Sephiroth from Final Fantasy 7 weighs the same as Pokémon’s Pikachu in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This is one of many examples of the game’s weight system not making much logical sense, as it exists for SSBU‘s gameplay balance, rather than as a reflection of the characters themselves.

A character’s weight in the Super Smash Bros. series determines how far they get knocked back when struck. Heavier characters are stronger and harder to kill, but they’re also slower and are bigger targets. Lighter characters are fast and harder to hit, but they’re weaker and don’t hit as hard. At the time of writing, Bowser is the heaviest character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, while Pichu is the lightest. They are likely to maintain their positions at the bottom and top of the weight list, but the Smash‘s last DLC fighter could shake up the rankings.


The weight system is vital for gameplay balancing, so Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. developers likely don’t care if there are inconsistencies between characters’ in-game weights and their in-universe measurements. Pichu’s light weight makes sense, but other light characters aren’t as fitting, including Sephiroth.

Smash’s Sephiroth Is Lighter Than He Looks

According to Smash Wiki’s weight value list, Sephiroth weighs the same as Pikachu, as well as Olimar, Mewtwo, and Kirby. This also means he’s lighter than visually smaller characters like the Duck Hunt duo, Isabelle, Daisy, Zelda, Young Link, Diddy Kong, Ness, Villager, and Inkling. Sephiroth is over 6 feet tall and carries a massive sword, yet in Smash, he’s lighter than a dog and several children and is the same weight as a rodent.

It’s clear Sephiroth’s light weight is a means of balancing the character, as he’s already considered one of the best fighters in the game. His weight makes it easier to KO him, while his height makes him easier to trap in combos. If fans want an in-universe explanation, perhaps the Jenova cells make him a lot lighter than the average human. Either that, or he is one of the shapeshifted Jenova limbs Cloud and his friends battle throughout Final Fantasy 7. Luckily for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, the fighting game doesn’t really need to come up with an explanation; players should be glad he’s is as light as he is, as a heavy Sephiroth would dominate SSBU‘s playable roster.

Source: Smash Wiki

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