Robyn Brown is the fourth sister wife to join the Brown family, and many fans of Sister Wives consider her to be Kody Brown’s favorite. As the youngest and newest bride, some fans feel Robyn has the most say over Kody’s decisions. That hasn’t stopped her from having her own struggles with plural marriage, along with Kody and the other wives, which this season of Sister Wives has been highlighting. As each wife comes to grips with their way of life, here’s what we know about Kody’s only legal wife.

In the most recent episode of Sister Wives, Robyn Brown expressed she might want more children. She told the audience she is 41 and the clock is ticking for her and Kody to make a decision. Robyn described seeing her existing children in a “pre-life.” She even told Kody she had a vision of raising a “little dark-haired boy” and was worried about leaving him behind. These concerns stem from Robyn’s Mormon faith. As a member of the Apostolic United Brethren church, which follows most Mormon teachings, she believes in a “pre-life,” or pre-mortality where all humans lived with God as spirit-children. According to Mormons, the people who choose to follow God are allowed to be birthed into a mortal body. Beliefs like this shape much of Robyn’s life.


Robyn grew up in Utah and married David Preston Jessop, who came from a prominent polygamist family. They got married in June 1999 and their first child was born six months later, in January of 2000. He was named after his father but now goes by Dayton rather than David. Robyn and her first husband had three kids together: Dayton, Aurora, and Breanna. Two years after Breanna was born, David filed for divorce, although Robyn said it was she who made the call and asked for a divorce because David was abusive. Even though her husband was from a polygamist family, Robyn was his only wife when they divorced.

Robyn met Kody in church 16 years after he married his first wife, Meri. In fact, Meri encouraged Kody to begin courting Robyn to be his fourth wife because she could see Robyn was special. Robyn was 10 years younger than Kody, but the pair had a connection. Kody proposed to Robyn 11 months after he first met her. A few years later, he divorced Meri in order to legally marry Robyn and adopt her children. Robyn and Kody had two of their own children together, Solomon and Ariella. In the latest episode, Kody revealed Ariella, who is four years old, could be his last child after 26 years of raising children.

When Robyn’s not being a mother and sister wife, she’s running the online boutique My Sister Wife’s Closet. The clothing store was started by all four sister wives, but it’s clear that, just like Meri’s bed and breakfast in Utah, My Sister Wife’s Closet is Robyn’s baby. Robyn is active on social media and enjoys live-tweeting each episode of Sister Wives. She has also authored two children’s books and co-authored Becoming Sister Wives: The Story of an Unconventional Marriage.

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