The Snapchat app does have a dark mode, although not all users can currently access it, let alone turn it on or off. Dark modes and themes have been popular additions in recent years and many apps now offer their own versions. Not to mention, the major operating systems also offer more system-wide solutions for changing the overall phone’s theme from light to dark.

There are a number of benefits to using dark mode instead of a light theme. For one thing, it can be easier on the eyes and this is especially the case when a smartphone is being viewed in a darker environment or at night. Just as importantly, dark themes can also reduce the strain on batteries, potentially allowing a smartphone to last longer before it needs to be charged again.


Snapchat does have a dark mode option in the app, but the company appears to only be testing it with select users at the moment. With no clear information on which users do have access, the best way to check if a dark mode is available is to simply look for the option in the app. Luckily, that’s fairly easy to do. However, it does seem to be only available to iOS users, so it is probably not worth Android users even checking right now. The update is understood to have started rolling out in early January on iOS and, as of last week, Reddit users enrolled in the Android Snapchat beta were still noting no dark mode available. In contrast, the iOS version doesn’t seem to be reliant on being part of the beta.

How To Check For Dark Mode & Turn It On

The option for dark mode is located in the Snapchat app’s settings. To access the settings menu, open the app, tap on the profile picture in the top left corner and then on the settings (cog) icon in the top right corner. Once the settings menu opens, scroll down and look for a section labeled App Appearance. If it’s there, that’s a good sign. Tapping on App Appearance will open the dark mode menu and allow the user to enable or disable the darker theme.

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The options consist of Always LightAlways Dark and Match System. The first two are relatively straightforward as enabling the always light or dark will simply tell the app to always display in the lighter or darker theme. Match System on the other hand is more of an adaptable setting. Essentially, with Match System enabled, the Snapchat app will defer the decision of whether to show in light or dark mode to the operating system. Therefore, the user will need to ensure the phone’s OS has been set to dark mode/theme when using the Match System option, if they want Snapchat’s dark mode to also be enabled.

Source: Reddit

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