The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim features many Stormcloak, Imperial, and Hold Guard Commanders throughout its world, but few are worse than Whiterun’s Commander Caius. As an essential character, there’s no way to get rid of Commander Caius without console commands or mods. As the Commander of a Hold with a prospering agricultural community and market, Caius takes responsibility for the safety of Whiterun’s many citizens. Its economic importance and thriving farms prove that the city is ripe for bandit attacks (and the occasional giant), but the Hold’s guard is grossly mismanaged. Many signs throughout Skyrim‘s gameplay points toward Caius’ ineptitude, but there aren’t many ways to remove him from his position.


Skyrim‘s Whiterun is a farming city players can explore in the main quest. After escaping Helgen and entering Riverwood, the Dragonborn is directed to Whiterun to inform the Jarl of Alduin’s latest attack. While the guards are immediately skeptical of the player character, they are allowed to enter Dragonsreach without many obstacles and get within distance of the Jarl fairly easily. While this gameplay is essential for progressing in the main story, it’s the first of many signs that Whiterun’s Commander is likely the worst on the entire continent of Skyrim. Furthermore, Whiterun’s position as an agricultural marvel draws tons of attention from influential Jarls and bandits alike, worsening Commander Caius’ grievances.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has essential characters in each major Hold that occupy different roles in society. The Commanders are just one member of each Holds’ leadership that dictates the safety and security of their citizens. Commanders are usually deemed essential characters unless they’re involved in another questline, and most change depending on the side the Dragonborn picks in the Civil War. While each Commander varies in terms of competence, Whiterun’s is one of the worst.

Commander Caius Is Skyrim’s Worst Detective

When the Dragonborn joins the Thieves Guild in Skyrim, they are sent on various missions to increase their influence and eliminate competing businesses. The “Dampened Spirits” mission takes place in the Honningbrew Meadery outside Whiterun, a direct competitor of Black-Briar Meadery. To shut the location down, players act as an exterminator to eliminate a Skeever nest in Honningbrew’s basement as cover for poisoning the meadery vat. The Dragonborn may stick around for the tasting ceremony, bringing Commander Caius into Honningbrew to sample the now-tainted supplies.

Unfortunately for Sabjorn, Honningbrew’s owner, Commander Caius tastes the poison and immediately assumes Sabjorn is responsible for the cruel act. The Nord is led away to the prisons without argument and locked away for an unknown amount of time. While many would lock up someone who served poisoned mead, Commander Caius’ dialogue and actions suggest he may be the worst detective in all of Skyrim.

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As a commander of the Whiterun guards in Skyrim, Commander Caius has many responsibilities and duties to carry out. Organizing patrols and ensuring Whiterun’s security are just a few, but it’s unlikely many criminals break the law in broad daylight. Controlling crime in a city needs cunning, awareness, and an intellectual mind to outthink lawbreakers.

When Caius arrests Sabjorn, he jumps to the first conclusion without considering other variables. What did Sabjorn have to gain from poisoning Whiterun’s Commander? Who had the most to gain from sabotaging the tasting ceremony? Why is the Dragonborn here? These are all questions and logic that Caius could have used to determine foul play at the Honningbrew Meadery. Unfortunately, his lack of experience and observational skills doom an innocent man to prison and allow a criminal organization to gain a foothold in his city.

Commander Caius Is A Coward In The Skyrim Civil War

The Civil War quest in Skyrim presents a unique opportunity for players to change the country’s fate. Players may side with the Imperials or the Stormcloaks and conquer opposing Holds, fortresses, and install new leadership throughout the country. At its conclusion, players may find themselves surrounded by new NPCs while irreversibly damaging their relationship with others.

However, the Civil War is also an opportunity for players to discover a character’s true colors and allegiances. While some NPCs blatantly flaunt support for either the Stormcloaks or the Imperials, others retain their neutrality and are more against bloodshed. In Commander Caius’ case, the Dragonborn discovers that Whiterun’s Commander is a coward who refuses to stand with his men in combat.

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The Dragonborn’s choice between the Imperials or Stormcloaks in Skyrim’s Civil War results in untold casualties throughout the towns and cities. Dozens of guards die, and buildings are decimated during combat, leaving Skyrim shaken to its core. However, while most guards fight and die alongside their fellow fighters, Commander Caius survives the conflict and does not appear during battle. Following the battle for Whiterun, players can find Commander Caius in the Blue Palace, where he lectures the Dragonborn about honor. His criticisms are especially ironic considering his decision to coordinate a failed defense from the backlines, where there was little risk of personal damage or death.

Whiterun Admits Caius Is Skyrim’s Worst Commander

Even if players are inclined to give Commander Caius a pass on his transgressions, various characters in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim and in Whiterun are vocal about his failure as a Commander. The Bannered Mare is where many NPCs congregate at the end of each day, offering the Dragonborn quests and company. One particular character, Sinmir, loudly claims that the security in Whiterun is “shameful,” and Caius “walks around Dragonsreach like a preening rooster” instead of doing his job. No one in The Bannered Mare refutes these claims or objects, even if Whiterun guards are inside the establishment. The lack of Caius’ defense even from his own men is quite telling, concluding that the character can’t maintain his reputation, let alone his city.

Unlike many terrible NPCs scattered throughout Skyrim, Commander Caius fails his city through inaction rather than outright malice. Compared to cities like Solitude and Markarth, Whiterun isn’t a large Hold and doesn’t take long to explore. However, Caius’ failure to make regular patrol routes and assist his guards with their duties proves his inability to uphold the tasks he bestows on others or his contemptible compliance with the safety of his citizens.

While Whiterun isn’t Skyrim‘s worst city (like Markarth or Riften), its Commander is doing it no justice. The discontent with locals combined with an overall lack of care shown in his day-to-day schedule proves that he’s unfit to command Whiterun’s guard. Unfortunately, there’s no way to remove Caius from his position without joining the Stormcloak Rebellion in Skyrim’s Civil War, meaning more pacifistic players are at a dead end. Players looking to discover Caius’ behavior for themselves should purchase one of the many The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim versions available.

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