The final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate patch notes for Ver. 13.0.1 have been released by Nintendo, and it details more character buffs than nerfs in terms of fighter balance changes. The arrival of Sora in Smash Bros. Ultimate’s 13.0.0 update and accompanying changes evidently weren’t all the publisher and Masahiro Sakurai-led developer Sora Ltd. had planned, and the latest update marks the end of major support for the Nintendo Switch game.

The Smash Bros. Ultimate Ver. 13.0.1 update nearly marks the platform fighter’s third anniversary. The title was already considered to be the most ambitious gaming crossover at release by bringing back every first-party and licensed character from the series’ history, yet it added more still through its two sets of Fighters Pass DLC content. From Dragon Quest’s Hero to Minecraft‘s Steve and Alex, the SSBU roster grew from around 70 fighters at launch to a grand total of 82. Each of these tailor-made characters has been balanced and rebalanced over the years, with the previous Smash Bros. Ultimate update buffing and nerfing several of them.


With the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ver. 13.0.1 update now available to download on Switch, official Nintendo patch notes reveals which characters’ attributes and moves were adjusted in the game’s final major list of changes. More than a quarter of the roster were tweaked in 13.0.1, some more than others. While specific values for increases and decreases weren’t included (which is routine), some of the greatest buffs were awarded to Meta Knight, Ryu, and Bowser Jr. Sora received his first (and possibly last) small change in the patch, with the only note concerning the character stating his knockdown animations now better match the lengths of characters’. The only notable downgrades in the final Smash Bros. Ultimate fighter balance update’s patch notes concern Pyra and Mythra, whose side special and side smash attacks were nerfed somewhat.

Smash Bros. Ultimate Patch Notes: Ver. 13.0.1 Fighter Adjustments


  • Basic Movements: Adjusted the length of some of the animations when knocked down on the ground to match other fighters.
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Donkey Kong

  • Neutral Attack 2: Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts. Reduced vulnerability
  • Down Tilt Attack: Extended the amount of time opponents will be in the damage animation.
  • Neutral Special: Increased the speed that super armor activates.


  • Neutral Attack 1: Increased attack speed.
  • Down Tilt Attack: Adjusted launch angle.
  • Up Smash Attack: Extended launch distance for the final attack.


  • Side Special: Made it easier to grab edges.


  • Side Special: Made it easier to grab edges.

Ice Climbers

  • Dash Attack: Increased attack speed.
  • Down Smash: Attack Extended launch distance.
  • Up Special: Increased attack speed. Increased the speed of the edge-grab range detection.


  • Dash Attack: Increased attack power while maintaining launch distance.
  • Side Smash Attack: Increased the attack range in the front to match the visual.


  • Side Tilt Attack: Increased power. Extended launch distance.
  • Forward Throw: Increased power.

Meta Knight

  • Up Smash Attack: Increased attack range. Adjusted so opponents won’t fall over when hit with the first or second hit.
  • Forward Air Attack: Increased power.
  • Back Air Attack: Increased power.
  • Up Throw: Extended launch distance.


  • Neutral Attack 1: Increased power. Reduced vulnerability.
  • Neutral Attack 2: Increased attack power while maintaining launch distance. Reduced vulnerability.


  • Neutral Attack 3: Increased power. Extended launch distance.
  • Up Smash Attack: Extended launch distance for the high-damage range.
  • Side Special: Increased power when starting to charge forward on the ground. Extended launch distance when starting to charge forward on the ground.

Mega Man

  • Dash Attack: Extended launch distance for the final attack. Increased attack speed.
  • Down Smash Attack: Extended the damage range downward.
  • Side Special: Increased power.

Rosalina & Luma 

  • Basic Movements: Shortened the launch distance when Luma is launched.
  • Down Smash Attack: Extended Rosalina’s damage range inward.
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  • Flurry Attack: Increased attack range. Increased power.
  • Flurry Attack to KO: Increased attack range

Bowser Jr.

  • Dash Attack: Made it easier to hit multiple times. Increased power.
  • Down Tilt Attack: Made it easier to hit multiple times. Adjusted launch angle for the final attack.
  • Up Smash Attack: Increased power.
  • Side Special: Extended launch distance when spinning.


  • Side Tilt Attack (Strong): Increased attack speed.
  • Neutral Special: Increased attack power while maintaining launch distance for light, medium, heavy, and command-input attacks.
  • Side Special: Reduced vulnerability for light, medium, heavy, and command-input attacks when used on the ground.


  • Down Special: Increased attack speed for Finishing Touch.


  • Reduced vulnerability when reloading ink.
  • Side Tilt Attack: Increased power. Extended launch distance.
  • Up Tilt Attack: Made it easier to hit opponents on the ground.
  • Side Smash Attack: Made it easier to hit the high-damage range.
  • Neutral Special: Extended the distance of the shot.


  • Dash Attack: Increased power. Extended launch distance.

Piranha Plant

  • Side Tilt Attack: Extended launch distance for the final attack.
  • Down Tilt Attack: Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts. Reduced vulnerability.
  • Down Air Attack: Increased the amount of time the meteor effect lasts for the damage window.
  • Down Special: Shortened the time to use the move.

Min Min

  • Basic Movements: Reduced the power against shields for each punch. Adjusted the length of some of the animations when knocked down on the ground to match other fighters.
  • Neutral Air Attack: Increased the vulnerability when landing.
  • Side Smash Attack: Reduced the duration of the Dragon’s beam.


  • Up Smash Attack: Reduced the duration of an opponent’s animation when they are struck by different parts of this attack.


  • Basic Movements: Adjusted the length of some of the animations when knocked down on the ground to match other fighters.
  • Side Special: Increased vulnerability.
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  • Basic Movements: Adjusted the length of some of the animations when knocked down on the ground to match other fighters.Side Smash Attack: Shortened launch distance.

While the story of how Sora got into Smash Bros. Ultimate in the first place is fascinating – and his inclusion at all is nothing short of impressive – some in the online fighting game community may be concerned about the character’s overall lack of changes in the final patch. Sora was added in mid-October and Ver. 13.0.1 was released only a little more than one month afterward, meaning casual and competitive players alike haven’t had much time to provide meaningful feedback on his strengths, weaknesses, and possible exploits.

In any case, the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Ver. 13.0.1 means major support for the game has finally come to a close. It’s not impossible that Nintendo could release future patches should issues arise, but the above Smash Bros. patch notes will likely be the Nintendo Switch title’s last significant list of changes.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available for Nintendo Switch.

Source: Nintendo

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