Kody Brown’s relationships with his four spouses have come to a boil in Sister Wives season 16, but some fans think the polygamist’s wives have been reluctant to speak up against Kody until now out of fear. For the past decade the Brown clan has starred in Sister Wives, Kody has retained authority over his partners with a tight grip, and viewers think Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn have held their tongues to protect themselves from Kody’s venom. From withholding his love to his habit of lashing out, here’s why Sister Wives fans think Kody Brown’s wives are scared to stand up to him.


Although the Browns are an unconventional family when it comes to their polygamous lifestyle, the group of reality stars has valued traditional gender roles in their plural marriage. From issues concerning one of the many Brown children to the sister wives’ career decisions, Kody has had the final say in all matters that pertain to any member of his extensive family. Throughout the first Sister Wives seasons, everyone was content with following Kody’s orders. As the years passed, however, some of Kody’s wives became fed up with the patriarch’s controversial choices. Meri, Janelle, Christine, and Robyn’s reluctance to oppose their husband demonstrates why Kody Brown’s wives are scared to stand up to him.

Although Kody’s wives were consistently submissive to him during the beginning of the Brown family’s journey in Sister Wives, in recent seasons, some of Kody Brown’s spouses discovered the power of dissension. One of the earliest examples of Kody’s wives conflicting with his authority came with Meri’s affair with an online significant other that turned out to be a catfish. Most recently, Janelle and Christine have argued with Kody about the strict COVID-19 protocol he enacted in Sister Wives season 16. Unfortunately, the sister wives’ criticism isn’t typically welcomed by the patriarch. Instead, Kody has taught his polygamous partners to fear standing up to him by punishing the wives that challenge his authority. Although it’s been obvious that Kody treats his fourth wife, Robyn, with the most affection, fans believe Meri, Janelle, and Christine have been reluctant to voice their concerns out of this fear.

Instead of calling out Kody’s blatant favoritism, the first three sister wives opted to downplay their marital concerns in Sister Wives as irrational rather than face their husband’s wrath. One Reddit user assessed, “It’s sad how [Janelle] couldn’t say what she needed to say straight forward because she knew [Kody’d] blow up or get mad.” In Sister Wives season 16, Christine became the most vocal about her disappointment in her marriage and was ultimately punished by her husband when he decided to put an end to the intimate facet of their marriage. Sister Wives fans believe Kody’s inclination to withhold his affection from his wives after they challenge him is a result of his narcissism. In response to the wives’ downplaying their issues with Kody, a commenter explained, “This is how partners are conditioned to interact with covert… narcissists.”

Kody hasn’t always been the most thoughtful husband, and his tendency to lash out at his wives for forming their own opinions is likely a driving factor behind Christine Brown’s decision to ditch the polygamous relationship. From denying his wrongdoing to taking away affection, Kody Brown’s wives are scared to stand up to him because they know it will impact their marriage’s wellbeing. Fortunately, some of the Sister Wives stars have found their voices despite Kody’s consequences.

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Sources: Malibu2006/Reddit, Bopbahdoooooo/Reddit

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