Despite helping the Dragonborn kill Alduin in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the dragon Paarthurnax is still sad upon learning of his death. Paarthurnax provides key assistance toward defeating Alduin throughout the game such as informing the Dragonborn of the essential Dragonrend Shout and fighting alongside them against the evil dragon. Yet in spite of being instrumental in the World-Eater’s defeat, Paarthurnax cannot help but grieve the death of Alduin at the end of Skyrim.

Paarthurnax’s close relationship with Alduin is revealed through dialogue with Delphine, a member of Skyrim‘s Blades. Long before he adopted a peaceful lifestyle atop the Throat of the World, Paarthurnax committed great atrocities against the people of Tamriel as Alduin’s right hand. Delphine insists the Dragonborn kill him for this, but if players don’t kill Paarthurnax for the Blades in Skyrim, then he expresses his sadness regarding Alduin’s death during the epilogue of the main quest.


If Paarthurnax is alive during Skyrim‘s epilogue, he will express his sadness at the loss of Alduin to the Dragonborn. While he agrees that Alduin was wrong and that his defeat was necessary, Paarthurnax admits that he cannot celebrate the death of someone who was once his brother. Furthermore, Paarthurnax regards Alduin as the greatest creation of the dragon god Akatosh and respects Alduin’s history as the eldest dragon. Though Paarthurnax’s respect does not hinder his resolve to betray and kill Alduin, he muses that the world will never be the same without him.

Why Alduin’s Death Saddens Paarthurnax In Skyrim

Part of Paarthurnax’s sadness at Alduin’s death comes from their shared, destructive nature as dragons. The Blades sought Paarthurnax’s death in Skyrim because of his earlier crimes, as well as the fear that he could betray them as he betrayed Alduin. If the Dragonborn informs Paarthurnax that the Blades desire his death, he explains that while he has reformed and become trustworthy, it is the nature of dragons to dominate; Paarthurnax even admits that he struggles daily with not returning to his true nature. Because Paarthurnax understands the temptation of evil but chooses good, it is possible he once believed the same could be possible for Alduin before his arrogance led to his death. This could have made Paarthurnax’s betrayal and his brother’s death even harder for him.

Of course, the player is unlikely to share Paarthurnax’s sadness over Alduin’s death, as Alduin’s return causes turmoil throughout Skyrim. If players wish to avoid Paarthurnax’s grief altogether, they could simply ignore Skyrim‘s main quest entirely and enjoy the game’s other questlines instead. Still, Paathurnax’s complicated relationship with Alduin and his bittersweet reaction to his death makes him one of Skyrim’s more complex characters.

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