Of all the armors available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, none have the force of presence commanded by a full Daedric armor set. Likewise, anyone wielding a Daedric weapon into battle poses a large threat, dealing more damage than practically anything else in the game, even including Stalhrim from the Dragonborn DLC. Only Dragonbone weapons can surpass Daedric quality, and in terms of defense, even Dragonbone cannot match the armor rating offered by Daedric heavy armor.

At higher levels, Daedric weapons and armor can be found as leveled loot, but this is rare and unpredictable. Typically, the best way to ensure getting a set is to forge it. This is first a costly process, as it involves spending money to buy the requisite Leather Strips, Ebony Ingots and Daedra Hearts. Moreover, players cannot craft Daedric gear without attaining the level 90 Daedric Smithing perk. Reaching 90 levels in Smithing is a time-consuming, labor-intensive process that usually boils down to mining, smelting, and crafting hundreds of iron daggers.


What many players don’t know is that there’s actually a way to make Daedric armor and weapons without ever interacting with a smithing forge. While leveling up the Smithing tree requires diligent, continuous crafting, Daedric gear can also be crafted after reaching level 90 in the Conjuration tree. This opens a new arcane approach to Skyrim and doesn’t even require a single perk. In addition to Daedric items, it’s also a way to reliably create scrolls, rare alchemy ingredients, magic staffs, and even spell tomes.

How Skyrim’s Atronach Forge & Sigil Stone Work For Daedric Gear

The key is using the Atronach Forge, a puzzling and often overlooked contraption tucked away in the College of Winterhold’s Midden. Without any perks or skill in Conjuration, the Atronach Forge can still be used to create simple magic items. Cleverly, a broomstick can be turned into a powerful Atronach-summoning staff if combined with elemental salts, a Greater Soul Gem, and rare ore. Similarly, junk items like burned books or rolls of paper can be transformed into Spell Tomes and Scrolls. To an expert Conjurer, however, the Atronach Forge also acts as a cauldron for brewing up any kind of Daedric item. Skyrim‘s Daedric artifacts, by contrast, are unique. These are instead awarded for completing specific quests.

Players who want to use the Atronach Forge to craft Daedric gear, however, will first need to complete the Conjuration Ritual Spell quest, initiated by speaking with Phineas Gestor after reaching level 90 in Conjuration. While the prerequisite is a grind, completing the quest itself is rather easy. It involves summoning an Unbound Dremora and defeating it a few times in a row. The high parapets of the College of Winterhold make the Unrelenting Force Shout an easy way to beat him. Besides making Conjuration master spells available for purchase, Unbound Dremora also rewards the player with a Sigil Stone. This Sigil Stone needs to be placed on top of the Atronach Forge in order for it to transform components into Daedric gear.

Players don’t need any perks in Conjuration or Smithing to make Daedric gear with the Atronach Forge, but all the recipes still require semi-rare components. To start, the Atronach Forge always requires one Daedra Heart (available at Alchemy shops), a Black Soul Gem (empty or filled), and a Centurion Dynamo Core (found in Dwemer ruins). Since the Atronach Forge essentially upgrades Ebony items into Daedric, players will also need an unenchanted Ebony helmet, for example, in order to make a Daedric one. Beyond that, Adding Void Salts to the mix also enchants the armor with a random effect. While it’s still a challenge to get Daedric items in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, using the Atronach Forge does cut Smithing out of the equation and reduces crafting costs, making it a viable preference for mage builds.

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