There are endless ways to pass time until a much-anticipated game releases, and one The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim player is being particularly inventive, vowing to kill one particularly annoying NPC every day until The Elder Scrolls 6 is released. While it’s unlikely that this will prompt Bethesda to make the game any faster, that are certainly worse ways to blow off the frustration of a long wait. This is proof that, even with a game as well-tread as Skyrim, there’s always something new to do.

Skyrim first came out in 2011, and eleven years later, gamers are still finding ways to play the game differently, different objectives to complete, or ways to inflict damage. Whether riding on a dragonfly or dive-bombing a wedding, Skyrim fans never fail to be inventive. The game also has a thriving modding community, so no matter what someone might want to do in Skyrim, there’s probably a way to make it happen. Some use this for silly hijinks, but others might utilize this creative freedom to make a statement, like one player on a very targeted murder spree.


Games Radar reports that one player, going by the name of Sidek, has vowed to murder Nazeem, a notoriously annoying NPC in Skyrim, every single day until The Elder Scrolls 6 releases. Sidek documents every kill on their YouTube channel and has been doing so for the past four months. It’s worth noting that Sidek gets creative with a task that could be monotonous, using the environment, other NPCs, and creatures to do the deed for them sometimes. Clearly, this is someone dedicated to the task they’ve set for themselves and determined to have fun with it along the way.

This is an impressive feat, and if Sidek really does stick to their promise, they could be doing this for quite some time. In late 2021, Todd Howard said in an interview that it would likely be about fifteen years between Elder Scrolls games. Given that Skyrim came out in 2011, that puts The Elder Scrolls 6 releasing at some point in 2026. It’s possible that’s an exaggeration—Oblivion and Skyrim were only six years apart—but given that Skyrim has been out for eleven years and the only thing Bethesda has released for The Elder Scrolls 6 is the fact that it exists and is in some early stage of development, Sidek may have their work cut out for them for the next four or so years. That’s well over a thousand deaths for Nazeem.

No matter how many releases and re-releases The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gets, fans never seem to tire of playing it and exploring its world for new things to do. Sidek has given themselves a mission—a potentially years-long mission—and it remains to be seen if they’ll truly stick with it. If they do, their dedication will go down in Elder Scrolls legend.

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Source: Games Radar, Sidek/YouTube

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