While Kody Brown is not terribly popular among the Sister Wives fanbase, fans have taken things a step further by starting to label Kody as a “narcissist.” Over his decade on reality television, fans have witnessed Kody’s worst moments, from neglecting his four wives to not putting effort into seeing his grandchildren. Based on Kody’s most unfavorable moments on Sister Wives, here’s how some fans reached the conclusion that Kody is a narcissist.

While some argue that fans are too hard on Kody, it is not very controversial to dislike the star of Sister Wives. Kody is considered a selfish husband who deals emotional abuse to his wives. Some examples of emotional pain Kody is claimed to have caused include the harrowing and tragic journey Meri Brown has endured over her 10 years on reality television. Meri and Kody got married in April 1990, making her the first of the polygamist’s four wives. Sister Wives captured Kody and Meri during their third decade as spouses, and Kody’s treatment of Meri was hard to watch. Kody clearly favored his other wives and even admitted he “regretted” marrying Meri while on the show. Meri experienced years of loneliness as a result of Kody’s neglect.


Meri is not the only victim of Kody’s emotional malnourishment. Janelle, Christine, and even Kody’s favorite and most recent wife Robyn have all shared low points in their relationships with Kody. On top of fans judging Kody for his inability to keep his four wives happy, Sister Wives viewers criticize the polygamist patriarch’s parenting skills. With eighteen children and three grandchildren, fans agree that Kody favors some children over others. Kody has also been chastised by viewers who notice he rarely spends time with his grandchildren. While Kody has certainly exhibited behaviors that warrant the label of poor father and husband, members of the Sister Wives fanbase have gone the extra step of diagnosing Kody with a narcissistic personality disorder.

On RedditSister Wives fans discussed whether or not Kody’s actions on television met the medical criteria for a narcissist. One Reddit user initiated the conversation by sharing that they have malignant narcissists in their family and “Kody fits the bill.” This Reddit user cited Kody’s failure to nurture his relationships and noted Kody’s need for control over others. The same fan wrote that they believed “Meri is a covert narcissist” for being so reliant on Kody and “Robyn is a co-malignant narcissist.” Other fans see things slightly differently. Another Reddit user with a background studying narcissistic personality disorder shared that they think Kody is “a product of grandiose narcissism.” According to Frontiers“Grandiose narcissism is characterized by high self–esteem, interpersonal dominance and a tendency to overestimate one’s capabilities.” 

Other Reddit users weren’t sold on Kody’s diagnosis, however. One commenter wrote, “Everyone is diagnosed as a narcissist by redditors… Kody is most likely just a self centered ***hole.” This Sister Wives viewer believes that the online fanbase doesn’t have a strong enough case to diagnose Kody as a narcissist. Other Reddit users agreed that just because Kody can be a selfish person, he is not necessarily a narcissist. Many fans who took part in the Reddit thread still believe Kody’s controlling tendencies are indicative of a narcissistic personality disorder. One Reddit user put it frankly, “If Kody is not a narcissist, who the hell is?”

While Kody would require a professional to certify whether or not he is a narcissist, plenty of Sister Wives fans feel justified in their claims the polygamist fits the bill. Kody’s selfish actions and strict control of his four wives have driven audiences to believe he is more than just a bad husband. Although no determination on Kody’s personality has been reached, a clear takeaway is that many Sister Wives fans do not like Kody.

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Sources: Frontiers, Reddit

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