chief cause of Meri’s involvement in a catfishing scandal. Meri’s loveless relationship with her husband left her lonely and in desperate need of love and catfish “Sam” eagerly took advantage.


Meri receives sympathy from Sister Wives fans because of the way Kody rejects her. Meri combatted Kody’s neglect by forming a relationship with Sam, a successful businessman in his 40s. Meri and Sam started talking on Twitter in March 2015, months after her divorce from Kody. Although she remained committed to her family and spiritual connection to Kody, Meri was in desperate need of affection that Sam temporarily satisfied. Meri’s online affair with Sam lasted for six months before the truth about him came out. Throughout their relationship, Meri and Sam often flirted on Twitter. Over time, flirting on Twitter escalated to Meri and Sam talking privately on the phone. Not long after, Meri had sent Sam sexually explicit messages. Sam had even tricked Meri into sending a suggestive photo with a banana.

Meri’s honeymoon with Sam started to fall apart when she attempted to meet with him in person. As exhibited in all of the best episodes of Catfish, the catfish’s priority is to put off meeting in real life for as long as possible. Although Sam was unable to see the Sister Wives star, Meri was able to meet up with Sam’s “friend,” Lindsey. In actuality, Lindsey turned out to be Meri’s catfish, Jackie. Meri recalled that when she met up with Jackie, who she believed to be Lindsey, she was threatened. Jackie told Meri she would ruin her life and her family. In August 2015, Meri discovered that Jackie was catfishing her as Sam. Unfortunately, Meri’s revelation resulted in Jackie leaking all of Meri’s private conversations and pictures. Jackie even went on to write a book titled, Almost Meri’d, about her experience catfishing the reality star.

Following the scandal, Meri was understandably devastated. She cited her relationship with Sam as a source of her disdain for Kody, as Jackie would tell Meri Kody was terrible to her. While fans agree that Meri should be done with Kody forever, the Sister Wives star’s experience as the victim of catfishing left her more grateful for her relationship with Kody, who she at least knew to be real. Although Meri was being tricked throughout her ordeal with Jackie, she found the compassion she was missing from her marriage with Kody. An additionally depressing element of this scandal is Kody’s fourth wife Robyn allegedly knew Meri was being catfished and never told her.

From her cold relationship with Kody to the abuse she endured from Jackie, Meri can’t seem to catch a break. While Sam gave Meri the emotional connection she desired from Kody, it was only a mirage. Meri might not have the most prosperous love life of her Sister Wives, but she does have fans’ sympathy.

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